Everyone Repeat After Me...This Is A Manufactured Crisis...Manufactured Crisis....Manufactured Cr...

This is a crisis, a very real crisis!

At home, the government shutdown over a phony crisis at the border has created a very real crisis for hundreds of thousands of Americans, not only the more than 800,000 federal workers at risk of going without a paycheck, or the more than 420,000 who are -- incredibly -- required to work without pay, but also the millions more who depend on spending by all of those people.

Trump is creating a 'crisis' to distract from the real crisis of a flailing president (Opinion) - CNN

like i've said time and time again -

right or wrong these days is who you are and whether or not people like you.

i'm not a fan of the wall and think there are better ways to do this. but if that's what people want, then lets see where it would do the most good and work our way out from there if we must.

i'm much less of a fan of people changing the story around now as they're doing for no other reason than TRUMP!
The wall is the single cheapest and most effective way to control the border. It has been proven over and over.
i do think there are better ways to do this but would require a cooperation we're not likely to see in my lifetime anyway.
What better ways are there?

Furthermore, we aren't going to get any cooperation from the Dims.
nothing i'm going to get into an all out argument over.

carry on.
I'll take that to mean "none."
take it how ever you wish.
This is a crisis, a very real crisis!

At home, the government shutdown over a phony crisis at the border has created a very real crisis for hundreds of thousands of Americans, not only the more than 800,000 federal workers at risk of going without a paycheck, or the more than 420,000 who are -- incredibly -- required to work without pay, but also the millions more who depend on spending by all of those people.

Trump is creating a 'crisis' to distract from the real crisis of a flailing president (Opinion) - CNN

citing CNN for a "bad trump" viewpoint is kinda like going to occupy democrats, or looking for birth control methods at a planned parenthood office.

there are many articles out there reminding people such as yourself that obama and others called it a crisis in 2014. numbers are the same, why is this no longer a crisis when the previous admin said it was?
This is a crisis, a very real crisis!

At home, the government shutdown over a phony crisis at the border has created a very real crisis for hundreds of thousands of Americans, not only the more than 800,000 federal workers at risk of going without a paycheck, or the more than 420,000 who are -- incredibly -- required to work without pay, but also the millions more who depend on spending by all of those people.

Trump is creating a 'crisis' to distract from the real crisis of a flailing president (Opinion) - CNN

citing CNN for a "bad trump" viewpoint is kinda like going to occupy democrats, or looking for birth control methods at a planned parenthood office.

there are many articles out there reminding people such as yourself that obama and others called it a crisis in 2014. numbers are the same, why is this no longer a crisis when the previous admin said it was?


no potus has shut down governance over a crisis , OR held the American people hostage to funding it

THAT is the dif betwixt a President and a Tyrant

Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”

View attachment 239362

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The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.

Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
Tea Party Pac?

The drugs that come through the border come here legally. They are hidden in legal products. They don't go around a fence with an actual mule. They come through legal and monitored ports of entry.

What would be better is modern equipment designed for drug detection. Waste the money for that equipment on WALL (laughing) and even more drugs come into the country. They need more border agents, drug detection equipment, drones, weapons, body armor and training. The last thing they need is an expensive wall that is both a confederate monument to stupid and a point of ridicule at the United States from the rest of the world for wasting enormous sums of money which put us deeper in debt for no reason other than it was a gimmick.

When did all you snowflakes become experts on how drugs are smuggled into this country?
well they think they know more than our border agents who confiscate the snot out of the stuff. but alas, them and their leftist, american hating demoloser politicians know better. ask them.
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”

View attachment 239362

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.

Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not wrong. Rome invaded most of Europe and slaughtered the local population, often wiping out entire tribes. The mongols invaded Eastern Europe and slaughtered millions of people there. The Turks invaded most of the Middle East and slaughtered vast numbers of people.
And thus the problem with both parties underlying philosophies...
Ds must legislate
Rs must not legislate

Thanks for confirming what I said 2 hours ago dickless.

The R’s control the Senate. They are not doing their job. Their job is to consider legislation. Hold a vote; let it go nowhere or whatever. Do something. Come up with your own plan. Whatever. Doing nothing is not what you were elected to do. I’ll add that doing nothing is not what you’re paid to do either.
They were elected by their constituency.
Rs don’t like legislation.
Ergo, they are doing their job as defined by those who voted them in.

