Everyone keeps saying what foreigners saw and thought of the attack on the Capitol but they leave out the most important thing.

You don't look like Grandma Andace. You're welcome.

But, you can't read either. Make a note, stupid; pejorative hyperbole is not refuting anything. It does, however, validate what I've stated many times. Thanks.
....hahahahhahah--you are so naive/etc
....what do a lot of Americans [ foreign to Iran ] think of Iran???!!!!!!!!! or Russia/Russians????
you and I don't know shit about them

I get the feeling that you don't know shit about a lot of things.
....I've been reading and researching history longer than you were born
....America's MSM LIES/publishes bullshit everyday, and you think foreigners know MORE about the the truth?????
--if you believe that, you ARE very stupid
All I know is it’s going to be more difficult trying to convince countries like China that democracy is the best form of government when what trump tried to pull is possible. Doesn’t seem to stable to them.
...your post is MORE proof you people don't know shit about world history/world affairs/world politics!!!!!!!!

GODDAMN!!!!!! ''trying to convince countries that democracy is the best form of government'''' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus christ--that's been an issue since 1945!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----it's USELESS/WASTEFUL/POINTLESS/etc to try to convince other countries about ANYTHING
.....we can't/shouldn't/etc try to convince other countries about democracy/etc----it's up to THEM--not us!!!!!!!!
That’s not what Reagan said
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers.

They have killed more than 2 unarmed black people this year. They killed a black woman in her bed and they were in the wrong apartment.

Well, that's a fucking lie, as you know.


Various Facebook and Twitter posts have claimed that Louisville police went to the wrong apartment the night of Taylor's death when they served the no-knock warrant.

Ben Crump, a Florida-based attorney involved with the Taylor case, wrote on Twitter on May 11 that police "had the wrong address AND their real suspect was already in custody."

The Courier Journal obtained copies of five search warrants Louisville police received March 12 as part of a narcotics investigation.

One was for Taylor's apartment, three were for adjacent homes on Elliott Avenue in the Russell neighborhood and one was for a house on West Muhammad Ali Boulevard. The Muhammad Ali Boulevard warrant was not executed.

The search warrant for Taylor's home includes her street address, apartment number and photos of her apartment door, which police later broke using a battering ram.

Taylor's name, birth date and social security number are listed on the warrant, alongside the names of the narcotics investigation's main targets, Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker.

100 US Diplomats have cabled Trump to resign because he urged his followers to storm the Capitol.. and criticized him for the damage he has done to the US and democracy world wide.

Fuck them, and fuck you.

You've waged a violent civil war since March 2020 - I haven't seen one fucking commie pile of shit resign. Pigshit is still in office - Cameltoe bails the Brown Shirts out.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
Tell that to old lady
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
Well America stands right now. This shit ain't over yet. I hope it continues to stand.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

If foreigners are unwilling to do business with you because of your unreliable, authoritarian government, their thoughts will most definitely be necessary for you to prosper.

Trump has already destroyed your reputation for dependability and being a reliable and trustworthy partner. People aren't investing in the USA, because you've become both unstable and unreliable.
..foreigners don't know shit about us and vice versa
They do trust me.
I grew up overseas and I knew a lot about the US more than many Americans till this day.

Europeans in general know a lot about the US, collectively they are more educated than the average American and in a written test about the US I would put my money on them to score higher. Education is the difference, we have a shitty system.

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