Everyone keeps saying what foreigners saw and thought of the attack on the Capitol but they leave out the most important thing.

The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

Well. Our Republic...ahem...is in grave danger. What we're witnessng is a patently Marxist revolution. Representatives sent by most states are grossly incompetent and lack any intellectual understanding of the traditional American system of governance or even a remedial understanding of our founding documents. Oaths are effectively moot in that regard.

Placing that aside, I'm confident that anyone who watched that circus go down knows in the back of their minds that those people who took part in it aren't the people the establishment is worried about.

If there really ever is a showdown in this country, it won't be led by some cartoon character in a viking costume. Those folks were playing the role of useful idiot. And congress loves them for it. Foreign nations, particularly their leaders and government bodies, are intelligent enough to see what really went down on that day.
You are what’s wrong with America. Our republic is in grave dangwr? What the fuck is wrong with you. You just lost an election. You had your way for 4 years. Relax. You obstructed the previous four years. What, is Obamacare really that bad?

Black people are the only ones who should be complaining. Until corona, I thought trump made America great again. Now you say it’s falling apart? You want to secede? Why? Because of gay marriage, common sense gun and healthcare regulations?

Arent the rich richer than ever? The people who control you through fox and rush Limbaugh are doing great? I’m doing great. Aren’t you?

Trump really got you worked up. Storming capitols? Kidnapping governors? Even half your party knows your kooks but they want your vote.

Ted Cruz is on your side. His father helped assassinate Kennedy and he’s not even an american. He’s Canadian. In Texas. What scumbag he must represent.
It's falling apart because 50% don't trust the electoral system, the media, or the new "President".
Faith in the system is actually lower in the U.S than in Easten Europe or the Middle east.
I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
Look. We can go around in circles all day. Republicans were not asking for much. Just a full audit. It could have been done in 2 or 3 days, and you could have proved there was no fraud and the country moves on. But by refusing, even going to court to block the audit, you just set the scene for 4 years of division. Now 50% of the country doesnt see Biden as legit. He will never be able to go walkabouts, visit a car factory in Michigan, meet and greet etc without being harangued and ridiculed. The audit was the peacemaker, and that boat has sailed.
Wait a second! In 2015 trump said he would release his taxes after an audit and that it wouldn’t take long. 4 years later that audit isn’t done.

Trump tried every tactic he could to delay delay delay. He wanted it to go to the Supreme Court where they would give him the election. Or have it come down to a 50 vote house vote.Or have a redo in AZ, GA, MI, WI and PA.

We already know your entire gameplan because Rudy went on fox and told us. He was an idiot
He said he would release his tax audit when Hillary reveals her emails.
The electoral audit would have taken 2-3 days and been a peacemaker. That the Dems fought to stop it was foolosh. They have the blood from the Capital on their hands. Not Trump.
Every other pperson ever to run as president released their taxes. This move by trump was calculated. He saw you would support him even if he didn’t release his taxes.

Let me ask you a question. Should we stop asking to see candidates taxes? You guys seemed awfully interested in going through Obama’s taxes and al gores. Probably how you found out gore owns 5 houses.
Yes. I personally have never seen any candidates tax returns. It is highly doubtful that internet examiners are going to find anything the IRS auditors missed.
You got to be kidding. So then why didn’t trump release his taxes? And why do we bother asking to see candidates taxes? Do you want to end this practice?
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

As long as fascists are allowed to continue marauding accross the countryside, the republic is still in grave danger. They need to be wiped out
we should never again nominate a fascist. If another guy like trump runs in 2024 will republicans nominate him again?

Pick your favorite republican. Will you vote for him or Don Jr in 2024?
You are what’s wrong with America. Our republic is in grave dangwr? What the fuck is wrong with you. You just lost an election. You had your way for 4 years. Relax. You obstructed the previous four years. What, is Obamacare really that bad?

Black people are the only ones who should be complaining. Until corona, I thought trump made America great again. Now you say it’s falling apart? You want to secede? Why? Because of gay marriage, common sense gun and healthcare regulations?

Arent the rich richer than ever? The people who control you through fox and rush Limbaugh are doing great? I’m doing great. Aren’t you?

Trump really got you worked up. Storming capitols? Kidnapping governors? Even half your party knows your kooks but they want your vote.

Ted Cruz is on your side. His father helped assassinate Kennedy and he’s not even an american. He’s Canadian. In Texas. What scumbag he must represent.

I did not vote for Trump. And Cruz didn't show up for the audit the Fed vote. He's just another Keynesian neocon to me. Gay marriage? The standard cookie cutter pablum about guns and healthcare? I care about none of those things.

Playing Romper Room politics with me is like pissing into the wind, my friend.

