Every Trump Supporter ( and everyone else) needs to hear this

For the record here are the electoral vote totals for every election since Reagan:

2012 O'bama 332-206
2008: O'bama 365-173
2004: Bush 286-251
2000: Bush 271-266
1996: Clinton 379-159
1992: Clinton 370-168
1988: Bush 426-111

Rump got 304. Still waiting for some brave soul to essplain to the class how "304" is a greater number than "426:, "370", "379", "365" or "332".

And what did Rump do as soon as he was called out by "dishonest media"? Predictable -- he blames "the numbers I was given".

What a fucking PANSY.

This is what those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear have been pointing out for two years --- Rump has never taken responsibility for anything in his life. And he's not starting now.

******DEAL****** with that, self-deluders.

Well YOU made a mistake in your LIST are you aware of that? "O'bama" was never Irish! It is Obama!
And of course impeccable people so prone to accuracy NEVER EVER questioned THESE GIGANTIC GAFFES!
1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”
2) "A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”
Wrong hero.
3) President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011.
4) “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.
5) “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.
6) ”In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed.” He was only off by 9,988 as the twister
killed 12 people.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
8) "No, no. I have been practicing. … I bowled a 129. It’s like-it was like Special Olympics, or something.”
9) What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith
10) And that really famous gaffe.."while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008. Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman"! Geez!
Remember this is the same guy that those rough and tough "journalists" declared :
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Chris Matthews' "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

Yea the MSM have been so soft on Obama not any of them really were as Trump described them "hateful" tone during Obama's terms.
Lucy Hamelton can't address a single thing Shep said.
But instead goes into her and Trump's bullshit schtick trying to scare people. Lucy you're an unamerican hack who doesnt have the integrity to discuss anything Shep said or the psychotic lies her fuhrer spews out on a daily basis..

This. trump / Russian scandal is not going away anytime soon no matter how hard your whiny little bitch tries to stamp out the free press in this country.
Uhmm.....that sounded quite incoherent. Maybe it is too late and your mind was clouded with certain fumes. Let me assure you that Lucy would hand your ass to you in a split second. Your intellect has a lot to desire while her vast knowledge of various subject matters and her high intelligence level is certainly defeat you any time, any place, any subject. Just keep your mouth shut, you better off, trust me on that one.
Funny. How intelligent can she be if she's a trump supporter? Supports a lunatic who lies everytime he opens his mouth.
Watches him use his old Android phone ( that can be easily hacked) while speaking of national security out in the open in front of wait staff and many others.
You mfers screamed about Hillary compromising national security but you don't say a word when trump does worse.
I could care less how intelligent you think she is or anyone is if they have a black soul and supports a true American traitor like Comrade Trump.
This Trump presidency is not going to end well and you're going to have to explain to your grandkids how you supported this lunatic.
For the record here are the electoral vote totals for every election since Reagan:

2012 O'bama 332-206
2008: O'bama 365-173
2004: Bush 286-251
2000: Bush 271-266
1996: Clinton 379-159
1992: Clinton 370-168
1988: Bush 426-111

Rump got 304. Still waiting for some brave soul to essplain to the class how "304" is a greater number than "426:, "370", "379", "365" or "332".

And what did Rump do as soon as he was called out by "dishonest media"? Predictable -- he blames "the numbers I was given".

What a fucking PANSY.

This is what those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear have been pointing out for two years --- Rump has never taken responsibility for anything in his life. And he's not starting now.

******DEAL****** with that, self-deluders.

Well YOU made a mistake in your LIST are you aware of that? "O'bama" was never Irish! It is Obama!
And of course impeccable people so prone to accuracy NEVER EVER questioned THESE GIGANTIC GAFFES!
1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”
2) "A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”
Wrong hero.
3) President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011.
4) “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.
5) “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.
6) ”In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed.” He was only off by 9,988 as the twister
killed 12 people.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
8) "No, no. I have been practicing. … I bowled a 129. It’s like-it was like Special Olympics, or something.”
9) What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith
10) And that really famous gaffe.."while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008. Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman"! Geez!
Remember this is the same guy that those rough and tough "journalists" declared :
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Chris Matthews' "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

Yea the MSM have been so soft on Obama not any of them really were as Trump described them "hateful" tone during Obama's terms.
Still can't address any of Trump's incredible daily lies nor his Russian connection. Figures.
All you can do is deflect because even you realize there is no defending this crazy man.
Well YOU made a mistake in your LIST are you aware of that? "O'bama" was never Irish! It is Obama!

