Everyone Got Paid In The Obama Administration

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Obama, and The State Department under Clinton knew absolutely that Rosatom was engaged in a bribery scandal to acquire 20% of US Uranium by first having The Uranium One Deal approved, and then having Rosatom buy out Uranium One. They then cornered the market for the most part on Uranium Contracts.

Obama and The Sate Department ran by Clinton, also knew That Russia was Assisting Iran both monetarily and with technical expertise in developing their nuclear weapons and ICBM program. They knew this and more because there was an Informant inside Rosatom that video taped Rosatom Executives discussing the plot, accepting and handing out bribes. He had video tapes and audio, and handed it all over to Mueller, Lynch, Comey and McCabe, and they all four of them swept it under the rug, kept their mouths shut and let the deal go through. Obama was briefed on this Intel by Susan Rice, just like he was briefed on The Fake Fusion GPS Russian Dossier and the FISA Warrants filed for to spy on The Trump Campaign. BTW, he contributed $1 Million Dollars towards the FUSION GPS Dossier, so he knew The FISA Warrants were acquired with False Affidavits, and based on Uncorroborated, False and Salacious Propaganda. So chew on that fact for a while. The State Department also was briefed on all of this.

One should find it interesting regarding The Crooked Uranium One Deal then that not long after The Uranium One Deal was approved, and AFTER Rosatom a Russian Uranium Corporate Consortium acquired Uranium One, Obama then in violation of International Law flew $1.5 Billion dollars in the dead of night to Iran. Since it was illegal to wire transfer or give Iran American Dollars, Obama had pallets of US Dollars flown to Europe and had them exchanged in to Euros and then flew the pallets of Euros to Iran. Iran then used their new found wealth to buy American Uranium from Russian Rosatom, and then funneled some of the other money directly to HAMAS along with The RUSSIAN WEAPONS they bought for HAMAS.

Also it should go without saying that North Korea and Iran are partnered together with regards to Nuclear Research, and the Nuclear Weapons that were being tested underground in North Korea were tests conducted by Joint Iran and North Korea Scientists. Obama was well aware of this, so was John Kerry, so was Hillary Clinton, Susan, Rice, John Brennan, Clapper, Lynch Comey and McCabe.

Some people call what Obama, Clinton, and their Cronies did "Treason" Their Supporters just call it another day of doing business for The Left, whose goal apparently is to put America and her Freedoms up for sale to profit themselves. Obama got a $65 Million dollar book advance from a Russian backed Publishing Company for this. Clinton received $145 Million in donations from Rosatom Executives laundered through The Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton was given speaking fees of $500,000 dollars for each speech he made in Russia, Other people were paid off too, like John McCain who actually was given a copy of The Russian Dossier before The DOJ had even seen it. Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schummer all got various stock tips, donations to their charities, etc. etc. Susan Rice on just $175,000 dollar a year salary and working for the Obama Administration just 4 years is now worth $50 Million Dollars. The List goes on and on.

Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress
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This debunked fake news crap again!

Buzz of comrade , we are on to your Rooskie lies .
Notice how not ONE LIBERAL can actually refute the points made.

They just do some drive by insults and offer nothing in substance.

They cannot refute any of this, because all of this is factual and actually occurred.
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Notice how not ONE LIBERAL can actually refute the points made.

They just do some drive by insults and offer nothing in substance.

They cannot refute any of this, because all of this is factual and actually occurred.

Who in their right mind would waste their time refuting this b.s.? Only a right wing nut would post this dreck, or maybe a Russian bot. A stupid insane bot.

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That is the whole point of discussion and debate on a message board. If you aren’t here and doing that, then this qualifies you as a Troll.

Me on the other hand...I am just a concerned citizen speaking my voice and protesting the leftist ideologies destroying this country our children and American Culture.

How many accounts have you made because you have repeatedly been placed on IGNORE?

Notice how not ONE LIBERAL can actually refute the points made.

They just do some drive by insults and offer nothing in substance.

They cannot refute any of this, because all of this is factual and actually occurred.

Who in their right mind would waste their time refuting this b.s.? Only a right wing nut would post this dreck, or maybe a Russian bot. A stupid insane bot.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Do not underestimate Crazy Joe Biden's role in the Obama corruption! Biden may seen like a goofy, grinning idiot, but Biden was one of Butthurt Obama's and Crooked Hillary's protectors!
Biden’s, son Hunter went on a joyride to China on Airforce 2.

