Everybody had to start somewhere.....Tim Walz Started at a Marxist Education Camp


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Inside the Three-Day Bootcamp that Launched Tim Walz’s Political Career​

On a frigid weekend in January 2005, in the cavernous carpenters’ union hall on the outskirts of downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, more than 100 aspiring politicians, operatives and activists gathered with the goal of shifting the state’s political landscape in a more progressive direction.

For the next three days, they took part in a kind of bootcamp aimed at developing core political skills: honing stump speeches, raising campaign cash and discussing thorny policy issues with voters.

An extraordinary array of future leaders of the state’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the Democratic party is known in the state, gathered for their training. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, future Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and future St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter were among the trainers at the gathering.

The students included Mark Ritchie, who went on to serve two terms as Minnesota’s secretary of state, and Andy Luger, who’s now in his second stint as the state’s top federal law enforcement official.

Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz’s political journey is rooted in his involvement with a progressive training camp inspired by the radical vision of Paul Wellstone, a professor-turned-politician with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and strong influences from Marxist figures and extreme far-left ideologies.

One might ask, where are the right-wing analogues to Camp Marx?

Well, they don't exist for the most part because the right leaners are all too busy working themselves to death to bother with such things.

Inside the Three-Day Bootcamp that Launched Tim Walz’s Political Career​

On a frigid weekend in January 2005, in the cavernous carpenters’ union hall on the outskirts of downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, more than 100 aspiring politicians, operatives and activists gathered with the goal of shifting the state’s political landscape in a more progressive direction.

For the next three days, they took part in a kind of bootcamp aimed at developing core political skills: honing stump speeches, raising campaign cash and discussing thorny policy issues with voters.

An extraordinary array of future leaders of the state’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the Democratic party is known in the state, gathered for their training. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, future Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and future St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter were among the trainers at the gathering.

The students included Mark Ritchie, who went on to serve two terms as Minnesota’s secretary of state, and Andy Luger, who’s now in his second stint as the state’s top federal law enforcement official.

Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz’s political journey is rooted in his involvement with a progressive training camp inspired by the radical vision of Paul Wellstone, a professor-turned-politician with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and strong influences from Marxist figures and extreme far-left ideologies.

One might ask, where are the right-wing analogues to Camp Marx?

Well, they don't exist for the most part because the right leaners are all too busy working themselves to death to bother with such things.
ok relec, but if nebraska u is a commie education camp they have people all aver america and thousands more emerging every spring in their commie "graduation caps"

Inside the Three-Day Bootcamp that Launched Tim Walz’s Political Career​

On a frigid weekend in January 2005, in the cavernous carpenters’ union hall on the outskirts of downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, more than 100 aspiring politicians, operatives and activists gathered with the goal of shifting the state’s political landscape in a more progressive direction.

For the next three days, they took part in a kind of bootcamp aimed at developing core political skills: honing stump speeches, raising campaign cash and discussing thorny policy issues with voters.

An extraordinary array of future leaders of the state’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the Democratic party is known in the state, gathered for their training. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, future Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and future St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter were among the trainers at the gathering.

The students included Mark Ritchie, who went on to serve two terms as Minnesota’s secretary of state, and Andy Luger, who’s now in his second stint as the state’s top federal law enforcement official.

Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz’s political journey is rooted in his involvement with a progressive training camp inspired by the radical vision of Paul Wellstone, a professor-turned-politician with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and strong influences from Marxist figures and extreme far-left ideologies.

One might ask, where are the right-wing analogues to Camp Marx?

Well, they don't exist for the most part because the right leaners are all too busy working themselves to death to bother with such things.

Damn that GW. A drone strike on that boot camp terrorist training camp in 2005 could have saved us from a lot of trouble.
Quite simply Cultural Marxism.

Cultural Marxism:Origins, Development and Significance
The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies
I guess I should have added some passages.