That's not a "mistake" DUMBASS. That's how I always write the name. It's a joke. For an asshat who's obsessed with which hand O'bama wipes his ass with you ain't real observant.

And btw O'bama does have Irish roots anyway so you're still wrong.

1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign

--- the poster continued "but Obama this, Obama that, Obama three hundred other things, yammer yammer yammer moan bitch complain..."

Pogo's Law all over again.

This is not an Obama thread. Dismissied.
For the record here are the electoral vote totals for every election since Reagan:

2012 O'bama 332-206
2008: O'bama 365-173
2004: Bush 286-251
2000: Bush 271-266
1996: Clinton 379-159
1992: Clinton 370-168
1988: Bush 426-111

Rump got 304. Still waiting for some brave soul to essplain to the class how "304" is a greater number than "426:, "370", "379", "365" or "332".

And what did Rump do as soon as he was called out by "dishonest media"? Predictable -- he blames "the numbers I was given".

What a fucking PANSY.

This is what those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear have been pointing out for two years --- Rump has never taken responsibility for anything in his life. And he's not starting now.

******DEAL****** with that, self-deluders.

And furthermore ---- even AFTER he was called out on the fake Reagan comparison and wimped out with "numbers I was given" ---- Rump lied AGAIN claiming he got 306 electoral votes. He actually got 304 because two electors refused to vote for him.

Say it with me suckers. "Path - o - log - i - cal LI - AR".

Just think. This is only one month. Gird your grid for 47 more.
I've notice not one deplorable could address any of the facts Shep Smith talked about.
Only " he's gay, a liberal " blah blah bla.

Truth and facts are always ignored by Trump and his followers.
Trump's most recent excuse for lying about facts and figures that can be easily verified: " That's what they're telling me."
And you're good with that?
So you critical thinkers don't want to know what the Trump people were talking to the Russians about while Putin/ Assange were releasing damaging info on Hillary?

So you critical thinkers don't have the balls to admit Trump continues to lie thru his teeth about EVERYTHING?
Well, see there are no rightwing critical thinkers on this board.
Well YOU made a mistake in your LIST are you aware of that? "O'bama" was never Irish! It is Obama!

That's not a "mistake" DUMBASS. That's how I always write the name. It's a joke. For an asshat who's obsessed with which hand O'bama wipes his ass with you ain't real observant.

And btw O'bama does have Irish roots anyway so you're still wrong.

1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign

--- the poster continued "but Obama this, Obama that, Obama three hundred other things, yammer yammer yammer moan bitch complain..."

Pogo's Law all over again.

This is not an Obama thread. Dismissied.

I agree with you ...Obama IS A JOKE. I mean when he hired the architect of Obamacare who clearly stated it was because of the
"stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." I guess that puts you in the category that
Obama speaks of with true disdain.
Obviously you are the type of person Obama was describing when he wrote this:

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

You were suckered by an angry old black man now who told you he was going to lie and trick you!
From his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95

Please note... the word is "Dismissed"...!
So you critical thinkers don't want to know what the Trump people were talking to the Russians about while Putin/ Assange were releasing damaging info on Hillary?

So you critical thinkers don't have the balls to admit Trump continues to lie thru his teeth about EVERYTHING?
Well, see there are no rightwing critical thinkers on this board.
The more I read it's apparent there are no sane RWer's on this board.
Liberal news anchor goes on liberal rant...in other late breaking news, water is wet.
Where is he wrong?
Nice rebuttal. Lmao.
He's 100% accurate with everything he said and he's hardly the only one maybe you don't want to know if your president is a crook and if he actually worked with Putin to win the election but many in the country do

Putin helped us get rid of Hillary he did us a favor. Mostly it was FBI director Comey man he swift boated her but good, good job Comey you are a great American. :eusa_clap:
So you critical thinkers don't want to know what the Trump people were talking to the Russians about while Putin/ Assange were releasing damaging info on Hillary?

