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Everyone has solutions, - lets hear yours: North Korea


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
I decided to split this from the Syria solutions thread.

North Korea.

A fanatically secretive paranoid nation, closed off to the outside world, ruled by a spoiled fat boy dictator. NK, as a nation "is in a perpetual state of near-war in which their very large military is poised to fight en masse at even a minor provocation".

American approaches to North Korea have typically been along the line of "best of bad choices" using a carrot and stick approach with sanctions, aid and active military exercises designed to intimidate.

The problem with NK is it is sandwiched in between China and SK. It can now threaten our allies in the region and possibly us. The only country that seems to have ANY influence (and that may be limited) - is China.

Why not bomb their nuclear facilities? Quora has some interesting responses to that:

Such a strike would prompt immediate large-scale retaliation, and the millions of civilians in Seoul who are in range of a massive array of North Korean artillery would find themselves being shelled, possibly with chemical weapons. A human tragedy of a scale we haven't seen in generations would result, and in (very) short order a (very) major war would break out.

The north quite possibly would scramble to use their existing nuclear weapons, all of Asia would shift to a war footing, asian markets would panic, and the major superpowers would by necessity find themselves squaring off.

It's a "World War III" scenario, and nobody wants that.


There are many layers to this issue. China has an interest in keeping the North Korean state viable (and Chinese intervention in the Korean War swung the balance back against the US and UN forces) and a major attack, esepcially by the US could be construed as a direct attack on Chinese interests.

Also, North Korea might decide that such an attack is a prelude to degrading her armed forces prior to a final attack in the future, such as what happened over the 1990's in Iraq. Their leadership might decide it was worth it to then attack South Korea in response.

There are probably many other nuances that involve the other regional players such as Russia and Japan as well. Basically I'd suggest that the potential blowback isn't worth what might be gained in an attack. The nuclear bombs North Korea has tested are not exactly huge strategic weapons and they certainly don't have sufficient numbers of weapons, nor the ability to efficiently deliver those weapons in a way that is an existential threat to Japan, the US, etc.


Another article asks the question - should we really be so afraid?

First, a reality check: the North Korean nuclear programme is less a madcap scheme than a clear and deliberate strategy. Its leaders have closely watched what’s happened to other countries that have backed away from nuclear arsenals, and two in particular: Ukraine and Libya.

Ukraine gave up its massive Soviet-era nuclear arsenal in 1994 when it signed the Budapest Memorandum with Russia, the US and the UK, on whose terms it traded nuclear weapons for a formal reassurance to respect its sovereignty; 20 years later, Moscow invaded and annexed the Crimean peninsula, and a pro-Russian insurgency in the east is still rumbling. As for Libya, Muammar Gaddafi renounced his weapons of mass destruction programme as part of an opening to the West only to be forcibly removed from power by the same countries some eight years later.

Along with the Iraq War, these spectacles taught the North Korean regime that it’s hard for a relatively small, isolated country to survive without the military hardware to guarantee it. Pyongyang has duly shown great diplomatic skill in drawing out nuclear negotiations, buying itself both time and financial aid as its programme moves forward.

So...how should we approach this latest crisis with NK?
The great thing about North Korea is they are ruled by a whack job idiot, their own leader does more damage to them than we could with carpet bombing. They are broke, starving, have no economic power to wage any kind of challenge to us. Pretty much we can sit back and laugh at them, if need be at some point in the future we'll tactical nuke that regime back to the stone age.
The problem isn't North Korea. The problem has always been China. We have a problem when it comes to negotiation leverage over China because they don't give a shit. I'll explain... In most cases, you can negotiate with another party by appealing to their self interests. China will go against it's own self interest as a matter of pride. It's in their DNA and part of their ancient culture. When you remove self interests from the negotiation equation, it becomes problematic defining what will motivate the other party.

It's not an easy problem to solve which is why no one has had a solution for more than 50 years to North Korea.
NK does have its reasons to want to protect itself. The paranoia and ultra sensitivity? Is it really paranoid to be nervous about the US rattling its sabers on the NK border? Ask the countries bordering Russia if they are paranoid about its military build up on their borders or if they are being understandably nervous.
The only way out of this tension is diplomacy, and by that I mean real diplomacy where the US, including the President, hold out an olive branch to NK and begin talks to reassure them that we don't want their little stinkin' country. Will we persuade them to get rid of their ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs? Probably not. But if we were allies or at least neutral, NK might relax.
Granted, I don't know a lot about their history or what has led to the present tension, but diplomacy is all that will solve it, if NK will play.
Why not just leave North Korea alone and just ignore the place?

All we seem to do is ratchet up the country's paranoia with our constant military posturing and verbal threats. ...... :cool:
N.Korea is an irrational regime based on a dictatorial family who rules it like a fiefdom. Someone needs to kill this fat boy king and exterminate his line same as the Bolsheviks exterminated the Tsar. Of course that did not help Russia much either though. Since the execution of their Tsar they have been beset with petty tyrants.

Even so, the fat boy has got to go.

In the meantime while the fat boy is still there his rocketry program needs to be wiped out and his nuclear capability needs to be extinguished.

Iran has similar issues. Both of these two nations are similar rogue states.

If DJ Trump decides to act alone in the interests of the USA and of the World then he just better make sure he has gotten China to agree before Trump sends warships into harm's way. Otherwise he needs to use submarines. US submarines are practically undetectable and can easily escape from East Asian waters by diving deep.
We should lift sanctions and promote trade and tourism. How about that peace treaty that we have been blocking since 1953? I think that is about due. The Korean people have been wanting to reunify for a long time.
Why not just leave North Korea alone and just ignore the place?

