Everyone keeps saying what foreigners saw and thought of the attack on the Capitol but they leave out the most important thing.

Actually I’m trying to show what a triggered snowflake you are.

Please tell us why our republic is in grave danger. White supremists militias?

Alright, then. I'll start a bull ring.

Try to take it easy on me, though. Gosh. The mere thought of facing the depth of your intellect already has me quaking in my loafers.
Look how smart you think you are. You’re a loser. I don’t know why I’m even responding after that blue wave. I should just be telling you to suck it till next years midterms. Until then, loser. Get comfortable being the minority in all three houses.
It should because I’ll call you on your bullshit. You’ll ignore when you are wrong of course.

I know, right? You're a gosh darned lion, man. I can tell aready. Boy, oh boy! What have I got myself into?

Anyway, I'm just thinking on how to frame it. Hm. I tell ya, it's crazy, I'm shaking like a leaf over here.
You fuck! You didn’t notice that was December tenth? A couple weeks ago dominion threatened to sue then not a peep from Rudy. He knows better. But too late.

My friends own dominion voting machines btw. Their family has received death threats. I don’t blame crazy republicans because I’d be pissed too if republicans got away with stealing another election like they did in 2000. I may have stormed the capitol too and tried to kidnap Mitch McConnell. Lol
I saw the date and if you think Dominion didn't threaten to sue critics of their vote stealing machines before that date then you are sadly mistaken/delusional/ naive.

Dominion threatened to sue Michigan for conducting a forensic study of their machines and that was
back in November. Your claim is absurd and not backed by any facts at all.
Lie harder next time.
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.

And the still the commies pretend like you didn't do exactly the same in July, except then you condemned the police for interfering and of course blamed Trump.
You fuck! You didn’t notice that was December tenth? A couple weeks ago dominion threatened to sue then not a peep from Rudy. He knows better. But too late.

My friends own dominion voting machines btw. Their family has received death threats. I don’t blame crazy republicans because I’d be pissed too if republicans got away with stealing another election like they did in 2000. I may have stormed the capitol too and tried to kidnap Mitch McConnell. Lol
I saw the date and if you think Dominion didn't threaten to sue critics of their vote stealing machines before that date then you are sadly mistaken/delusional/ naive.

Dominion threatened to sue Michigan for conducting a forensic study of their machines and that was
back in November. Your claim is absurd and not backed by any facts at all.
Lie harder next time.
I’m looking at an article right now from December 20th. Show me trump or Rudy slandering dominion by name after that date
This is exactly what Hitler told the german people after his failed coup in the 1920s. Let’s not downplay just how fucked up trump is for trying what he tried.

His coup only failed because a few republicans refused to go along. Mitch. Romney. Georgia governor. Pence.

Had these guys went along we would still be dealing with you sedisionists

What "coup"

You vermin completely support that siege of the capitol last July including the attempt by your Brown Shirts to burn down St. John's Church but have the nerve to call this a "coup?"

Do you even know what a coup is?

Hint: What Adam Schitt and Nancy Pigshit did last January was an attempted coup, they tried to overthrow the government.

What the morons on Wednesday did was vandalism and rioting.
You fuck! You didn’t notice that was December tenth? A couple weeks ago dominion threatened to sue then not a peep from Rudy. He knows better. But too late.

My friends own dominion voting machines btw. Their family has received death threats. I don’t blame crazy republicans because I’d be pissed too if republicans got away with stealing another election like they did in 2000. I may have stormed the capitol too and tried to kidnap Mitch McConnell. Lol
I saw the date and if you think Dominion didn't threaten to sue critics of their vote stealing machines before that date then you are sadly mistaken/delusional/ naive.

Dominion threatened to sue Michigan for conducting a forensic study of their machines and that was
back in November. Your claim is absurd and not backed by any facts at all.
Lie harder next time.
Rudy slandered dominion nov 14. Next thing you know everyday Fox and all the other right wing spin

Fox, OAN and newsmax may still be sued. In two weeks they slandered dominion 792 times.

Notice now they aren’t saying slanderous lies about dominion?

I think December 24th was the last time republicans slandered dominion. Show me what republican news sources were saying about dominion on January
This is exactly what Hitler told the german people after his failed coup in the 1920s. Let’s not downplay just how fucked up trump is for trying what he tried.

