Everyone keeps saying what foreigners saw and thought of the attack on the Capitol but they leave out the most important thing.

What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.
That’s what they said about Hitler when they put him in jail in the 1920s then 10 years later he took over.

Will another white supremists ever again be the gop nominee? Chances are the next one won’t be as obvious.
What America thinks................

Now I understand the flaws of polls but a majority of American's blame Trump for what happened and say he should be removed.

After Capitol siege, majority of Americans say Trump should be removed from office before term ends: POLL

Is what American's think important?
1. '''POLL'''' hahhahahha--you lost it right there-total undeniable bullshit
2. ''majority''' hahahhahahahaha

Rep Toomey (R) is on right now saying Trump should resign. Is what American's believe important?
so? it's only his OPINION
NOW they are condemning protesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahhaha
....after 4 years of burning/looting/vandalizing/harassing INNOCENT people from the left
.....if you are going to protest, it SHOULD be against the politicians and not INNOCENT businesses or people

Sorry, is this entire thread not about opinion? Sen Toomey supported the earlier protests?
stop the double talk ----NOW you are condemning LEGITIMATE protesting--and not the RIOTS of the last few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
that's the quintessential hypocrisy
What America thinks................

Now I understand the flaws of polls but a majority of American's blame Trump for what happened and say he should be removed.

After Capitol siege, majority of Americans say Trump should be removed from office before term ends: POLL

Is what American's think important?
1. '''POLL'''' hahhahahha--you lost it right there-total undeniable bullshit
2. ''majority''' hahahhahahahaha

Rep Toomey (R) is on right now saying Trump should resign. Is what American's believe important?
so? it's only his OPINION
NOW they are condemning protesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahhaha
....after 4 years of burning/looting/vandalizing/harassing INNOCENT people from the left
.....if you are going to protest, it SHOULD be against the politicians and not INNOCENT businesses or people

Sorry, is this entire thread not about opinion? Sen Toomey supported the earlier protests?
stop the double talk ----NOW you are condemning LEGITIMATE protesting--and not the RIOTS of the last few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
that's the quintessential hypocrisy

You are avoiding the point. OK.
....hahahahhahah--you are so naive/etc
....what do a lot of Americans [ foreign to Iran ] think of Iran???!!!!!!!!! or Russia/Russians????
you and I don't know shit about them

I get the feeling that you don't know shit about a lot of things.
....I've been reading and researching history longer than you were born
....America's MSM LIES/publishes bullshit everyday, and you think foreigners know MORE about the the truth?????
--if you believe that, you ARE very stupid
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.

what was the "misinformation" ----assboy?
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis

You'll never get him for anything, and even if you could you'd just make him a martyr. He's old and overweight; he'll be dead soon. Just let him become irrelevant.
....hahahahhahah--you are so naive/etc
....what do a lot of Americans [ foreign to Iran ] think of Iran???!!!!!!!!! or Russia/Russians????
you and I don't know shit about them

I get the feeling that you don't know shit about a lot of things.
....I've been reading and researching history longer than you were born
....America's MSM LIES/publishes bullshit everyday, and you think foreigners know MORE about the the truth?????
--if you believe that, you ARE very stupid
All I know is it’s going to be more difficult trying to convince countries like China that democracy is the best form of government when what trump tried to pull is possible. Doesn’t seem to stable to them.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
This is exactly what Hitler told the german people after his failed coup in the 1920s. Let’s not downplay just how fucked up trump is for trying what he tried.

His coup only failed because a few republicans refused to go along. Mitch. Romney. Georgia governor. Pence.

Had these guys went along we would still be dealing with you sedisionists
You people are beyond pathetic.

You singularly focus on ONE THING regardless of what the topic is about.
You're like a fucking child zeroed in on a piece of damn candy.

