Everyone is dancing around the truth in the Sandra Bland arrest. What happened is obvious.

You have an articulate and good looking black woman who probably came from up north some where and you have a very red neck white officer with that hickey kind of country accent. He's probably spent his entire life within 10 miles of where that incident took place. I bet he has a half dozen confederate T shirts.

For some reason, and you can see it here on the USMB, conservatives and right wingers believe you should just give up every right you have and instantly jump at what a police officer says, no matter the circumstances, or you get what you deserve. Especially if you are black, Hispanic, gay or some other minority. It's an example of the ultimate police state.

So he stops her for not using her turn signal. Of course she should use her turn signal, that's what it's there for. He should have just given her a ticket or a warning. And if it was some other white with that hickey accent, you know he would have only given a verbal warning if he had bothered to stop them.

And I'll tell you something else. I have relatives in the deep south that I spent some vacations and a couple of summers with growing up. I speak perfect "Yawl (or as some USMB members insist, "ya'll"), and I have been stopped because my license is from out of state and I just start talking Yawl and they suddenly talk very nice and have never given me a ticket.

Clearly that officer provoked her and escalated the situation with "put out your cigarette" and "step out of the car" and arresting her. It wasn't that he wanted her respect. He wanted her to cower and shuffle and she wasn't having it. So in his tiny and racist little mind, he was teaching her a lesson and it was within his right to teach her that lesson no matter what the actual law said because of who he was, the uniform he was wearing and who she was. In that part of the country, it's the "natural order" of things.

Fanning the flames as usual.....
The cop was going to write her a warning and let her go. SHE escalated the situation. She was uncooperative. Case closed.

Yes and her autopsy report came out that she had a large amount of THC in her system.

Rdean, she failed to follow the rules and she got what she deserved. Follow the rules and this sort of stuff doesn't happen

I'm 4 years old and have never gotten a movie g violation or been arrested. Why the cast majority of Americans can't say the same thing suggests to me that the biggest problem in thus country is likely it's citizens.
They lack white privilege.
Screw you and your white privilege bullshit.
Sunni, the woman was right. She should have never been asked to get out of her car for a minor, routine traffic violation. That cop was a real butt wipe. But, belligerence got her arrested. And she killed herself. The cop isn't guilty of murder, he was just a nasty cop taking advantage of his position to push a citizen around. Tough guy shouldn't be a cop. There was no protecting and serving of anything but his ego.
Which video were you watching?
Apparently you have never been approached or pulled over by police. She did nothing unusual or anything I would not have said when I was younger. Now I give them what is required when it is required and say nothing else. They do not like that and it always turns into " let's talk man to man" or "I am just trying to have a conversation with you" They want you to talk. This cop had only been on the beat for one year, he was trying to make a name for himself with the department, his lies about miss bland proove that when he is talking on the recording latter on. Looking at how he was positioned and his reaction to her when she questioned why she was being arrested and notice he did not answer which he was legally obligated to do.

He did ask her to put out the cigarette and he said please. Not a command. So you believe what this cop did was right? That he wasnt provoking her? that she was rude? And he wasn't rude by saying are you done? GTFO of here. You are very gullible and if this is the sort of police officer you like then you need to get with this guy and the McKinley summersault cop and have a pity party!
Total bullshit post. Talk man to man? For what, a date? He either didn't want to breathe her smoke or knows that a flipped butt in the face can cause problems. The odd thing is he had to ask in the first place. If you get stupid with cops you may end up in the news, similarly, you play with fire and you can get burned. Play in traffic and...well, you get the idea.
It's because many cops had cigarettes flicked in their faces. It's for their safety.
Says who?

And how many cops have had pissed-off drivers spit in their faces? How do they prevent that? Wear a face mask or order drivers to face the other way?

Unless you can document this absurd, "flicked in their faces," motivation you really shouldn't even bring it up.
The cop that stopped Sandra Bland was merely doing his job. Once again, when did you take police training 101?
Telling a driver who is smoking in his/car to put out the cigarette is not part of his job. There is no law against smoking in a car.

This cop's actions were excessive, which is why he's been suspended.

yet if she would have been respectful to him and put it out this wouldn't have happened i'm betting.
It's because many cops had cigarettes flicked in their faces. It's for their safety.
Says who?

And how many cops have had pissed-off drivers spit in their faces? How do they prevent that? Wear a face mask or order drivers to face the other way?