The difference between us is that I know each parties agenda and all you want is tax money to be spent.

No the difference between us is that you applaud bullshit tactics when your side does it and I do not.

That's because you're too busy applauding the bullshit tactics on your side...dumbass.

I know you won’t read it fuck face but here is my applause of the tactics of Harry Reid (which are identical to the tactics of Senator McConnell).

On that, we both agree. Harry Reid is a scumbag who regularly puts Party ahead of the nation. Most of the bills he blocked would not have passed the Senate--not even close. Yet he didn't want his caucus to appear to be too off-center so he shielded them from having to vote.

I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...
Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can.
Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.
There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.

Sure, Harry is/was the only self centered Democrat in the last 30 years....dumbass.
Is this day 20?

We're literally being held hostage by a rouge petulant potus

all for political posturing

may it bite him so hard in the azz, he never recovers, may his supporters suffer the consequenses

'effing tyrant .....


if so, then what you're doing now is political posturing as well. also, unfortunately when our collective gov acts the fool (like both sides are doing these days) we *all* suffer the consequences.

we really need to stop this "us vs them" blanket simpleton thought process.

I agree with you . The problem is that most people that side with the anti-anything-Trump get their info from the biased MSM. The simple logic that a wall works as exemplified by
Jim Acosta's wall video is irrefutable. Yet the anti-anything-Trump crowd don't seem to deal with logic. So it's hard to have an adult conversation with them.
Refuting with facts rather than emotional appeals. I mean Pelosi claiming a wall is immoral when she lives behind a wall. Really?
Thanks for confirming what I said 2 hours ago dickless.

The R’s control the Senate. They are not doing their job. Their job is to consider legislation. Hold a vote; let it go nowhere or whatever. Do something. Come up with your own plan. Whatever. Doing nothing is not what you were elected to do. I’ll add that doing nothing is not what you’re paid to do either.
They were elected by their constituency.
Rs don’t like legislation.
Ergo, they are doing their job as defined by those who voted them in.

The difference between us is that I know each parties agenda and all you want is tax money to be spent.

No the difference between us is that you applaud bullshit tactics when your side does it and I do not.

That's because you're too busy applauding the bullshit tactics on your side...dumbass.

I know you won’t read it fuck face but here is my applause of the tactics of Harry Reid (which are identical to the tactics of Senator McConnell).

On that, we both agree. Harry Reid is a scumbag who regularly puts Party ahead of the nation. Most of the bills he blocked would not have passed the Senate--not even close. Yet he didn't want his caucus to appear to be too off-center so he shielded them from having to vote.

I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...
Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can.
Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.
There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.

Sure, Harry is/was the only self centered Democrat in the last 30 years....dumbass.

Well fuck stain; I was showing how little I “cheered my team” when he was doing what McConnell is doing currently. That was the topic as I recall. Perhaps you can show us your calling out of McConnell? Yeah, I don’t think you can.
They were elected by their constituency.
Rs don’t like legislation.
Ergo, they are doing their job as defined by those who voted them in.

The difference between us is that I know each parties agenda and all you want is tax money to be spent.

No the difference between us is that you applaud bullshit tactics when your side does it and I do not.

That's because you're too busy applauding the bullshit tactics on your side...dumbass.

I know you won’t read it fuck face but here is my applause of the tactics of Harry Reid (which are identical to the tactics of Senator McConnell).

On that, we both agree. Harry Reid is a scumbag who regularly puts Party ahead of the nation. Most of the bills he blocked would not have passed the Senate--not even close. Yet he didn't want his caucus to appear to be too off-center so he shielded them from having to vote.

I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...
Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can.
Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.
There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.

Sure, Harry is/was the only self centered Democrat in the last 30 years....dumbass.

Well fuck stain; I was showing how little I “cheered my team” when he was doing what McConnell is doing currently. That was the topic as I recall. Perhaps you can show us your calling out of McConnell? Yeah, I don’t think you can.

Not to worry, Candyass, we've seen your loyalty.
No the difference between us is that you applaud bullshit tactics when your side does it and I do not.

