Everyone keeps saying what foreigners saw and thought of the attack on the Capitol but they leave out the most important thing.

What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.
Someone needs to kidnap ted Cruz. What is wrong with the people who vote in his district. They like him?

Stop that. You are better than that.
Maybe I should have been more subtle like when trump got his supporters to try kidnapping my governor.

He didn’t tell them to try and kidnap her but he sure made her th3 bad guy during lockdowns. As if she was taking away our freedoms by closing businesses and making people wear masks.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis

Try again. The person who claimed getting out in the street and RIOTING---vandalizing, murdering and looting FOR THE SAKE OF "PROGRESS" was kamala-hump. I am vainly
looking for information on the VANDALIZING and LOOTING of the
Capitol Building. I am horrified that a police officer got hit in the head and
later died-----but there seems to be a BLACKOUT on who done and how it
happened. I also wonder how many people died in the past week at the hands
BLM scum whilst kamala-hump cackled. I have no hope of ever finding this
That’s because what you said is the ramblings of a pathetic lunatic racist

"That’s because what you said is the ramblings of a pathetic lunatic racist"
to what issue or statement do you address this utterly non-specific
remark, booboo ???
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
Other countries get their news from our Klanocrat Press, so they do not know what is really going on.
I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
This is exactly what Hitler told the german people after his failed coup in the 1920s. Let’s not downplay just how fucked up trump is for trying what he tried.

His coup only failed because a few republicans refused to go along. Mitch. Romney. Georgia governor. Pence.

Had these guys went along we would still be dealing with you sedisionists
You people are beyond pathetic.

You singularly focus on ONE THING regardless of what the topic is about.
You're like a fucking child zeroed in on a piece of damn candy.

Truly bizarre behavior for supposed rational adults.
the democrat party is a political cult
I would say that the Left has lost its collective mind, but that happened a long time ago, so there is no need to re-state the obvious.

The disgraceful demonstrations of Wednesday past were no threat to "democracy, nor were they an "insurrection," nor were they an attempt to take over the government. Those sorts of things have a sine qua non that the demonstrations lacked: weapons. You don't try to take over a government armed with cell phones and flags.

Despite the unanimous wailing and pearl-clutching of the Left and the Media, President Trump NEVER encouraged anyone to break the law. Period. Never. No how. What he clearly wanted was a loud, boisterous demonstration that exceeded the silliness of the "Pussy-Hat Demonstrations" that followed his inauguration four years ago. That's it.

And the demonstrators, who came to Washington pissed off, went overboard, with a relatively few cases of physical injury and property damage.

NO DEMONSTRATORS brought weapons to harm anyone, especially the police. Those injuries were largely incidental, and fatality was from a STROKE - which does not excuse the injury, but puts it in a different light. Compared with the demonstrations of last summer, where the demonstrators DID BRING WEAPONS to harm the police, and to destroy property, not to mention they came with the intention of destroying Whitey's property and looting his stores.

And now we have the inevitable hysterical demands that the President resign, threats to remove him from office, lies about him and everything he did since he declared for the Presidency. Nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more palatable.

Apprehend and prosecute those who committed crimes. Not like last summer. Move on. Fuck N. Pelosi.
but he sure made her th3 bad guy during lockdowns

She did that her own self, stupid.
But didn’t red states close businesses too once the pandemic hit their states? Didn’t they make people wear masks?

No, you republicans just tried to make her your political punching bag. Perhaps you’re afraid she might run for President one day.

Keep in mind republicans in Michigan stormed the capitol to protest whitmers actions. Some say that was a test run for if trump lost the election, they would storm Washington the same way.

They should have shot more protesters. By letting them storm the capitol it showed terrorists how easy it would be. Plus if you are unhinged, believing lies, not being rational and if you are capable of kidnapping a governor, you are domestic terrorists.
I would say that the Left has lost its collective mind, but that happened a long time ago, so there is no need to re-state the obvious.

The disgraceful demonstrations of Wednesday past were no threat to "democracy, nor were they an "insurrection," nor were they an attempt to take over the government. Those sorts of things have a sine qua non that the demonstrations lacked: weapons. You don't try to take over a government armed with cell phones and flags.

Despite the unanimous wailing and pearl-clutching of the Left and the Media, President Trump NEVER encouraged anyone to break the law. Period. Never. No how. What he clearly wanted was a loud, boisterous demonstration that exceeded the silliness of the "Pussy-Hat Demonstrations" that followed his inauguration four years ago. That's it.