Truly bizarre behavior for supposed rational adults.
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.

what was the "misinformation" ----assboy?
Rigged voting machines, affidavits that were bogus, claiming votes were thrown out without proof. Every accusation turned up to be nothing.
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.

what was the "misinformation" ----assboy?
If you can't decipher his words and actions for the past five years telling you now won't help because you have been swooned by his orange glow.
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.
You morons just can't help yourselves i guess. Yet another emotional "Trump" response to a thread that is bigger than any single man and is about world wide perception of democracy and what it can endure.


Who looks to you for the lofty rhetoric of a true American patriot? Nobody.

You are a Trump supporter who voted for him twice and defended his every foolish and corrupt act.

Our democracy has survived him...it was not just a few who “took it too far” that posed a threat. It was the man himself.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis

Try again. The person who claimed getting out in the street and RIOTING---vandalizing, murdering and looting FOR THE SAKE OF "PROGRESS" was kamala-hump. I am vainly
looking for information on the VANDALIZING and LOOTING of the
Capitol Building. I am horrified that a police officer got hit in the head and
later died-----but there seems to be a BLACKOUT on who done and how it
happened. I also wonder how many people died in the past week at the hands
BLM scum whilst kamala-hump cackled. I have no hope of ever finding this
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.
You morons just can't help yourselves i guess. Yet another emotional "Trump" response to a thread that is bigger than any single man and is about world wide perception of democracy and what it can endure.


Why? He's the one to blame. The only thing that's pathetic is your constant deflection of any blame from him. People worldwide saw what went on this week. And they blame Trump for it. The only ones not blaming him are his buddies like Xi, Putin, Erdogan, and Kim. Wonder why? :)
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
Actually when the US isn't considered a stable Democracy other stable Democracies will have problems trusting the US when engaging in deals it decreases the incentive to work with them. If the US isn't considered a stable Democracy it'll have a hard time using its position as the worlds leading Democracy to urge other countries to adopt that form of government. In other words, it empowers autocracies.

The idea that the US can exist on an island is foreign policy-wise the dumbest most short-sided legacy of the Trump era. The US has been the wealthiest country in the world for the last 70 years precisely because of its ability the spread its influence across the globe. Image is the most important reason for that. That image has suffered a devastating blow.
You are right. But to tell your supporters to storm the capitol and tell them weakness won’t do it?

And he fired them up by feeding them lies.

Trump doesn’t really believe the election was rigged. He was claiming 2016 was rigged too before it was over. No matter what trump was going to claim it was rigged if he lost.

No one action of trumps is treason by itself. Add it all up and it’s treason. From calling the ukraine president trying to get him to help him cheat, to calling the Georgia governor and asking him to help him cheat. It’s treason.

You guys worshipped a treason isn’t bastard. History will compare you with nazis

You'll never get him for anything, and even if you could you'd just make him a martyr. He's old and overweight; he'll be dead soon. Just let him become irrelevant.
He could still do something dangerous before he leaves office. I say we impeach him monday and send it to the senate. Mitch can sit on it but if trump tries anything, like starting a war with Iran, Mitch will have everything he needs to act quickly.

I so fucking love it trump is leaving office in such disgrace. And like you guys defended bush on his way out of office after he led us into a great recession, here we are again.

Will we forget again in 8 years? Americans have short memories. We forgot how bad bush was and elected his son 8 years later. Then we elected another republican 8 years after that failure.

When will we learn republicans should never be potus
What it showed was people who let others misinform them to the point that they became berserkers. Trump will never ever set foot into the White House or any bunch of the US as an elected official because he was the head of this misinformation, and the same goes for his cohorts in his crime.
You morons just can't help yourselves i guess. Yet another emotional "Trump" response to a thread that is bigger than any single man and is about world wide perception of democracy and what it can endure.

While you were doing time in prison I was doing time in the army so I can see why you have issues with loyalty.
Including those who mock democracy.
I mock democracy- that is Mob Rule- what the US is, governmentally, is a republic- SMH- continuing the myth doesn't make a myth true- it simple shows mental laziness and Public Education as the failure it is unless indoctrination was the intent all along- and it doesn't really further and alleged conservative cause to keep repeating idiocy-

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