everybody should be packing iron

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Georgia's homicide rate dropped 21% after making it easier to get guns, whereas Wisconsin's rate went up 33% during the same time period after making it more difficult to get guns. There are a lot of factors that go into homicide rates, but gun ownership is definitely not one of them.

There is already a saturation factor here in regards to household gun ownership. Most households willing to buy guns already have, so it would be a small impact on crime.

But the ability to concealed carry and 'stand your ground' do reduce crime.
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According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Georgia's homicide rate dropped 21% after making it easier to get guns, whereas Wisconsin's rate went up 33% during the same time period after making it more difficult to get guns. There are a lot of factors that go into homicide rates, but gun ownership is definitely not one of them.

There is already a saturation factor here in regards to household gun ownership. Most households will to buy guns already have, so it would be a small impact on crime.

But the ability to concealed carry and 'stand your ground' do reduce crime.


According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Georgia's homicide rate dropped 21% after making it easier to get guns, whereas Wisconsin's rate went up 33% during the same time period after making it more difficult to get guns. There are a lot of factors that go into homicide rates, but gun ownership is definitely not one of them.

Second time you've made that claim, and didn't provide a link.

Um, yeah, letting everyone have a hand-held murder machine does make murder a lot easier to do.

And again....you miss the point. The government is not 'letting' us do anything. Instead, we are 'letting' them observe, not dictate


JoeBitch is not missing anything, he simply ignores what you say then asks pointless questions to waste your time, then when you stop running off on his wild goose chases he starts lying again.
And again....you miss the point. The government is not 'letting' us do anything. Instead, we are 'letting' them observe, not dictate


What does that have to do with my point that you didn't provide a link to your claims about GA and WI?

Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia --- Crime Rate Plummets

Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia --- Crime Rate Plummets

Posted on 4/17/2007 12:29:03 PM by doug from upland

Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, Georgia
Crime Rate Plummets

by Chuck Baldwin

The New American magazine reminds us that March 25th marked the 16th anniversary of Kennesaw, Georgia's ordinance requiring heads of households (with certain exceptions) to keep at least one firearm in their homes.

The city's population grew from around 5,000 in 1980 to 13,000 by 1996 (latest available estimate). Yet there have been only three murders: two with knives (1984 and 1987) and one with a firearm (1997). After the law went into effect in 1982, crime against persons plummeted 74 percent compared to 1981, and fell another 45 percent in 1983 compared to 1982.

And it has stayed impressively low. In addition to nearly non-existent homicide (murders have averaged a mere 0.19 per year), the annual number of armed robberies, residential burglaries, commercial burglaries, and rapes have averaged, respectively, 1.69, 31.63, 19.75, and 2.00 through 1998.

With all the attention that has been heaped upon the lawful possession of firearms lately, you would think that a city that requires gun ownership would be the center of a media feeding frenzy. It isn't. The fact is I can't remember a major media outlet even mentioning Kennesaw. Can you?

The reason is obvious. Kennesaw proves that the presence of firearms actually improves safety and security. This is not the message that the media want us to hear. They want us to believe that guns are evil and are the cause of violence.

The facts tell a different story. What is even more interesting about Kennesaw is that the city's crime rate decreased with the simple knowledge that the entire community was armed. The bad guys didn't force the residents to prove it. Just knowing that residents were armed prompted them to move on to easier targets. Most criminals don't have a death wish.

There have been two occasions in my own family when the presence of a handgun averted potential disaster. In both instances the gun was never aimed at a person and no shot was fired.


Not the whole state of Georgia, just one small town.

No reference to the crime rate in Wisconsin at all.

Number of murders is statistically insignifigant, as is the size of the town.

Oh, yeah, and the source is Free Republic, which is about one step below StormFront in the Nutter Scale.

Another wingnut assertation that doesn't stand up to any kind of scrutiny. Why am I not surprised.
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Georgia's homicide rate dropped 21% after making it easier to get guns, whereas Wisconsin's rate went up 33% during the same time period after making it more difficult to get guns. There are a lot of factors that go into homicide rates, but gun ownership is definitely not one of them.

There is already a saturation factor here in regards to household gun ownership. Most households willING to buy guns already have, so it would be a small impact on crime.

But the ability to concealed carry and 'stand your ground' do reduce crime.


Sorry, corrected.
Second time you've made that claim, and didn't provide a link.

Um, yeah, letting everyone have a hand-held murder machine does make murder a lot easier to do.

