‘Everyone hates this place’: Border bill tears apart Democratic caucus


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
‘Everyone hates this place’: Border bill tears apart Democratic caucus
The four-day whiplash battle proved Pelosi, who often describes herself as a ‘master negotiator,’ is not invincible.

‘Everyone hates this place’: Border bill tears apart Democratic caucus - POLITICO
Democrats broke into open warfare Thursday over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s surrender to the Senate’s emergency border aid package, with the caucus’ long-simmering divide between progressives and centrists playing out in dramatic fashion on the House floor. Pelosi has spent months deftly navigating a diverse caucus brimming with political novices, deeply split on ideological lines and itching to throw the president out of office. But this week’s fiasco exposed fissures in Pelosi’s rank-and-file, in her leadership and in her relationship with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

If you read no other article from Politico this year, this is the one that is a popcorn-ready, blowup-by-blowup, exploding-heads gem of a read of what Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats were doing yesterday, while on the other side of the aisle, Republicans quietly celebrated finally getting some disaster relief aid passed.
A few months ago, the PMS/DSA Democrats denied there was a border crisis. Now they're sobbing from their little bleeding hearts. Their failure to be honest, and to protect this country, will doom them in 2020. Appropriately.
What a bunch of hypocrites. Remember, last winter, talking heads, drive by media and PMS/DSA Democrats said Trump made the whole thing up. "No crisis". In fact, illegal aliens were leaving the country in droves. Now, it's a crisis again. Trump is to blame, of course. I wonder how much of this could have been avoided if we had just built the damn wall and properly funded the border patrol...you know, the way Trump asked them to do?
Pelosi, acts like a Chinese empress, with her vast army of eunuchs to do her bidding. She, and Steny Hoyer, and, Jim Clyburn, should have shown up unannounced at one of the detention facilities, and demanded to be admitted to see the conditions that we have put these kids in. Then, they should have held a public press conference, and, mobilized support from the public for the actions that must be taken. Instead she sits in her own little Forbidden City, Speakers Office, and, tries to pull the strings of power. Unfortunately, those strings are fraying, and, the people are becoming tired of the same old regime. The House Leadership is all too old, and, too entrenched, they do not lead, they just count votes and work to keep their hold on power no matter how many lives are damaged. As, General Monck, said to the Long Parliament, " You have sat here too long, it is time for you to go".​

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