Everyone Hates The New Tax Reform Package

It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
YES starve the beast Make disparity between the rich and others greater than ever And what will you repubs say when they come for your SS and medicare OR your parents ?? Blame Obama Blame Hillary ?? lol I can't wait
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.
The reputes just handed the Dem the congress in 2018.
WAy to kick yourselves in the ass.
The reputes just handed the Dem the congress in 2018.
WAy to kick yourselves in the ass.
Hillary will win by a landslide...Trump has no path to the White House.

nov 2018.jpg
How come not one Trump whore has the balls to call out this lying president when he said he’d be hurt by the tax bill ?
Not one.
This tax bill will hurt seniors, the poor, and the middle class while giving the top 2 % money they dont need.

Trumpies thinks that spells victory for the GOP in 2018. Ha!
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.

What would you consider evidence that it was a "rip roaring success"?
SCOTUS ruled the Obamacare mandate was a tax.

Trump and Congress are cutting taxes.

So glad not one Democrat voted yes for this widely unpopular tax scam.
They will be rewarded by the American people in 2018.


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The fake news spin is starting to go viral, CNBC, Washington Post, Real Clear Politics, Time all now reporting the tax bill is "broadly unpopular". Rush will have a field day with a montage of this next week.

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