In this article, we will examine a set of ideas that has a very real existence in today’s world. Although a discussion of it draws us into an intellectual world that must seem quite alien and esoteric to the average person, an understanding of “Cultural Marxism” is essential for anyone who seeks to grasp the ideological forces that are moulding contemporary societies. In our analysis, we will see that Cultural Marxism serves a broad ideological purpose. As an intellectual movement that seeks, with considerable success, to undermine the West’s traditional values and cultures, it provides a rationale that buttresses the Left’s position on a surprising array of contemporary issues. These include such diverse matters as globalism; open borders; transgenderism; and formlessness in the arts, music, and architecture. The thrust is to deconstruct, in the name of “progress,” any vestiges of tradition.

Inside the Three-Day Bootcamp that Launched Tim Walz’s Political Career​

On a frigid weekend in January 2005, in the cavernous carpenters’ union hall on the outskirts of downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, more than 100 aspiring politicians, operatives and activists gathered with the goal of shifting the state’s political landscape in a more progressive direction.

For the next three days, they took part in a kind of bootcamp aimed at developing core political skills: honing stump speeches, raising campaign cash and discussing thorny policy issues with voters.

An extraordinary array of future leaders of the state’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the Democratic party is known in the state, gathered for their training. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, future Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and future St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter were among the trainers at the gathering.

The students included Mark Ritchie, who went on to serve two terms as Minnesota’s secretary of state, and Andy Luger, who’s now in his second stint as the state’s top federal law enforcement official.

Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz’s political journey is rooted in his involvement with a progressive training camp inspired by the radical vision of Paul Wellstone, a professor-turned-politician with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and strong influences from Marxist figures and extreme far-left ideologies.

One might ask, where are the right-wing analogues to Camp Marx?

Well, they don't exist for the most part because the right leaners are all too busy working themselves to death to bother with such things.

kam tim commie.jpg

Inside the Three-Day Bootcamp that Launched Tim Walz’s Political Career​

On a frigid weekend in January 2005, in the cavernous carpenters’ union hall on the outskirts of downtown St. Paul, Minnesota, more than 100 aspiring politicians, operatives and activists gathered with the goal of shifting the state’s political landscape in a more progressive direction.

For the next three days, they took part in a kind of bootcamp aimed at developing core political skills: honing stump speeches, raising campaign cash and discussing thorny policy issues with voters.

An extraordinary array of future leaders of the state’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the Democratic party is known in the state, gathered for their training. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, future Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan and future St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter were among the trainers at the gathering.

The students included Mark Ritchie, who went on to serve two terms as Minnesota’s secretary of state, and Andy Luger, who’s now in his second stint as the state’s top federal law enforcement official.

Democrat vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz’s political journey is rooted in his involvement with a progressive training camp inspired by the radical vision of Paul Wellstone, a professor-turned-politician with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and strong influences from Marxist figures and extreme far-left ideologies.

One might ask, where are the right-wing analogues to Camp Marx?

Well, they don't exist for the most part because the right leaners are all too busy working themselves to death to bother with such things.
Holy shit! WHAT!! A Marxist bootcamp ? This inane codswallop is a perfect example why it’s you people who are a threat to democracy. Everything and everyone who you disagree with becomes a Marxist boogie man. You have no tolerance for opposition of any kind. That makes you and your ilk autocrats and un American. If you have so little respect for opposition, there are several countries where you can go where you would not have to deal with anyone who thinks differently than you because they are not allowed to speak -leave along oppose those in power. Russia, Chia and North Lorea come to mind. I’m sure that there are others, Bon Voyage motherfucker.

There is absolutely nothing Marxist about Waltz or Camp Wellstone . While the camps mission is to teach progressives the game of politics. it is not an indoctrination session. .

If you believe that progressives are Marxists , you also have to believe that Teddy Roosevelt-the founder of the progressive movement in the early 1900s -and every progressive since- was a Marxist. The fact is that the basic underlying philosophy of progressivism is that government exists to serve the people and to make their lives better -and that is what progressives have been doing ever since.