10 days after that The Chinese Donated $1.5 Billion to Biden’s Firm.

In exchange China got favorable trade deals with The US and The Obama Administration looking the other way on North Korea’s Nuclear Program.

Biden's son Hunter made deal with Bank of China during father's trip | Daily Mail Online

Hunter Biden Got Billion-Dollar Deal With Chinese Government After Dad’s Trip To China

Do not underestimate Crazy Joe Biden's role in the Obama corruption! Biden may seen like a goofy, grinning idiot, but Biden was one of Butthurt Obama's and Crooked Hillary's protectors!
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Obama, and The State Department under Clinton knew absolutely that Rosatom was engaged in a bribery scandal to acquire 20% of US Uranium by first having The Uranium One Deal approved, and then having Rosatom buy out Uranium One. They then cornered the market for the most part on Uranium Contracts.

Obama and The Sate Department ran by Clinton, also knew That Russia was Assisting Iran both monetarily and with technical expertise in developing their nuclear weapons and ICBM program. They knew this and more because there was an Informant inside Rosatom that video taped Rosatom Executives discussing the plot, accepting and handing out bribes. He had video tapes and audio, and handed it all over to Mueller, Lynch, Comey and McCabe, and they all four of them swept it under the rug, kept their mouths shut and let the deal go through. Obama was briefed on this Intel by Susan Rice, just like he was briefed on The Fake Fusion GPS Russian Dossier and the FISA Warrants filed for to spy on The Trump Campaign. BTW, he contributed $1 Million Dollars towards the FUSION GPS Dossier, so he knew The FISA Warrants were acquired with False Affidavits, and based on Uncorroborated, False and Salacious Propaganda. So chew on that fact for a while. The State Department also was briefed on all of this.

One should find it interesting regarding The Crooked Uranium One Deal then that not long after The Uranium One Deal was approved, and AFTER Rosatom a Russian Uranium Corporate Consortium acquired Uranium One, Obama then in violation of International Law flew $1.5 Billion dollars in the dead of night to Iran. Since it was illegal to wire transfer or give Iran American Dollars, Obama had pallets of US Dollars flown to Europe and had them exchanged in to Euros and then flew the pallets of Euros to Iran. Iran then used their new found wealth to buy American Uranium from Russian Rosatom, and then funneled some of the other money directly to HAMAS along with The RUSSIAN WEAPONS they bought for HAMAS.

Also it should go without saying that North Korea and Iran are partnered together with regards to Nuclear Research, and the Nuclear Weapons that were being tested underground in North Korea were tests conducted by Joint Iran and North Korea Scientists. Obama was well aware of this, so was John Kerry, so was Hillary Clinton, Susan, Rice, John Brennan, Clapper, Lynch Comey and McCabe.

Some people call what Obama, Clinton, and their Cronies did "Treason" Their Supporters just call it another day of doing business for The Left, whose goal apparently is to put America and her Freedoms up for sale to profit themselves. Obama got a $65 Million dollar book advance from a Russian backed Publishing Company for this. Clinton received $145 Million in donations from Rosatom Executives laundered through The Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton was given speaking fees of $500,000 dollars for each speech he made in Russia, Other people were paid off too, like John McCain who actually was given a copy of The Russian Dossier before The DOJ had even seen it. Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schummer all got various stock tips, donations to their charities, etc. etc. Susan Rice on just $175,000 dollar a year salary and working for the Obama Administration just 4 years is now worth $50 Million Dollars. The List goes on and on.

Uranium One informant makes Clinton allegations to Congress
Before Crazy Joe Biden's son Beau passed away few years ago, he persecuted Larry Sinclair, Butthurt Obama's homosexual partner. Biden's other son Hunter who was married at the time, began dating Beau's widow, his sister-in-law. :p
Biden won’t get the nomination. He and Hunter will be involved in a criminal investigation before that.

Before Crazy Joe Biden's son Beau passed away few years ago, he persecuted Larry Sinclair, Butthurt Obama's homosexual partner. Biden's other son Hunter who was married at the time, began dating Beau's widow, his sister-in-law. :p

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