And the demonstrators, who came to Washington pissed off, went overboard, with a relatively few cases of physical injury and property damage.

NO DEMONSTRATORS brought weapons to harm anyone, especially the police. Those injuries were largely incidental, and fatality was from a STROKE - which does not excuse the injury, but puts it in a different light. Compared with the demonstrations of last summer, where the demonstrators DID BRING WEAPONS to harm the police, and to destroy property, not to mention they came with the intention of destroying Whitey's property and looting his stores.

And now we have the inevitable hysterical demands that the President resign, threats to remove him from office, lies about him and everything he did since he declared for the Presidency. Nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more palatable.

Apprehend and prosecute those who committed crimes. Not like last summer. Move on. Fuck N. Pelosi.
You try to pull a fucking coup and we lost our minds?
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis
Oh bullshit- stop with the hyperbole- prove to your betters you're capable of thinking on your own- try being original
I’m watching what’s going on and you are watching. I have my own perception of what happened and you do too. You probably supported trumps attempt at a treasonist coup, right? Well that’s certainly not thinking for yourself. Trump told you MI,PA,WI,AZ and GA were stolen from him and without any proof. Yet you believed him.

You certainly don’t think for yourself. Fox thinks for you
The coup was on November the 3rd.

We have a Coup every 2 and 4 years.
I would say that the Left has lost its collective mind, but that happened a long time ago, so there is no need to re-state the obvious.

The disgraceful demonstrations of Wednesday past were no threat to "democracy, nor were they an "insurrection," nor were they an attempt to take over the government. Those sorts of things have a sine qua non that the demonstrations lacked: weapons. You don't try to take over a government armed with cell phones and flags.

Despite the unanimous wailing and pearl-clutching of the Left and the Media, President Trump NEVER encouraged anyone to break the law. Period. Never. No how. What he clearly wanted was a loud, boisterous demonstration that exceeded the silliness of the "Pussy-Hat Demonstrations" that followed his inauguration four years ago. That's it.

And the demonstrators, who came to Washington pissed off, went overboard, with a relatively few cases of physical injury and property damage.

NO DEMONSTRATORS brought weapons to harm anyone, especially the police. Those injuries were largely incidental, and fatality was from a STROKE - which does not excuse the injury, but puts it in a different light. Compared with the demonstrations of last summer, where the demonstrators DID BRING WEAPONS to harm the police, and to destroy property, not to mention they came with the intention of destroying Whitey's property and looting his stores.

And now we have the inevitable hysterical demands that the President resign, threats to remove him from office, lies about him and everything he did since he declared for the Presidency. Nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more palatable.

Apprehend and prosecute those who committed crimes. Not like last summer. Move on. Fuck N. Pelosi.
You try to kidnap a democratic governor and we lost our minds?
I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
Look. We can go around in circles all day. Republicans were not asking for much. Just a full audit. It could have been done in 2 or 3 days, and you could have proved there was no fraud and the country moves on. But by refusing, even going to court to block the audit, you just set the scene for 4 years of division. Now 50% of the country doesnt see Biden as legit. He will never be able to go walkabouts, visit a car factory in Michigan, meet and greet etc without being harangued and ridiculed. The audit was the peacemaker, and that boat has sailed.
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis
Oh bullshit- stop with the hyperbole- prove to your betters you're capable of thinking on your own- try being original
I’m watching what’s going on and you are watching. I have my own perception of what happened and you do too. You probably supported trumps attempt at a treasonist coup, right? Well that’s certainly not thinking for yourself. Trump told you MI,PA,WI,AZ and GA were stolen from him and without any proof. Yet you believed him.

You certainly don’t think for yourself. Fox thinks for you
The coup was on November the 3rd.
Pence, Mitch and the governor of Georgia all disagree.
I would say that the Left has lost its collective mind, but that happened a long time ago, so there is no need to re-state the obvious.

The disgraceful demonstrations of Wednesday past were no threat to "democracy, nor were they an "insurrection," nor were they an attempt to take over the government. Those sorts of things have a sine qua non that the demonstrations lacked: weapons. You don't try to take over a government armed with cell phones and flags.

Despite the unanimous wailing and pearl-clutching of the Left and the Media, President Trump NEVER encouraged anyone to break the law. Period. Never. No how. What he clearly wanted was a loud, boisterous demonstration that exceeded the silliness of the "Pussy-Hat Demonstrations" that followed his inauguration four years ago. That's it.