From your own link:
The Camp Wellstone attendees were on one of three tracks: candidates, campaign operatives or issue organizers. They were drilled on the basics: how to call donors and ask for money, how to knock on doors and talk to voters, and how to find the right kind of staff.

As for Paul Wellstone, Democratic Socialists are not Marxists either. Bernie Sanders is not a Marxists and if you think so you problems are beyond fixing.

Wellstone was a well respected Senator with a long record of legislation that made life better for Americans. Nowhere in his record is there anything about doing away with private property, state control of the means of production or a dictatorship of the proletariat . It takes a special kind of stupid to call him a Marxist

Holy shit! WHAT!! A Marxist bootcamp ? This inane codswallop is a perfect example why it’s you people who are a threat to democracy. Everything and everyone who you disagree with becomes a Marxist boogie man. You have no tolerance for opposition of any kind. That makes you and your ilk autocrats and un American. If you have so little respect for opposition, there are several countries where you can go where you would not have to deal with anyone who thinks differently than you because they are not allowed to speak -leave along oppose those in power. Russia, Chia and North Lorea come to mind. I’m sure that there are others, Bon Voyage motherfucker.

There is absolutely nothing Marxist about Waltz or Camp Wellstone . While the camps mission is to teach progressives the game of politics. it is not an indoctrination session. .

If you believe that progressives are Marxists , you also have to believe that Teddy Roosevelt-the founder of the progressive movement in the early 1900s -and every progressive since- was a Marxist. The fact is that the basic underlying philosophy of progressivism is that government exists to serve the people and to make their lives better -and that is what progressives have been doing ever since.


From your own link:

As for Paul Wellstone, Democratic Socialists are not Marxists either. Bernie Sanders is not a Marxists and if you think so you problems are beyond fixing.

Wellstone was a well respected Senator with a long record of legislation that made life better for Americans. Nowhere in his record is there anything about doing away with private property, state control of the means of production or a dictatorship of the proletariat . It takes a special kind of stupid to call him a Marxist

You can go eff yourself, both Kammie and Walz are Marxists. Your ability to project your own belief system on your enemies is nothing short of amazing. I maintain that you yourself are a Marxist arsehole.
Holy shit! WHAT!! A Marxist bootcamp ? This inane codswallop is a perfect example why it’s you people who are a threat to democracy. Everything and everyone who you disagree with becomes a Marxist boogie man. You have no tolerance for opposition of any kind. That makes you and your ilk autocrats and un American. If you have so little respect for opposition, there are several countries where you can go where you would not have to deal with anyone who thinks differently than you because they are not allowed to speak -leave along oppose those in power. Russia, Chia and North Lorea come to mind. I’m sure that there are others, Bon Voyage motherfucker.

There is absolutely nothing Marxist about Waltz or Camp Wellstone . While the camps mission is to teach progressives the game of politics. it is not an indoctrination session. .

If you believe that progressives are Marxists , you also have to believe that Teddy Roosevelt-the founder of the progressive movement in the early 1900s -and every progressive since- was a Marxist. The fact is that the basic underlying philosophy of progressivism is that government exists to serve the people and to make their lives better -and that is what progressives have been doing ever since.


From your own link:

As for Paul Wellstone, Democratic Socialists are not Marxists either. Bernie Sanders is not a Marxists and if you think so you problems are beyond fixing.

Wellstone was a well respected Senator with a long record of legislation that made life better for Americans. Nowhere in his record is there anything about doing away with private property, state control of the means of production or a dictatorship of the proletariat . It takes a special kind of stupid to call him a Marxist

Well, why do you think I posted the Politico link?

I wanted members to see what Walz is.

The difference between Marxists and Socialists is just a matter of degree, both of which should be considered enemies of the Republic and should have no place in American politics.