That's because you're too busy applauding the bullshit tactics on your side...dumbass.

I know you won’t read it fuck face but here is my applause of the tactics of Harry Reid (which are identical to the tactics of Senator McConnell).

On that, we both agree. Harry Reid is a scumbag who regularly puts Party ahead of the nation. Most of the bills he blocked would not have passed the Senate--not even close. Yet he didn't want his caucus to appear to be too off-center so he shielded them from having to vote.

I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...
Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can.
Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.
There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.

Sure, Harry is/was the only self centered Democrat in the last 30 years....dumbass.

Well fuck stain; I was showing how little I “cheered my team” when he was doing what McConnell is doing currently. That was the topic as I recall. Perhaps you can show us your calling out of McConnell? Yeah, I don’t think you can.

Not to worry, Candyass, we've seen your loyalty.

We’ve seen you’re a worthless hack. Take care.
QUOTE="candycorn, post: 21580792, member: 20614"]
That's because you're too busy applauding the bullshit tactics on your side...dumbass.

I know you won’t read it fuck face but here is my applause of the tactics of Harry Reid (which are identical to the tactics of Senator McConnell).

On that, we both agree. Harry Reid is a scumbag who regularly puts Party ahead of the nation. Most of the bills he blocked would not have passed the Senate--not even close. Yet he didn't want his caucus to appear to be too off-center so he shielded them from having to vote.

I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...
Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can.
Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.
There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.

Sure, Harry is/was the only self centered Democrat in the last 30 years....dumbass.

Well fuck stain; I was showing how little I “cheered my team” when he was doing what McConnell is doing currently. That was the topic as I recall. Perhaps you can show us your calling out of McConnell? Yeah, I don’t think you can.

Not to worry, Candyass, we've seen your loyalty.

We’ve seen you’re a worthless hack. Take care.[/QUOTE]
when the poster has nothing to argue with!!!
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”

View attachment 239362

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.

Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not wrong. Rome invaded most of Europe and slaughtered the local population, often wiping out entire tribes. The mongols invaded Eastern Europe and slaughtered millions of people there. The Turks invaded most of the Middle East and slaughtered vast numbers of people.

How did the native Americans get to all these countries?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”

View attachment 239362

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.

Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not wrong. Rome invaded most of Europe and slaughtered the local population, often wiping out entire tribes. The mongols invaded Eastern Europe and slaughtered millions of people there. The Turks invaded most of the Middle East and slaughtered vast numbers of people.

How did the native Americans get to all these countries?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how did we get to California?
View attachment 239362

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.

Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not wrong. Rome invaded most of Europe and slaughtered the local population, often wiping out entire tribes. The mongols invaded Eastern Europe and slaughtered millions of people there. The Turks invaded most of the Middle East and slaughtered vast numbers of people.

How did the native Americans get to all these countries?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how did we get to California?

You forced my people to move to less desirable areas of the country and did whatever the fuck you wanted.
Now you have the balls to complain about people DOING THE EXACT SAME THING YOU DID.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.

Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not wrong. Rome invaded most of Europe and slaughtered the local population, often wiping out entire tribes. The mongols invaded Eastern Europe and slaughtered millions of people there. The Turks invaded most of the Middle East and slaughtered vast numbers of people.

How did the native Americans get to all these countries?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how did we get to California?

You forced my people to move to less desirable areas of the country and did whatever the fuck you wanted.
Now you have the balls to complain about people DOING THE EXACT SAME THING YOU DID.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
were they dangerous to your tribe? I believe that is my fking point. and you just made it. pwned.
Wrong. As usual.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not wrong. Rome invaded most of Europe and slaughtered the local population, often wiping out entire tribes. The mongols invaded Eastern Europe and slaughtered millions of people there. The Turks invaded most of the Middle East and slaughtered vast numbers of people.

How did the native Americans get to all these countries?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
how did we get to California?

You forced my people to move to less desirable areas of the country and did whatever the fuck you wanted.
Now you have the balls to complain about people DOING THE EXACT SAME THING YOU DID.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
were they dangerous to your tribe? I believe that is my fking point. and you just made it. pwned.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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