And again....you miss the point. The government is not 'letting' us do anything. Instead, we are 'letting' them observe, not dictate


JoeBitch is not missing anything, he simply ignores what you say then asks pointless questions to waste your time, then when you stop running off on his wild goose chases he starts lying again.

The guy made an asseration that the crime rate in Georgia went down while it went up in Wisconsin.

And when I asked him to provide proof, lo and behold, it wasn't what he claimed it was.
And again....you miss the point. The government is not 'letting' us do anything. Instead, we are 'letting' them observe, not dictate


JoeBitch is not missing anything, he simply ignores what you say then asks pointless questions to waste your time, then when you stop running off on his wild goose chases he starts lying again.

The guy made an asseration that the crime rate in Georgia went down while it went up in Wisconsin.

And when I asked him to provide proof, lo and behold, it wasn't what he claimed it was.

Here's some more reading for you Joey


* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.(1) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.(2)

* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense with a firearm every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of "Guns in America"—a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.(3)

* Concealed carry laws have reduced murder and crime rates in the states that have enacted them. According to a comprehensive study which reviewed crime statistics in every county in the United States from 1977 to 1992, states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their rate of murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, aggravated assault by 7% and robbery by 3%.(4)

* Anti-gun journal pronounces the failure of the Brady law. One of the nation’s leading anti-gun medical publications, the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the Brady registration law has failed to reduce murder rates. In August 2000, JAMA reported that states implementing waiting periods and background checks did "not [experience] reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates."(5)

* Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns. That’s right. Despite what media coverage might seem to indicate, there are more deaths related to high school football than guns. In a recent three year period, twice as many football players died from hits to the head, heat stroke, etc. (45), as compared with students who were murdered by firearms (22) during that same time period.(6)

* More guns, less crime. In the decade of the 1990s, the number of guns in this country increased by roughly 40 million—even while the murder rate decreased by almost 40% percent.7 Accidental gun deaths in the home decreased by almost 40 percent as well.(8)

* CDC admits there is no evidence that gun control reduces crime. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has long been criticized for propagating questionable studies which gun control organizations have used in defense of their cause. But after analyzing 51 studies in 2003, the CDC concluded that the "evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of any of these [firearms] laws."(9)

Read the rest here:

GUN CONTROL FACT-SHEET (2004) - Gun Owners of America
For the final bitch - slap at Geaux...

Georgia vs Wisconsin in State Facts

Violent Crime in Georgia - 37591
Violent Crime in Wisconsin - 16064

Crime rate

Georgia - 3790 per 100,000 people
Wisconsin- 2734 per 100,000 people.

Wisconsin- 6.5 percent black, 88.2 percent white

Georgia- 31.2 percent black, 62.8 percent white

There's your discrepancy for the crime stats.

I was wondering how long it would take for one of you guys to play the race card.
For the final bitch - slap at Geaux...

Georgia vs Wisconsin in State Facts

Violent Crime in Georgia - 37591
Violent Crime in Wisconsin - 16064

Crime rate

Georgia - 3790 per 100,000 people
Wisconsin- 2734 per 100,000 people.

Wisconsin- 6.5 percent black, 88.2 percent white

Georgia- 31.2 percent black, 62.8 percent white

There's your discrepancy for the crime stats.

I was wondering how long it would take for one of you guys to play the race card.

You mean like the well used one Obummer pulled out again yesterday?


JoeBitch is not missing anything, he simply ignores what you say then asks pointless questions to waste your time, then when you stop running off on his wild goose chases he starts lying again.

The guy made an asseration that the crime rate in Georgia went down while it went up in Wisconsin.

And when I asked him to provide proof, lo and behold, it wasn't what he claimed it was.

Here's some more reading for you Joey


* Guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year—or about 6,850 times a day.(1) This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.(2)


You see, when you come out swinging with that bogus statistic from the Kleck study, you really don't have any credibility..