So you critical thinkers don't have the balls to admit Trump continues to lie thru his teeth about EVERYTHING?
Trump people...funny. Flynn was a civilian talking to the Russian ambassador. He held no public office. Where is the crime?

Dumbcon as always. Why do you think your messiah fired him if he Is innocent?

You right wing nuts are so used to it with trump bullshit that you no longer understand what is right or wrong. Sad.
I think that the real issue here is that Trump supporters have been brainwashed into think that Trump is a paragon who can do no wrong. Anything that goes against Trump or shows him in a negative light is "fake", the "opposition", or the "problem."

This news story is old. Trump has been blasting from the hip with verifiably false information from day one. There is no way to change the mind of the zealots who follow him because anything that doesn't agree with their worldview...is wrong...or backed by George Soros...or whatever other reason somebody's twitter or blog comes up with that is accessible by Googling it.

The sad issue is that I don't think that there is a real good answer on how to educate his followers as their hive mind has reached a religious zeal that ignores all counterpoints. We have a hard journey ahead of us, and we don't have a hope of being the "United" States of America for a long, long time.

Sad to say but it's true.
I watched his news conference yesterday and it's the most chaotic,bull shit, non sense and sad presidential news conference I ever saw in my life.
So you critical thinkers don't want to know what the Trump people were talking to the Russians about while Putin/ Assange were releasing damaging info on Hillary?

So you critical thinkers don't have the balls to admit Trump continues to lie thru his teeth about EVERYTHING?
Trump people...funny. Flynn was a civilian talking to the Russian ambassador. He held no public office. Where is the crime?

Dumbcon as always. Why do you think your messiah fired him if he Is innocent?

You right wing nuts are so used to it with trump bullshit that you no longer understand what is right or wrong. Sad.

That's President Trump, your president, your CIC.
I think that the real issue here is that Trump supporters have been brainwashed into think that Trump is a paragon who can do no wrong. Anything that goes against Trump or shows him in a negative light is "fake", the "opposition", or the "problem."

This news story is old. Trump has been blasting from the hip with verifiably false information from day one. There is no way to change the mind of the zealots who follow him because anything that doesn't agree with their worldview...is wrong...or backed by George Soros...or whatever other reason somebody's twitter or blog comes up with that is accessible by Googling it.

The sad issue is that I don't think that there is a real good answer on how to educate his followers as their hive mind has reached a religious zeal that ignores all counterpoints. We have a hard journey ahead of us, and we don't have a hope of being the "United" States of America for a long, long time.

Sad to say but it's true.
I watched his news conference yesterday and it's the most chaotic,bull shit, non sense and sad presidential news conference I ever saw in my life.

Okay what specifically upset you?
I think that the real issue here is that Trump supporters have been brainwashed into think that Trump is a paragon who can do no wrong. Anything that goes against Trump or shows him in a negative light is "fake", the "opposition", or the "problem."

This news story is old. Trump has been blasting from the hip with verifiably false information from day one. There is no way to change the mind of the zealots who follow him because anything that doesn't agree with their worldview...is wrong...or backed by George Soros...or whatever other reason somebody's twitter or blog comes up with that is accessible by Googling it.

The sad issue is that I don't think that there is a real good answer on how to educate his followers as their hive mind has reached a religious zeal that ignores all counterpoints. We have a hard journey ahead of us, and we don't have a hope of being the "United" States of America for a long, long time.

Sad to say but it's true.
I watched his news conference yesterday and it's the most chaotic,bull shit, non sense and sad presidential news conference I ever saw in my life.

Okay what specifically upset you?

His lies, interruptions, deflections, bullying and that is just in one day.
Do you want me to keep going?
So you critical thinkers don't want to know what the Trump people were talking to the Russians about while Putin/ Assange were releasing damaging info on Hillary?

So you critical thinkers don't have the balls to admit Trump continues to lie thru his teeth about EVERYTHING?
Trump people...funny. Flynn was a civilian talking to the Russian ambassador. He held no public office. Where is the crime?

Dumbcon as always. Why do you think your messiah fired him if he Is innocent?

You right wing nuts are so used to it with trump bullshit that you no longer understand what is right or wrong. Sad.

FBI clears Michael Flynn in probe linking him to Russia

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