I'll tell you what, though. If you'd like to discuss what is truly wrong with the nation, I'd be more than happy to have that conversation with you. Would you like to have that conversation? I like to learn. And I get the impression from the tenor of your response that you're just itching to show us all how smart you are.
Last edited:
Speaking the truth is never a crime. I find it funny trump and Rudy never said dominion voting machines were rigged after the company threatened to sue them for liable and slander. That speaks volumes. They stopped making that claim as soon as they could be held accountable.

Georgia, Michigan, AZ, PA and WI should sue trump too. And the court should charge him for frivolous lawsuits.
It's even funnier you think that your imagined claims count for anything. I know for a fact that Giuliani was
still blasting Dominion while the Georgia legislators were taking up the issue of fraud in Georgia.
You guys just say whatever you think you need to say without regard to facts at all.
You're pathetic. Drop dead, clown.
Nope. Rudy and trump never once said the name dominion again after they were threatened with slander and liable.

That lawsuit is probably still coming. Dom8nion should sue trump.
They would have to prove their innocence first.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

As long as fascists are allowed to continue marauding accross the countryside, the republic is still in grave danger. They need to be wiped out
we should never again nominate a fascist. If another guy like trump runs in 2024 will republicans nominate him again?

Pick your favorite republican. Will you vote for him or Don Jr in 2024?
I think Trump should put his spurs up and start a media empire.
Don Jr/Candace Owens.
Or maybe Steve Bannon/Candace Owens.
No more swamp monsters.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

As long as fascists are allowed to continue marauding accross the countryside, the republic is still in grave danger. They need to be wiped out
we should never again nominate a fascist. If another guy like trump runs in 2024 will republicans nominate him again?

Pick your favorite republican. Will you vote for him or Don Jr in 2024?

There is no reason that Baby Don shouldn't be in prison for his participation in Papa Don's crimes
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

As long as fascists are allowed to continue marauding accross the countryside, the republic is still in grave danger. They need to be wiped out
we should never again nominate a fascist. If another guy like trump runs in 2024 will republicans nominate him again?

Pick your favorite republican. Will you vote for him or Don Jr in 2024?

There is no reason that Baby Don shouldn't be in prison for his participation in Papa Don's crimes
What crimes?
I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
Look. We can go around in circles all day. Republicans were not asking for much. Just a full audit. It could have been done in 2 or 3 days, and you could have proved there was no fraud and the country moves on. But by refusing, even going to court to block the audit, you just set the scene for 4 years of division. Now 50% of the country doesnt see Biden as legit. He will never be able to go walkabouts, visit a car factory in Michigan, meet and greet etc without being harangued and ridiculed. The audit was the peacemaker, and that boat has sailed.
Wait a second! In 2015 trump said he would release his taxes after an audit and that it wouldn’t take long. 4 years later that audit isn’t done.

Trump tried every tactic he could to delay delay delay. He wanted it to go to the Supreme Court where they would give him the election. Or have it come down to a 50 vote house vote.Or have a redo in AZ, GA, MI, WI and PA.

We already know your entire gameplan because Rudy went on fox and told us. He was an idiot
He said he would release his tax audit when Hillary reveals her emails.
The electoral audit would have taken 2-3 days and been a peacemaker. That the Dems fought to stop it was foolosh. They have the blood from the Capital on their hands. Not Trump.
Every other pperson ever to run as president released their taxes. This move by trump was calculated. He saw you would support him even if he didn’t release his taxes.

Let me ask you a question. Should we stop asking to see candidates taxes? You guys seemed awfully interested in going through Obama’s taxes and al gores. Probably how you found out gore owns 5 houses.
Yes. I personally have never seen any candidates tax returns. It is highly doubtful that internet examiners are going to find anything the IRS auditors missed.
You got to be kidding. So then why didn’t trump release his taxes? And why do we bother asking to see candidates taxes? Do you want to end this practice?
The IRS investigate people's taxes.
Trump's taxes were leaked and it was a nothing burger.
Any comment on Biden's cancer charity which raised 4.5 million dollars, and not a penny went to cancer research?
Of the money wired from Russia and China into Hunter's account?
I'll tell you what foreigners witnessed, a lawless corrupt US government blatantly RIG an election. So much for our reputation as the home of the free, thanks Dems you corrupt rat bastards.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

As long as fascists are allowed to continue marauding accross the countryside, the republic is still in grave danger. They need to be wiped out
we should never again nominate a fascist. If another guy like trump runs in 2024 will republicans nominate him again?

Pick your favorite republican. Will you vote for him or Don Jr in 2024?

There is no reason that Baby Don shouldn't be in prison for his participation in Papa Don's crimes
What crimes?
Untitled drawing - 2021-01-09T173942.595.png
You are what’s wrong with America. Our republic is in grave dangwr? What the fuck is wrong with you. You just lost an election. You had your way for 4 years. Relax. You obstructed the previous four years. What, is Obamacare really that bad?