All we seem to do is ratchet up the country's paranoia with our constant military posturing and verbal threats. ...... :cool:
Because that is what caused the problem in the first place.

The very best thing is to bomb the crap out of N.Korean rocket and missile sites and their research facilities. And also bomb their nuclear sites.

Same with Iran. No difference.
We should lift sanctions and promote trade and tourism. How about that peace treaty that we have been blocking since 1953? I think that is about due. The Korean people have been wanting to reunify for a long time.
After the fat boy and his scum line are all dead sure, that would be ok.

Depends on whether then next regime is rational or not.

Iran for example has been irrational for 40 years.
Why not just leave North Korea alone and just ignore the place?

All we seem to do is ratchet up the country's paranoia with our constant military posturing and verbal threats. ...... :cool:
U.S. 1946 King's X
Having invented a new Holocaust,
And been the first with it to win a war,
How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed,
King’s X–no fairs to use it anymore!

–Robert Frost, Complete Poems (1949)

That's why
NK does have its reasons to want to protect itself. The paranoia and ultra sensitivity? Is it really paranoid to be nervous about the US rattling its sabers on the NK border? Ask the countries bordering Russia if they are paranoid about its military build up on their borders or if they are being understandably nervous.
The only way out of this tension is diplomacy, and by that I mean real diplomacy where the US, including the President, hold out an olive branch to NK and begin talks to reassure them that we don't want their little stinkin' country. Will we persuade them to get rid of their ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs? Probably not. But if we were allies or at least neutral, NK might relax.
Granted, I don't know a lot about their history or what has led to the present tension, but diplomacy is all that will solve it, if NK will play.
If NK will play?
That's some funny shit right there.
NK does have its reasons to want to protect itself. The paranoia and ultra sensitivity? Is it really paranoid to be nervous about the US rattling its sabers on the NK border? Ask the countries bordering Russia if they are paranoid about its military build up on their borders or if they are being understandably nervous.
The only way out of this tension is diplomacy, and by that I mean real diplomacy where the US, including the President, hold out an olive branch to NK and begin talks to reassure them that we don't want their little stinkin' country. Will we persuade them to get rid of their ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs? Probably not. But if we were allies or at least neutral, NK might relax.
Granted, I don't know a lot about their history or what has led to the present tension, but diplomacy is all that will solve it, if NK will play.
There is nobody threatening N.Korea.

They are simply wacko.
We should lift sanctions and promote trade and tourism. How about that peace treaty that we have been blocking since 1953? I think that is about due. The Korean people have been wanting to reunify for a long time.
After the fat boy and his scum line are all dead sure, that would be ok.

Depends on whether then next regime is rational or not.

Iran for example has been irrational for 40 years.
1953 was our golden year for that problem too.
NK does have its reasons to want to protect itself. The paranoia and ultra sensitivity? Is it really paranoid to be nervous about the US rattling its sabers on the NK border? Ask the countries bordering Russia if they are paranoid about its military build up on their borders or if they are being understandably nervous.
The only way out of this tension is diplomacy, and by that I mean real diplomacy where the US, including the President, hold out an olive branch to NK and begin talks to reassure them that we don't want their little stinkin' country. Will we persuade them to get rid of their ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs? Probably not. But if we were allies or at least neutral, NK might relax.
Granted, I don't know a lot about their history or what has led to the present tension, but diplomacy is all that will solve it, if NK will play.
There is nobody threatening N.Korea.

They are simply wacko.
It's not about what you or I think--it is about what THEY think. Did you read the OP? As soon as we launch the first missile, Seoul is toast. Do you really think what is best for the Koreans, north and south, is to be turned into another Aleppo? A little part of my brain is with you, though, as far as getting rid of Un the old fashioned way, with a nice quiet assassination by the CIA. Not sure our transparent, declawed and housebroken CIA does that anymore, though.
We should lift sanctions and promote trade and tourism. How about that peace treaty that we have been blocking since 1953? I think that is about due. The Korean people have been wanting to reunify for a long time.

You must've done too much acid back in your day. I know you've never been to North Korea but have you ever seen pictures of the place? Tourism? Really? Yes, because civilized people really want to vacation in a third-world shithole! This ain't Cuba, fool! They have absolutely nothing to appeal to any Western tourist. And trade? What the fuck do they make? These people are dirt poor and they devote their entire lives to supporting their ruler.

And NO, the South Korean people have absolutely no desire to "reunify" under a crazy tyrant communist ruler. The South Koreans have a vibrant economy and healthy trade alliance with the US and others. They are a beacon of success in the region, why would they wish to sacrifice all of that and be annexed by communists? That's complete insanity.
There aren't any good solutions that do not involve China. They are the only ones with influence in North Korea, which is economically and military dependent on them. They could single handedly cause a coup in North Korea at a moments notice.

The US could invade North Korea, and get humiliated because they simply do not have the resouces to occupy a country with 1,200,000,000 military persennel, 1000 tactical ballistic missiles, thousands of artillery pieces, and a growing arsenal of modernized tanks and aircraft. Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, cyberwarfare capabilities, ectera. That's not even considering possible Chinese involvement. The US cannot capitulate the regime, and especially not without a major international coalition like that of Korean War.

Everyone underestimates North Korea, but no one underestimates their power to kill a lot of civilians. A couple million in South Korea would be killed by artillery barrages alone.When they exhaust their shells, they start using their chemical weapons stockpile. Then they start launching ballistic missiles on every major city in South Korea and Japan. They might even fire a nuclear missile or two for good effect.
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