everybody should be packing iron

Why are you libs so intolerant? Why do you think you can dictate to others how they must live? Why do you think you can ignore the Constitution with impunity?

You have no understanding of tyranny and the history of it. You are nothing more than a lamb ready for slaughter.

Please read and TRY to understand this:

First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Okay, let's look at that.

The Continental Army as a professional army with professional officers. When we didn't have enough of our own, we recruited some from Europe, which is also where most of the weapons we used came from.

Vietnam- The Vietcong were utterly crushed after the Tet Offensive. All operations after that in South Vietnam were carried out by elements of the NOrth Vietnamese Army. So you are kind of 0 for 2.

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...

Nope, I'd never listen to an Uncle Tom like Walter Williams or take anything he has to say seriously.

It's not a cultural thing at all. Canada is about as close to us in culture as you can get, and they even let their citizens have some guns.

They just don't let EVERYONE have a gun, regardless of training or mental stability.
Why are you libs so intolerant? Why do you think you can dictate to others how they must live? Why do you think you can ignore the Constitution with impunity?

You have no understanding of tyranny and the history of it. You are nothing more than a lamb ready for slaughter.

Please read and TRY to understand this:

First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

Those in the anti gun states aren't my neighbors. I will cheer when you and those like you are burning in hell.

I get the feeling if I talked to your neighbors, I'd be talking to some very frightened people.
First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

Those in the anti gun states aren't my neighbors. I will cheer when you and those like you are burning in hell.

I get the feeling if I talked to your neighbors, I'd be talking to some very frightened people.

I doubt it, we're going to have a neighborhood shoot later today I'll ask them.
First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Okay, let's look at that.

The Continental Army as a professional army with professional officers. When we didn't have enough of our own, we recruited some from Europe, which is also where most of the weapons we used came from.

Vietnam- The Vietcong were utterly crushed after the Tet Offensive. All operations after that in South Vietnam were carried out by elements of the NOrth Vietnamese Army. So you are kind of 0 for 2.

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...

Nope, I'd never listen to an Uncle Tom like Walter Williams or take anything he has to say seriously.

It's not a cultural thing at all. Canada is about as close to us in culture as you can get, and they even let their citizens have some guns.

They just don't let EVERYONE have a gun, regardless of training or mental stability.

As I feared, you have failed to learn from history.

To think the Continental Army, as professional army on par with British regulars, is not to think. With the exception of a few battles, the Limeys won EVERY engagement. But, guess what? They still LOST the war!

And yes, the American forces defeated the VC and NVA in every battle fought. But, guess what? The VC and NVA still won.

BINGO! The weaker force beat the stronger force in both wars. It has happened many times throughout history. Right?

You denigrate the Great Walter Williams using ignorant well trained leftist statements. I am afraid you will never learn. You are a most typical intolerant and hateful liberal.
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This case is a perfect example of why Dementia needs to be added to the qualifications for the NICs list.

A doctor can write a letter to the DMV and get your drivers lic. revoked. Why can't a doctor write a letter to local sheriff informing them that a patient has been showing signs of dementia and they need to be relieved of their fire arms.
Suicides are a lot easier to do with guns. Just like m urders. Why the average citizen shouldn't have them.

Why are you libs so intolerant? Why do you think you can dictate to others how they must live? Why do you think you can ignore the Constitution with impunity?

You have no understanding of tyranny and the history of it. You are nothing more than a lamb ready for slaughter.

Please read and TRY to understand this:
The Second Amendment is about the right of the people to form a militia to fight Federal government tyranny with obviously any guns they already have for personal protection. -David Kramer

First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

well, s0n.......as usual, your sentiments are fringe and profoundly gay..........

A vast, vast majority don't agree with you.........

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Do you enjoy being made to look like a dickhead s0n??:up:

I mean.....go......go......go.........sure gives me a lot to look forward to each day but just sayin'......
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That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Okay, let's look at that.

The Continental Army as a professional army with professional officers. When we didn't have enough of our own, we recruited some from Europe, which is also where most of the weapons we used came from.

Vietnam- The Vietcong were utterly crushed after the Tet Offensive. All operations after that in South Vietnam were carried out by elements of the NOrth Vietnamese Army. So you are kind of 0 for 2.

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...

Nope, I'd never listen to an Uncle Tom like Walter Williams or take anything he has to say seriously.

It's not a cultural thing at all. Canada is about as close to us in culture as you can get, and they even let their citizens have some guns.

They just don't let EVERYONE have a gun, regardless of training or mental stability.

As I feared, you have failed to learn from history.

To think the Continental Army, as professional army on par with British regulars, is not to think. With the exception of a few battles, the Limeys won EVERY engagement. But, guess what? They still LOST the war!

And yes, the American forces defeated the VC and NVA in every battle fought. But, guess what? The VC and NVA still won.

BINGO! The weaker force beat the stronger force in both wars. It has happened many times throughout history. Right?

You denigrate the Great Walter Williams using ignorant well trained leftist statements. I am afraid you will never learn. You are a most typical intolerant and hateful liberal.

