everybody should be packing iron

Spambot desperately wants someone to pay attention to it.
How heavy is that irony that you carry around Joe?

Not very.

The thing about Skoobie is that because he adds nothing to a conversation, even you conservatards largely ignore him. I suspect he's the right wing version of Mr. Shaman, most people have him on ignore. So he'll post five or six responses no one will respond to.

On the other hand, all I have to say is "Kellerman" and you gun nuts go into a complete tizzy stomping your feet and saying "But, Kellerman can't be true because I don't want him to be!"


Spambot desperately wants someone to pay attention to it.
How heavy is that irony that you carry around Joe?

Not very.

The thing about Skoobie is that because he adds nothing to a conversation, even you conservatards largely ignore him. I suspect he's the right wing version of Mr. Shaman, most people have him on ignore. So he'll post five or six responses no one will respond to.

On the other hand, all I have to say is "Kellerman" and you gun nuts go into a complete tizzy stomping your feet and saying "But, Kellerman can't be true because I don't want him to be!"



The irony that you carry around should be getting heavy by now.
Why are you libs so intolerant? Why do you think you can dictate to others how they must live? Why do you think you can ignore the Constitution with impunity?

You have no understanding of tyranny and the history of it. You are nothing more than a lamb ready for slaughter.

Please read and TRY to understand this:

First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...
Cultural Deviancy, Not Guns by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

You say "Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history" This is a favorite right wing attitude on this board. So what's your background? Phd in history or constitutional scholar?
First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...
Cultural Deviancy, Not Guns by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

You say "Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history" This is a favorite right wing attitude on this board. So what's your background? Phd in history or constitutional scholar?

Phd's really don't mean shit. All they really are is CYA for HR people who do hiring so that if the bastard is found to be a total fuck up they can say, 'He has a Phd, how could I know he was a douche?'

Now all a Phd really means is that you were willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars in higher education, and memorize a bunch of shit that a gaggle of fools want you to spit back out to them in a dissertation, all to get people to take you seriously because you cant use the facts and reason to accomplish that. Arguments from bullshit authority are the Phuds mainstay, 'I'm right cause I spent $50,000 to get this sheepskin and call myself a doctor of Bullshit', etc.

I have worked with dozens of Phuds and few of them were worth the extra money they cost the employer, which is the real reason why you don't see so many engineers going for doctorates while the pure academic occupations (like the humanities, history, etc) are full of them. The medical profession is about the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has Phuds that mean something. Real power occupations like lawyers don't give a shit about a Phud and so few of them get Phuds.

Phuds other than medical doctors are mostly a bunch of pretentious pricks who are good at memorizing useless factoids that can be looked up on Google nowdays anyway.

Who gives a fuck who has a Phud?
Spambot desperately wants someone to pay attention to it.
How heavy is that irony that you carry around Joe?

Not very.

The thing about Skoobie is that because he adds nothing to a conversation, even you conservatards largely ignore him. I suspect he's the right wing version of Mr. Shaman, most people have him on ignore. So he'll post five or six responses no one will respond to.

On the other hand, all I have to say is "Kellerman" and you gun nuts go into a complete tizzy stomping your feet and saying "But, Kellerman can't be true because I don't want him to be!"



The study doesn't take into account defensive uses in which a shot was not fired (99% of the uses), and it doesn't reflect intruders avoiding homes with firearms inside. Also included suicides
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First, citizens with guns are never going to take on the government and win.

The government has tanks. And Nukes. And drones.

And when the government takes out the gun nuts, most of their neighbors will cheer because they were frightening the children.

Second, the wholesale slaughter of Americans with guns - about 32,000 a year - nullifies any false sense of security you get from them.

That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...
Cultural Deviancy, Not Guns by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

You say "Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history" This is a favorite right wing attitude on this board. So what's your background? Phd in history or constitutional scholar?

I'll use this cartoon as an example of how much credibility someone has when they supposdly have a degree

It doesn't amount to shit when you're a clueless nit-wit
Most gun deaths are acquantience murder or sucide. The availability of guns is what turns that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best from an amusing story to a tragic one.

Suicides are not murders nor are they violent crimes.

and the CDC has reported that 80% of gun murders are due to gang violence.

Do you have a link to that, because that would be interesting,


About.com: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_06.pdf

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That first sentence emboldened by me, proves you are completely ignorant of history. There are numerous examples of citizen arms defeating professional armies who had much greater weaponry and training. Ever heard of the American Revolution? More recently, ever heard of the Vietnam War?

Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history.

And guns have nothing to do with gun deaths in America. Its a cultural thing, but I do not expect you to comprehend. This from the Great Walter Williams might help, but alas, you are likely too far gone...
Cultural Deviancy, Not Guns by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

You say "Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history" This is a favorite right wing attitude on this board. So what's your background? Phd in history or constitutional scholar?

Phd's really don't mean shit. All they really are is CYA for HR people who do hiring so that if the bastard is found to be a total fuck up they can say, 'He has a Phd, how could I know he was a douche?'

Now all a Phd really means is that you were willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars in higher education, and memorize a bunch of shit that a gaggle of fools want you to spit back out to them in a dissertation, all to get people to take you seriously because you cant use the facts and reason to accomplish that. Arguments from bullshit authority are the Phuds mainstay, 'I'm right cause I spent $50,000 to get this sheepskin and call myself a doctor of Bullshit', etc.

I have worked with dozens of Phuds and few of them were worth the extra money they cost the employer, which is the real reason why you don't see so many engineers going for doctorates while the pure academic occupations (like the humanities, history, etc) are full of them. The medical profession is about the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has Phuds that mean something. Real power occupations like lawyers don't give a shit about a Phud and so few of them get Phuds.