Unless you can document this absurd, "flicked in their faces," motivation you really shouldn't even bring it up.

My step Dad was a Cop so I know of what I speak of.

Also reports of it happening to cops with OWS crowd.
Yes and her autopsy report came out that she had a large amount of THC in her system.
So what?

Detectable traces of marijuana remain constant for up to thirty days. If she was under the influence of marijuana at the time of occurrence she would have been sedated, not argumentative or belligerent. So that autopsy finding is not irrelevant to the circumstances.
Yes and her autopsy report came out that she had a large amount of THC in her system.
So what?

Detectable traces of marijuana remain constant for up to thirty days. If she was under the influence of marijuana at the time of occurrence she would have been sedated, not argumentative or belligerent. So that autopsy finding is not irrelevant to the circumstances.

It wasn't a trace, it was a large amount.
She got it while she was in her cell.
If she is doing it in jail then she also did it all the time.
What rule says one cannot smoke in one's own vehicle?

When a cop wants you out of the car he doesn't need a lighted cigarette flicked into his face.

That's why his next request was going to be for her to bite off all nails.

Why do so many go off on a la la land remark that would never happen?

Well no one knew until this happened not putting out your cigarette in your own car was something you can be arrested for. Nail removal is reasonable..after all don't want to risk the officer maybe getting hurt by a cigarette or nails.
What rule says one cannot smoke in one's own vehicle?

When a cop wants you out of the car he doesn't need a lighted cigarette flicked into his face.

That's why his next request was going to be for her to bite off all nails.

Why do so many go off on a la la land remark that would never happen?

Well no one knew until this happened not putting out your cigarette in your own car was something you can be arrested for. Nail removal is reasonable..after all don't want to risk the officer maybe getting hurt by a cigarette or nails.

It was not obeying the officer.
Yes and her autopsy report came out that she had a large amount of THC in her system.
So what?

Detectable traces of marijuana remain constant for up to thirty days. If she was under the influence of marijuana at the time of occurrence she would have been sedated, not argumentative or belligerent. So that autopsy finding is not irrelevant to the circumstances.

Not everyone responds to THC the same way. There are those that become aggressive and belligerent. Can never tell how a person responds to a drug.
What rule says one cannot smoke in one's own vehicle?

When a cop wants you out of the car he doesn't need a lighted cigarette flicked into his face.

That's why his next request was going to be for her to bite off all nails.

Why do so many go off on a la la land remark that would never happen?

Well no one knew until this happened not putting out your cigarette in your own car was something you can be arrested for. Nail removal is reasonable..after all don't want to risk the officer maybe getting hurt by a cigarette or nails.

It was not obeying the officer.
Now tell me what request does not have to be followed? Anything?
What rule says one cannot smoke in one's own vehicle?

When a cop wants you out of the car he doesn't need a lighted cigarette flicked into his face.

That's why his next request was going to be for her to bite off all nails.

Why do so many go off on a la la land remark that would never happen?

Well no one knew until this happened not putting out your cigarette in your own car was something you can be arrested for. Nail removal is reasonable..after all don't want to risk the officer maybe getting hurt by a cigarette or nails.

No one knew?
Everyone I know, knows that you obey what a cop tells you to do or you get arrested.
When a cop wants you out of the car he doesn't need a lighted cigarette flicked into his face.

That's why his next request was going to be for her to bite off all nails.

Why do so many go off on a la la land remark that would never happen?

Well no one knew until this happened not putting out your cigarette in your own car was something you can be arrested for. Nail removal is reasonable..after all don't want to risk the officer maybe getting hurt by a cigarette or nails.

It was not obeying the officer.
Now tell me what request does not have to be followed? Anything?

Your rights when you get pulled over.
What Rights Do You Have When Pulled Over - Business Insider
[...]He either didn't want to breathe her smoke or knows that a flipped butt in the face can cause problems. The odd thing is he had to ask in the first place.
What he knows could happen is no justification for taking such prohibitive action. If she did flick the cigarette in his face, or blow clouds of smoke in his face, then, and only then, is he authorized to take action.

Because cops know a man they are questioning for something can kick them in the balls, does that mean they are authorized to tell him to remove his shoes? Too many cops are taking this "officer safety" routine too far. Pretty soon they will be handcuffing everyone they stop for anything and laying them face down on the street -- because they could flick a cigarette at them, spit at them, kick them in the balls, and on and on.

The response to that nonsense is action only after action, not on presumptive notion.

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