NRA's "Media Misinformation" Series Pushes Systemically False Information About Gun Violence | Blog | Media Matters for America

The 2.5 million figure cited by Edwards, which comes from the 1995 research of criminologist Gary Kleck, was debunked over a decade ago and has been labeled "an enormous overestimate" by Harvard Injury Control Research Center Director David Hemenway. Indeed, Dr. Hemenway's analysis of Kleck's data proves the 2.5 million figure to be a mathematical impossibility. In a 1997 paper, Hemenway explained that:

n 34% of the times a gun was used for self-defense, the offender was allegedly committing a burglary. In other words, guns were reportedly used by defenders for self-defense in approximately 845,000 burglaries. From sophisticated victimization surveys, however, we know that there were fewer than 6 million burglaries in the year of the survey and in only 22% of those cases was someone certainly at home (1.3 million burglaries). Since only 42% of U.S. households own firearms, and since victims in two thirds of the occupied dwellings were asleep, the 2.5 million figure requires us to believe that burglary victims use their guns in self-defense more than 100% of the time. [emphasis added]

Furthermore, contemporaneous data from the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics National Crime Victimization survey suggested that while over one million violent crimes were committed with guns each year, guns were used defensively 60,000 to 120,000 times.
For the final bitch - slap at Geaux...

Georgia vs Wisconsin in State Facts

Violent Crime in Georgia - 37591
Violent Crime in Wisconsin - 16064

Crime rate

Georgia - 3790 per 100,000 people
Wisconsin- 2734 per 100,000 people.

Wisconsin- 6.5 percent black, 88.2 percent white

Georgia- 31.2 percent black, 62.8 percent white

There's your discrepancy for the crime stats.

I was wondering how long it would take for one of you guys to play the race card.

You can't deny the facts.

If your going to compare one place to another it's only fair you choose two places with similar demographics.
Wisconsin- 6.5 percent black, 88.2 percent white

Georgia- 31.2 percent black, 62.8 percent white

There's your discrepancy for the crime stats.

I was wondering how long it would take for one of you guys to play the race card.

You can't deny the facts.

If your going to compare one place to another it's only fair you choose two places with similar demographics.

Well I fully understand your point but of course, they can deny facts...the left denies facts all the time. Guns are but one of many issues they refuse to accept the truth about.
I was wondering how long it would take for one of you guys to play the race card.

You can't deny the facts.

If your going to compare one place to another it's only fair you choose two places with similar demographics.

Well I fully understand your point but of course, they can deny facts...the left denies facts all the time. Guns are but one of many issues they refuse to accept the truth about.

Indeed.....Ive made JoeB look like a dick at least 3 times on this thread with university research from 2013 definitively proving more guns -= less crimes.

I posted the paper in this thread at least twice if anybody cares to take a gander back a few pages. Im tired of making this asshole look like a dick.
Criminals have to abide by the same conditions.

Background checks DO stop crooks from getting guns because the source of the guns are controlled.

Works in every other country that has tried it.

There are plenty of illegal firearms in countries that have gun bans.

The only people that obey gun laws are people who most likely will ever commit a crime.

Stop being so fucking naive.

Define plenty.

Japan had 11 gun murders, compared to our 11,000.

The UK had 48.

Germany had 250.

Seems to me those countries have a handle on the problem. We really don't.

but this is where you don't get that you are a tool. The gunmakers and the NRA don't want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. They know the only reason why non-gun nuts would want to buy them is if they are scared. And they won't be scared if bad people don't have guns.

We all know the UK doesn't define a homicide as such unless there is a conviction.

And gun deaths have nothing to do with how many illegal guns are present. How many crimes are committed with a gun where no one is killed? Who commits those gun crimes in countries with gun bans? Criminals with illegal guns that's who.

It's naive to the point of stupidity to think there are no illegal guns in other countries.

I don't give a shit about gun makers or the NRA.

No manufacturer of any product is responsible for how it is used by the person who buys that product.

And tell me do you really think "bad people" will only hurt you with a gun?

If you were approached by a couple guys with knives or bats or 2 by fours wouldn't a weapon that could be used from a distance of 20 feet be the best choice for self defense?

And don't tell it it hardly ever happens because it happened to me. It was before I had a carry permit so I not only lost 300 dollars I was beat up badly enough to miss a week's work.
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For the final bitch - slap at Geaux...

Georgia vs Wisconsin in State Facts

Violent Crime in Georgia - 37591
Violent Crime in Wisconsin - 16064

Crime rate

Georgia - 3790 per 100,000 people
Wisconsin- 2734 per 100,000 people.

Wisconsin- 6.5 percent black, 88.2 percent white

Georgia- 31.2 percent black, 62.8 percent white

There's your discrepancy for the crime stats.

Uh oh, now you done did it!


lol, funny how some people hide from facts by resorting to screams of racism.
There are plenty of illegal firearms in countries that have gun bans.

The only people that obey gun laws are people who most likely will ever commit a crime.