You waste your time on JoeBitch.

He already knows everything and cannot process new facts outside his comfort zone.

When he starts to just make up lies you will understand why I say he is a waste of time.
This case is a perfect example of why Dementia needs to be added to the qualifications for the NICs list.

A doctor can write a letter to the DMV and get your drivers lic. revoked. Why can't a doctor write a letter to local sheriff informing them that a patient has been showing signs of dementia and they need to be relieved of their fire arms.

Because driving a car on public roads is not equivalent to a Constitutional God-given right, dumbass.
This case is a perfect example of why Dementia needs to be added to the qualifications for the NICs list.

A doctor can write a letter to the DMV and get your drivers lic. revoked. Why can't a doctor write a letter to local sheriff informing them that a patient has been showing signs of dementia and they need to be relieved of their fire arms.

Because driving a car on public roads is not equivalent to a Constitutional God-given right, dumbass.

You do know that in the UK a homicide is not counted as a homicide unless there is a conviction where in this country every death not by accident or suicide conviction or no is called a homicide don't you?

No you probably don't because you don't care about such things.

No, I don't know that because it's NRA horseshit meant to keep you stupids in talking points.

All homicides are initially counted as homicides. They are ONLY deducted from the total if a jury finds self defense or some such.

House of Commons - Home Affairs - Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction

I didn't get it from the NRA Moron.

Sorry but that pie chart does not disprove my point.

People who own legally own guns do not commit murder any more than anyone else. In fact if you account for gun deaths due to gang violence then gun murders would be on par with murders committed with other weapons.

Most gun deaths are acquantience murder or sucide. The availability of guns is what turns that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best from an amusing story to a tragic one.

Suicides are not murders nor are they violent crimes.

and the CDC has reported that 80% of gun murders are due to gang violence.
This case is a perfect example of why Dementia needs to be added to the qualifications for the NICs list.

A doctor can write a letter to the DMV and get your drivers lic. revoked. Why can't a doctor write a letter to local sheriff informing them that a patient has been showing signs of dementia and they need to be relieved of their fire arms.

Because driving a car on public roads is not equivalent to a Constitutional God-given right, dumbass.



As I feared, you have failed to learn from history.

To think the Continental Army, as professional army on par with British regulars, is not to think. With the exception of a few battles, the Limeys won EVERY engagement. But, guess what? They still LOST the war!

And yes, the American forces defeated the VC and NVA in every battle fought. But, guess what? The VC and NVA still won.

BINGO! The weaker force beat the stronger force in both wars. It has happened many times throughout history. Right?

You denigrate the Great Walter Williams using ignorant well trained leftist statements. I am afraid you will never learn. You are a most typical intolerant and hateful liberal.

Except we weren't really facing the "British Regulars". Most of the units that fought on the British side were Continentals as well. In fact, the British were so strapped for troops they had to recruit Hessian Mercenaries.

The reason why they won was because the French and Spanish threw in with the Americans, making Britian's position untennable.

Here's another point. IN the case of the British and teh Americans in Vietnam, it wasn't so much a matter of victory, but of "Well, this really isn't worth the trouble anymore". I gar-un-fucking-tee you, the Federal government is never going to surrender to Billy Bob's Inbred militia.

And Walter Williams is a pathetic Uncle Tom who isn't riding on the back of the bus thanks to braver men than he.

Sorry but that pie chart does not disprove my point.

People who own legally own guns do not commit murder any more than anyone else. In fact if you account for gun deaths due to gang violence then gun murders would be on par with murders committed with other weapons.

Most gun deaths are acquantience murder or sucide. The availability of guns is what turns that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best from an amusing story to a tragic one.

Suicides are not murders nor are they violent crimes.

and the CDC has reported that 80% of gun murders are due to gang violence.

Do you have a link to that, because that would be interesting,

People curious about the agenda of the gun grabber k00ks need to watch this video.....these people are beyond flaky >>>>

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNb34vPqrN0#at=257]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]
The gun grabber nutters throw out all sorts of phoney and otherwise bogus data on these gun grabber threads.......mostly just conjecture. These people are afraid of their own shadow......need to make this very clear. Frequently, they pose as ex-military, ex-cops etc to gain some credibility and its all made up BS. Think people with clean hands OCD issues......THATS what we're talking here.

The gun grabber assholes despise my ass because I come in here and blow their shit up with one single post after they've spent the day falling all over themselves making a case!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up: The mental meltdowns commence EVERY SINGLE TIME I post up the Harvard University study cited below!~!~!~!~!~!

Meanwhile, the current research decimates their phoney ass narrative..........

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Here is the entire paper from April of 2013 >>>>


Its not even debatable.........more guns = less crimes

except to the mental cases that wake up daily fearing that a house is going to drop out of the sky smack dab on their heads.

Look at the post counts of some of these mental cases.........40,000 fucking posts in a little over 2 years. They call somebody like me a nut!! :beer: That's a person with pronounced life issues......unable to connect the dots, they try to save the world by vomiting up their emotions.
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