Walz is one such person.

Sure, we currently tolerate such people, but it does not mean we should not be aware of their motives.
Well, why do you think I posted the Politico link?

I wanted members to see what Walz is.

The difference between Marxists and Socialists is just a matter of degree, both of which should be considered enemies of the Republic and should have no place in American politics.

Walz is one such person.

Sure, we currently tolerate such people, but it does not mean we should not be aware of their motives.
"The difference between Marxists and Socialists is just a matter of degree, both of which should be considered enemies of the Republic and should have no place in American politics.??" Really ? While there is a degree of truth to the idea that it’s a matter of degree, your assertion is nothing more than a simplistic , dumbed down assessment of a complex issue typical of the way conservatives approach issues.

Whether or not it is simply a matter of degree, or if they are different animals all together is a matter of how you conceptualize it. Socialism does in fact exist on a continuum and taken to it’s extreme it can be antithetical to capitalism and perhaps Democracy. That is not what we are talking about here. Degrees matter. Democratic Socialism as has been embedded in our economic and political system for a long time is neither anti capitalist or anti democratic. Your drivel about it being an enemy of the Republic just underscore your ignorance of the subject.

The Democratic Socialism that Harris, Waltz and , yes Sanders espouses does not preclude or undermine capitalism but, in fact – with the social safety nets, worker and consumer protections and regulations allows it to thrive by avoiding social chaos by avoiding the chaos that would result -and has resulted in unchecked laissez Fair capitalism Nor have social democrats advocated for the suppression of opposition-but you people have. So tell me again -who is the enemy of the republic.

Lastly, democratic socialism- the benign form promoted by democrats is comprised of economic principles intended to enhance the well being of the populous without unduly encroaching on the political system. It supports Democracy, as well as capitalism albeit with the aforementioned caveats that reign in the excesses and greed. The fact is that our brand of socialism has saved capitalism from itself. When you have evidence that democratic socialism advocates the destruction of the free market economy, state ownership of the means of production and the confiscation of private property, you will have a case for equating socialism with Marxism. Until then you will just keep sounding stupid .
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The difference between Marxists and Socialists is just a matter of degree, both of which should be considered enemies of the Republic and should have no place in American politics.?? Really ? While there is a degree of truth to the idea that it’s a matter of degree, your assertion is nothing more than a simplistic , dumbed down assessment of a complex issue typical of the way conservatives approach issues.

Whether or not it is simply a matter of degree, or if they are different animals all together is a matter of how you conceptualize it. Social does in fact exist on a continuum and taken to it’s extreme it can be antithetical to capitalism and perhaps Democracy. That is not what we are talking about here. Degrees matter. Democratic Socialism as has been imbedded in our economic and political system for a long time is neither anti capitalist or anti democratic. Your drivel about it being an enemy of the Republic just underscore your ignorance of the subject.

The Democratic Socialism that Harris, Waltz and , yes Sanders espouses does not preclude or undermine capitalism but, in fact – with the social safety nets, worker and consumer protections and regulations allows it to thrive by avoiding social chaos by avoiding the chaos that would result -and has resulted in unchecked laissez Fair capitalism Nor have social democrats advocated for the suppression of opposition-but you people have. So tell me again -who is the enemy of the republic.

Lastly, democratic socialism- the benign form promoted by democrats is comprised of economic principles intended to enhance the well being of the populous without unduly encroaching on the political system. It supports Democracy, as well as capitalism albeit with the aforementioned caveats that reign in the excesses and greed. The fact is that our brand of socialism has saved capitalism from itself. When you have evidence that democratic socialism advocates the destruction of the free market economy, state ownership of the means of production and the confiscation of private property, you will have a case for equating socialism with Marxism. Until then you will just keep sounding stupid .
"Democratic socialism"...As though saying "chocolate covered" before "dog turd" changes a hunk of shit into a Snickers bar.