And the demonstrators, who came to Washington pissed off, went overboard, with a relatively few cases of physical injury and property damage.

NO DEMONSTRATORS brought weapons to harm anyone, especially the police. Those injuries were largely incidental, and fatality was from a STROKE - which does not excuse the injury, but puts it in a different light. Compared with the demonstrations of last summer, where the demonstrators DID BRING WEAPONS to harm the police, and to destroy property, not to mention they came with the intention of destroying Whitey's property and looting his stores.

And now we have the inevitable hysterical demands that the President resign, threats to remove him from office, lies about him and everything he did since he declared for the Presidency. Nothing new, but that doesn't make it any more palatable.

Apprehend and prosecute those who committed crimes. Not like last summer. Move on. Fuck N. Pelosi.
You try to kidnap a democratic governor and we lost our minds?
Those were anarchists. Polar opposite of conservatives. nothing to do with MAGA.
What America thinks................

Now I understand the flaws of polls but a majority of American's blame Trump for what happened and say he should be removed.

After Capitol siege, majority of Americans say Trump should be removed from office before term ends: POLL

Is what American's think important?
1. '''POLL'''' hahhahahha--you lost it right there-total undeniable bullshit
2. ''majority''' hahahhahahahaha

Rep Toomey (R) is on right now saying Trump should resign. Is what American's believe important?

Toomey's reelection chances are therefore very slim.
I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
Look. We can go around in circles all day. Republicans were not asking for much. Just a full audit. It could have been done in 2 or 3 days, and you could have proved there was no fraud and the country moves on. But by refusing, even going to court to block the audit, you just set the scene for 4 years of division. Now 50% of the country doesnt see Biden as legit. He will never be able to go walkabouts, visit a car factory in Michigan, meet and greet etc without being harangued and ridiculed. The audit was the peacemaker, and that boat has sailed.

That was already done. Including with multiple hand counts. Slowly, step away from Rush, Hannity, OAN and Newsmax.
What America thinks................

Now I understand the flaws of polls but a majority of American's blame Trump for what happened and say he should be removed.

After Capitol siege, majority of Americans say Trump should be removed from office before term ends: POLL

Is what American's think important?
1. '''POLL'''' hahhahahha--you lost it right there-total undeniable bullshit
2. ''majority''' hahahhahahahaha

Rep Toomey (R) is on right now saying Trump should resign. Is what American's believe important?

Toomey's reelection chances are therefore very slim.

Toomey's chances are far better than those of Cruz.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.

democracy is still standing


this is the mob chanting "hang mike pence"...
if they were going to hang mike pence, god know what they would do with others...
if that secret service agent didnt shot that crazy chick, it would have been a much different story...

I'm a foreigner.
I think the election was stolen. Sure of it.
I think the U.S has been commandeered by oligarchs and big corporations working with corrupt politiicians.
I think the reaction to what basically is a coup has been extremely tame (broken window, door panel).
I think America is now one of the most draconian countries in the western world. Your freedom is gone. Free speech is gone. Democracy is gone.
And with what proof do you base your conclusions?
But I will give you just one.
I can go online and question the result of any election in any country at any point in history.....except the U.S 2020 election.
Us liberals questioned the results in 2000, 2004 and even in 2016. We did not get our recounts. Diebold voting machines were hacked. And yet we didn’t storm the Florida recount in 2000. Oh wait, that was you guys.

Trump had exhausted all his options. If pence wouldn’t even go along, fuck off you lost.
Look. We can go around in circles all day. Republicans were not asking for much. Just a full audit. It could have been done in 2 or 3 days, and you could have proved there was no fraud and the country moves on. But by refusing, even going to court to block the audit, you just set the scene for 4 years of division. Now 50% of the country doesnt see Biden as legit. He will never be able to go walkabouts, visit a car factory in Michigan, meet and greet etc without being harangued and ridiculed. The audit was the peacemaker, and that boat has sailed.

You could have let Jill Stein have her recount in 2016. You could have let florida complete the recount.

Biden won by so much you didn’t get to ask for an audit. And trump knew that audit would turn up nothing. But because you didn’t get your audit, you’ll say this is proof you were robbed.

And even if you got your audit that would do nothing because you are also claiming votes were thrown out and voting machines were rigged.

aYou exhausted all your options. You lost. You were never going to concede. We already know all your tactics because Rudy spilled the beans. aRudy was trumps worst enemy. With friends like Rudy, who needs enemies.

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