His coup only failed because a few republicans refused to go along. Mitch. Romney. Georgia governor. Pence.

Had these guys went along we would still be dealing with you sedisionists

What "coup"

You vermin completely support that siege of the capitol last July including the attempt by your Brown Shirts to burn down St. John's Church but have the nerve to call this a "coup?"

Do you even know what a coup is?

Hint: What Adam Schitt and Nancy Pigshit did last January was an attempted coup, they tried to overthrow the government.

What the morons on Wednesday did was vandalism and rioting.
We legally impeached trump. He’s lucky Mitch protected his treasonist ass. Fucking nazis. beer hall putsch.

How many people died when Nancy trie to pull a coup? None? How many did trump kill? 5
Rudy slandered dominion nov 14. Next thing you know everyday Fox and all the other right wing spin

Fox, OAN and newsmax may still be sued. In two weeks they slandered dominion 792 times.

Notice now they aren’t saying slanderous lies about dominion?

I think December 24th was the last time republicans slandered dominion. Show me what republican news sources were saying about dominion on January
I'm sure I don't have the ability to cull all the news in America and present it to you.
Dominion isn't an issue once the election is finished and Dominion has been already
exposed and discussed to death.

Dominion has threatened much and produced zero action. The ball is in their court.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.

It is to the filthy ass Communist assholes.

They think it is treason for America not to be a Socialists shithole run by an illegitimate piece of dumbass shit.

They think they are entitled to all the "free" stuff they get with Socialism so it is treason for us not to go along with their greed.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.

It is to the filthy ass Communist assholes.

They think it is treason for America not to be a Socialists shithole run by an illegitimate piece of dumbass shit.

They think they are entitled to all the "free" stuff they get with Socialism so it is treason for us not to go along with their greed.
This is what’s wrong with republicans. Heads filled with propoganda shit. question is why are you so angry? What’s wrong with your life here in America? Are gays ruining it for you?
We control the senate, house and White House. You’re the triggered snowflakes.

And the death camps, don't forget that you control the death camps too!
Relax you have the supreme court

You are confused Moon Bat.

We can't count on the Court to protect our Liberties any more than we can expect the Executive or Legislative Branches to protect us.

Just look what those chickenshits did with the stolen election lawsuit. The Chief Justice said he didn't want to rule because it might cause rioting.

They don't have the courage to stand up for America and that is why we have to stand up for ourselves. Thanks goodness our Founding Fathers understood this and we have the Second Amendment.

I never thought in my lifetime I would see the Second used for its intended purpose but you filthy ass greedy little confused Useful idiots are driving us to the point where that may happen.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.

It is to the filthy ass Communist assholes.

They think it is treason for America not to be a Socialists shithole run by an illegitimate piece of dumbass shit.

They think they are entitled to all the "free" stuff they get with Socialism so it is treason for us not to go along with their greed.
This is what’s wrong with republicans. Heads filled with propoganda shit. question is why are you so angry? What’s wrong with your life here in America? Are gays ruining it for you?

You are confused Moon Bat.

There is no such thing as Republicans. At least not how confused people like you think there are. All we have are Democrat, Democrat Light and Patriots.

More like Communists, Communists Light and real Americans.
What America thinks................

Now I understand the flaws of polls but a majority of American's blame Trump for what happened and say he should be removed.

After Capitol siege, majority of Americans say Trump should be removed from office before term ends: POLL

Is what American's think important?
1. '''POLL'''' hahhahahha--you lost it right there-total undeniable bullshit
2. ''majority''' hahahhahahahaha

Rep Toomey (R) is on right now saying Trump should resign. Is what American's believe important?
He’s an American, not “Americans”.
....hahahahhahah--you are so naive/etc
....what do a lot of Americans [ foreign to Iran ] think of Iran???!!!!!!!!! or Russia/Russians????
you and I don't know shit about them

I get the feeling that you don't know shit about a lot of things.
....I've been reading and researching history longer than you were born
....America's MSM LIES/publishes bullshit everyday, and you think foreigners know MORE about the the truth?????
--if you believe that, you ARE very stupid
All I know is it’s going to be more difficult trying to convince countries like China that democracy is the best form of government when what trump tried to pull is possible. Doesn’t seem to stable to them.
I guess you forgot that when Obama was in the White House there were hundreds of protests in China against their “Representatives” and these protestors were being mowed down by the thousands.

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