Phuds other than medical doctors are mostly a bunch of pretentious pricks who are good at memorizing useless factoids that can be looked up on Google nowdays anyway.

Who gives a fuck who has a Phud?

Jim don't need no fancy book lernin'.

Noone can teach him nothing.
How heavy is that irony that you carry around Joe?

Not very.

The thing about Skoobie is that because he adds nothing to a conversation, even you conservatards largely ignore him. I suspect he's the right wing version of Mr. Shaman, most people have him on ignore. So he'll post five or six responses no one will respond to.

On the other hand, all I have to say is "Kellerman" and you gun nuts go into a complete tizzy stomping your feet and saying "But, Kellerman can't be true because I don't want him to be!"



The study doesn't take into account defensive uses in which a shot was not fired (99% of the uses), and it doesn't reflect intruders avoiding homes with firearms inside. Also included suicides

It also doesn't count unicorn farts.

What's your point?
Suicides are not murders nor are they violent crimes.

and the CDC has reported that 80% of gun murders are due to gang violence.

Do you have a link to that, because that would be interesting,


About.com: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_06.pdf

Gang Homicides ? Five U.S. Cities, 2003?2008

Neither of these links prove your point about 80% of gun homicides being gang related.

So you really think anyone is impressed by a document dump?
You say "Do not feel bad. I have yet to meet a liberal who truly understands history" This is a favorite right wing attitude on this board. So what's your background? Phd in history or constitutional scholar?

Phd's really don't mean shit. All they really are is CYA for HR people who do hiring so that if the bastard is found to be a total fuck up they can say, 'He has a Phd, how could I know he was a douche?'

Now all a Phd really means is that you were willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars in higher education, and memorize a bunch of shit that a gaggle of fools want you to spit back out to them in a dissertation, all to get people to take you seriously because you cant use the facts and reason to accomplish that. Arguments from bullshit authority are the Phuds mainstay, 'I'm right cause I spent $50,000 to get this sheepskin and call myself a doctor of Bullshit', etc.

I have worked with dozens of Phuds and few of them were worth the extra money they cost the employer, which is the real reason why you don't see so many engineers going for doctorates while the pure academic occupations (like the humanities, history, etc) are full of them. The medical profession is about the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has Phuds that mean something. Real power occupations like lawyers don't give a shit about a Phud and so few of them get Phuds.

Phuds other than medical doctors are mostly a bunch of pretentious pricks who are good at memorizing useless factoids that can be looked up on Google nowdays anyway.

Who gives a fuck who has a Phud?

Jim don't need no fancy book lernin'.

Noone can teach him nothing.

Paying for a phud does not = learning a damned thing, moron.
Phd's really don't mean shit. All they really are is CYA for HR people who do hiring so that if the bastard is found to be a total fuck up they can say, 'He has a Phd, how could I know he was a douche?'

Now all a Phd really means is that you were willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars in higher education, and memorize a bunch of shit that a gaggle of fools want you to spit back out to them in a dissertation, all to get people to take you seriously because you cant use the facts and reason to accomplish that. Arguments from bullshit authority are the Phuds mainstay, 'I'm right cause I spent $50,000 to get this sheepskin and call myself a doctor of Bullshit', etc.

I have worked with dozens of Phuds and few of them were worth the extra money they cost the employer, which is the real reason why you don't see so many engineers going for doctorates while the pure academic occupations (like the humanities, history, etc) are full of them. The medical profession is about the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has Phuds that mean something. Real power occupations like lawyers don't give a shit about a Phud and so few of them get Phuds.

Phuds other than medical doctors are mostly a bunch of pretentious pricks who are good at memorizing useless factoids that can be looked up on Google nowdays anyway.

Who gives a fuck who has a Phud?

Jim don't need no fancy book lernin'.

Noone can teach him nothing.

Paying for a phud does not = learning a damned thing, moron.

Do you ever think about how you make conservatives look ?
Jim don't need no fancy book lernin'.

Noone can teach him nothing.

Paying for a phud does not = learning a damned thing, moron.

Do you ever think about how you make conservatives look ?

No, because...

1) I am not a conservative, I merely agree with them about 60% of the time.

2) I dont worry about morons for whom 'thinking' is comparing someone to someone else and dismissing what that person actually states.

3) When people like you say such things, I know I must be doing something right.

BTW, eat shit, dumbass.
Paying for a phud does not = learning a damned thing, moron.

Do you ever think about how you make conservatives look ?

No, because...

1) I am not a conservative, I merely agree with them about 60% of the time.

2) I dont worry about morons for whom 'thinking' is comparing someone to someone else and dismissing what that person actually states.

3) When people like you say such things, I know I must be doing something right.

BTW, eat shit, dumbass.

Yes like you don't learn anything getting a PHD.

You doin it right.

I like the pinnacle of argument is "eat shit".
Do you have a link to that, because that would be interesting,


About.com: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_06.pdf

Gang Homicides ? Five U.S. Cities, 2003?2008

Neither of these links prove your point about 80% of gun homicides being gang related.

So you really think anyone is impressed by a document dump?

Maybe if you read them you'd have been able to figure it out but it does seem like you were wrong about the CDC being forbidden to report on gun deaths.

Here this might be easier for you to read.



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Do you have a link to that, because that would be interesting,


About.com: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr61/nvsr61_06.pdf

Gang Homicides ? Five U.S. Cities, 2003?2008

Neither of these links prove your point about 80% of gun homicides being gang related.

So you really think anyone is impressed by a document dump?

You k00k......do I need to roll out my Spambot material and make you look like a cheesedick yet again?

To tired to bother s0n.....but interested parties can take a gander though this thread and find the research links that find unequivocally that.......

more guns = less crimes

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