Black people are the only ones who should be complaining. Until corona, I thought trump made America great again. Now you say it’s falling apart? You want to secede? Why? Because of gay marriage, common sense gun and healthcare regulations?

Arent the rich richer than ever? The people who control you through fox and rush Limbaugh are doing great? I’m doing great. Aren’t you?

Trump really got you worked up. Storming capitols? Kidnapping governors? Even half your party knows your kooks but they want your vote.

Ted Cruz is on your side. His father helped assassinate Kennedy and he’s not even an american. He’s Canadian. In Texas. What scumbag he must represent.

I did not vote for Trump. And Cruz didn't show up for the audit the Fed vote. He's just another Keynesian neocon to me. Gay marriage? The standard cookie cutter pablum about guns and healthcare? I care about none of those things.

Playing Romper Room politics with me is like pissing into the wind, my friend.

I'll tell you what, though. If you'd like to discuss what is truly wrong with the nation, I'd be more than happy to have that conversation with you. Would you like to have that conversation? I like to learn. And I get the impression from the tenor of your response that you're just itching to show us all how smart you are.
Actually I’m trying to show what a triggered snowflake you are.

Please tell us why our republic is in grave danger. White supremists militias?
I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
Look. We can go around in circles all day. Republicans were not asking for much. Just a full audit. It could have been done in 2 or 3 days, and you could have proved there was no fraud and the country moves on. But by refusing, even going to court to block the audit, you just set the scene for 4 years of division. Now 50% of the country doesnt see Biden as legit. He will never be able to go walkabouts, visit a car factory in Michigan, meet and greet etc without being harangued and ridiculed. The audit was the peacemaker, and that boat has sailed.
Wait a second! In 2015 trump said he would release his taxes after an audit and that it wouldn’t take long. 4 years later that audit isn’t done.

Trump tried every tactic he could to delay delay delay. He wanted it to go to the Supreme Court where they would give him the election. Or have it come down to a 50 vote house vote.Or have a redo in AZ, GA, MI, WI and PA.

We already know your entire gameplan because Rudy went on fox and told us. He was an idiot
He said he would release his tax audit when Hillary reveals her emails.
The electoral audit would have taken 2-3 days and been a peacemaker. That the Dems fought to stop it was foolosh. They have the blood from the Capital on their hands. Not Trump.
Every other pperson ever to run as president released their taxes. This move by trump was calculated. He saw you would support him even if he didn’t release his taxes.

Let me ask you a question. Should we stop asking to see candidates taxes? You guys seemed awfully interested in going through Obama’s taxes and al gores. Probably how you found out gore owns 5 houses.
Yes. I personally have never seen any candidates tax returns. It is highly doubtful that internet examiners are going to find anything the IRS auditors missed.
You got to be kidding. So then why didn’t trump release his taxes? And why do we bother asking to see candidates taxes? Do you want to end this practice?
The IRS investigate people's taxes.
Trump's taxes were leaked and it was a nothing burger.
Any comment on Biden's cancer charity which raised 4.5 million dollars, and not a penny went to cancer research?
Of the money wired from Russia and China into Hunter's account?
Only parts of it were leaked. I want to see what wasn’t leaked. Like Hillary’s deleted emails. Russia if your listening.
Actually I’m trying to show what a triggered snowflake you are.

Please tell us why our republic is in grave danger. White supremists militias?

Alright, then. I'll start a bull ring.

Try to take it easy on me, though. Gosh. The mere thought of facing the depth of your intellect already has me quaking in my loafers.
I'll tell you what foreigners witnessed, a lawless corrupt US government blatantly RIG an election. So much for our reputation as the home of the free, thanks Dems you corrupt rat bastards.
That’s not how the rest of the world see ps it and half of republicans don’t see it that way.

In fact only a very small percentage of republicans went along with trumps attempted coup.

You sure the rest of the world sees it that way? Is that what russia tv is telling their citizens?
Actually I’m trying to show what a triggered snowflake you are.

Please tell us why our republic is in grave danger. White supremists militias?

Alright, then. I'll start a bull ring.

Try to take it easy on me, though. Gosh. The mere thought of facing the depth of your intellect already has me quaking in my loafers.
It should because I’ll call you on your bullshit. You’ll ignore when you are wrong of course.
Nope. Rudy and trump never once said the name dominion again after they were threatened with slander and liable.

That lawsuit is probably still coming. Dom8nion should sue trump.
You're full of shit and headed for Ignore-ville. Keep it up, troll. Giuliani, witness say video shows Dominion system allows election officials to change votes
You fuck! You didn’t notice that was December tenth? A couple weeks ago dominion threatened to sue then not a peep from Rudy. He knows better. But too late.

My friends own dominion voting machines btw. Their family has received death threats. I don’t blame crazy republicans because I’d be pissed too if republicans got away with stealing another election like they did in 2000. I may have stormed the capitol too and tried to kidnap Mitch McConnell. Lol

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