'Do You Disagree?': Top DEI Official Pressed About Kamala Harris' 'Marxist' Equity Statement​

Jun 16, 2023

Kamala Harris' ideology explained: 'Socialism'​

Jul 26, 2024

'Hang on, that is communism': Kamala Harris' equity speech a 'hard no'​

May 19, 2023

I have to say, this OP is informative, but NOT surprising at all.
"The difference between Marxists and Socialists is just a matter of degree, both of which should be considered enemies of the Republic and should have no place in American politics.??" Really ? While there is a degree of truth to the idea that it’s a matter of degree, your assertion is nothing more than a simplistic , dumbed down assessment of a complex issue typical of the way conservatives approach issues.

Whether or not it is simply a matter of degree, or if they are different animals all together is a matter of how you conceptualize it. Socialism does in fact exist on a continuum and taken to it’s extreme it can be antithetical to capitalism and perhaps Democracy. That is not what we are talking about here. Degrees matter. Democratic Socialism as has been embedded in our economic and political system for a long time is neither anti capitalist or anti democratic. Your drivel about it being an enemy of the Republic just underscore your ignorance of the subject.

The Democratic Socialism that Harris, Waltz and , yes Sanders espouses does not preclude or undermine capitalism but, in fact – with the social safety nets, worker and consumer protections and regulations allows it to thrive by avoiding social chaos by avoiding the chaos that would result -and has resulted in unchecked laissez Fair capitalism Nor have social democrats advocated for the suppression of opposition-but you people have. So tell me again -who is the enemy of the republic.

Lastly, democratic socialism- the benign form promoted by democrats is comprised of economic principles intended to enhance the well being of the populous without unduly encroaching on the political system. It supports Democracy, as well as capitalism albeit with the aforementioned caveats that reign in the excesses and greed. The fact is that our brand of socialism has saved capitalism from itself. When you have evidence that democratic socialism advocates the destruction of the free market economy, state ownership of the means of production and the confiscation of private property, you will have a case for equating socialism with Marxism. Until then you will just keep sounding stupid .
LOL....Awful long-winded, aren't you?

Meh, you word salad does not pass the smell test.....Smells like shit, so your words are shit.

I guess that makes you a shitty person.....Not that anyone needed a reminder given your body of work here.
LOL....Awful long-winded, aren't you?

Meh, you word salad does not pass the smell test.....Smells like shit, so your words are shit.

I guess that makes you a shitty person.....Not that anyone needed a reminder given your body of work here.
Seriously? That’s all you got. ? Calling my response word salad and calling me a shitty person.? . Clearly you perceive it as word salad because you lack the intellectual capacity to process certain concepts. It’s apparent that you are out of your depth on this topic and lack the emotional maturity to have an adult conversation.
Seriously? That’s all you got. ? Calling my response word salad and calling me a shitty person.? . Clearly you perceive it as word salad because you lack the intellectual capacity to process certain concepts. It’s apparent that you are out of your depth on this topic and lack the emotional maturity to have an adult conversation.
Triggered much?

You are just pissed because I'm on to you and your ilk.

Baffle the with BS comes to mind.
Triggered much?

You are just pissed because I'm on to you and your ilk.

Baffle the with BS comes to mind.
Don't flatter yourself. You are not smart enough to trigger me. I', having fun fucking with your stupid ass. You started this shit based on a false premise and now you're flailing around because you cant defend it. Your not even trying to make counterpoints. You don'r know how. You have nothing, Get the hell out of here

'Do You Disagree?': Top DEI Official Pressed About Kamala Harris' 'Marxist' Equity Statement​

Jun 16, 2023

Kamala Harris' ideology explained: 'Socialism'​

Jul 26, 2024

'Hang on, that is communism': Kamala Harris' equity speech a 'hard no'​

May 19, 2023

I have to say, this OP is informative, but NOT surprising at all.

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that equity equates with Marxism.

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