Stop being so fucking naive.

Define plenty.

Japan had 11 gun murders, compared to our 11,000.

The UK had 48.

Germany had 250.

Seems to me those countries have a handle on the problem. We really don't.

but this is where you don't get that you are a tool. The gunmakers and the NRA don't want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. They know the only reason why non-gun nuts would want to buy them is if they are scared. And they won't be scared if bad people don't have guns.

We all know the UK doesn't define a homicide as such unless there is a conviction.

And gun deaths have nothing to do with how many illegal guns are present. How many crimes are committed with a gun where no one is killed? Who commits those gun crimes in countries with gun bans? Criminals with illegal guns that's who.

It's naive to the point of stupidity to think there are no illegal guns in other countries.

I don't give a shit about gun makers or the NRA.

No manufacturer of any product is responsible for how it is used by the person who buys that product.

And tell me do you really think "bad people" will only hurt you with a gun?

If you were approached by a couple guys with knives or bats or 2 by fours wouldn't a weapon that could be used from a distance of 20 feet be the best choice for self defense?

And don't tell it it hardly ever happens because it happened to me. It was before I had a carry permit so I not only lost 300 dollars I was beat up badly enough to miss a week's work.

Spidey........these gun grabber nutters would ban kitchen utensils and nails if they could!!!!

Check this shit out >>>

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNb34vPqrN0#at=257]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]
There are plenty of illegal firearms in countries that have gun bans.

The only people that obey gun laws are people who most likely will ever commit a crime.

Stop being so fucking naive.

Define plenty.

Japan had 11 gun murders, compared to our 11,000.

The UK had 48.

Germany had 250.

Seems to me those countries have a handle on the problem. We really don't.

but this is where you don't get that you are a tool. The gunmakers and the NRA don't want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. They know the only reason why non-gun nuts would want to buy them is if they are scared. And they won't be scared if bad people don't have guns.

We all know the UK doesn't define a homicide as such unless there is a conviction.

And gun deaths have nothing to do with how many illegal guns are present. How many crimes are committed with a gun where no one is killed? Who commits those gun crimes in countries with gun bans? Criminals with illegal guns that's who.

It's naive to the point of stupidity to think there are no illegal guns in other countries.

I don't give a shit about gun makers or the NRA.

No manufacturer of any product is responsible for how it is used by the person who buys that product.

And tell me do you really think "bad people" will only hurt you with a gun?

If you were approached by a couple guys with knives or bats or 2 by fours wouldn't a weapon that could be used from a distance of 20 feet be the best choice for self defense?

And don't tell it it hardly ever happens because it happened to me. It was before I had a carry permit so I not only lost 300 dollars I was beat up badly enough to miss a week's work.

Well, the important thing to remember here is that you got the shit beaten out of you. So it wasn't ALL bad.
Define plenty.

Japan had 11 gun murders, compared to our 11,000.

The UK had 48.

Germany had 250.

Seems to me those countries have a handle on the problem. We really don't.

but this is where you don't get that you are a tool. The gunmakers and the NRA don't want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. They know the only reason why non-gun nuts would want to buy them is if they are scared. And they won't be scared if bad people don't have guns.

We all know the UK doesn't define a homicide as such unless there is a conviction.

And gun deaths have nothing to do with how many illegal guns are present. How many crimes are committed with a gun where no one is killed? Who commits those gun crimes in countries with gun bans? Criminals with illegal guns that's who.

It's naive to the point of stupidity to think there are no illegal guns in other countries.

I don't give a shit about gun makers or the NRA.

No manufacturer of any product is responsible for how it is used by the person who buys that product.

And tell me do you really think "bad people" will only hurt you with a gun?

If you were approached by a couple guys with knives or bats or 2 by fours wouldn't a weapon that could be used from a distance of 20 feet be the best choice for self defense?

And don't tell it it hardly ever happens because it happened to me. It was before I had a carry permit so I not only lost 300 dollars I was beat up badly enough to miss a week's work.

Well, the important thing to remember here is that you got the shit beaten out of you. So it wasn't ALL bad.

But next time I'll be able to defend myself from multiple attackers from 20 or 30 feet away while you'll get the shit kicked out of you.

And don't worry I will never pull a weapon to defend you or anyone else who chooses to be defenseless. That's your choice, your right and I respect that. I might call the cops or I might not because chances are the guys will be done tuning you up by the time the cops get there or you'll be dead. Win win.

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