Everyone Repeat After Me...This Is A Manufactured Crisis...Manufactured Crisis....Manufactured Cr...

Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
Well isn't this what you want your Russian puppet and antigovernment conspiring GOPer fellow crony tRump to enable happening? This is considering it appears tRump and his cronies from hell are on a kill American rampage.
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, every talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

So, how is illegal immigration being historically low a crisis?

View attachment 239283

The world is a volatile place. What is today does not guarantee what will happen tomorrow.


Then you agree it's not a crisis.
I don't think there has been such a no-brainer in the history of government spending. They spent more money studying why lesbians are fat. They spent bunch of money on space exploration only to destroy the technology and all the tapes on how to get to the moon.
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, every talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

So, how is illegal immigration being historically low a crisis?

View attachment 239283

The world is a volatile place. What is today does not guarantee what will happen tomorrow.


Then you agree it's not a crisis.

It's not a crisis to someone who isn't feeling the effects of illegal immigration yet.
But to the victims on both sides, all of the rapes and murders that go along with it......it's really a crisis.
I guess you just need to find out the hard way what it's like to be killed by an illegal driving without a license.
Or die trying to get into the US because a bunch of SHITFORBRAINS DEMOCRATS promised them free shit when they got here.

Last edited:
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, every talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

So, how is illegal immigration being historically low a crisis?

View attachment 239283

The world is a volatile place. What is today does not guarantee what will happen tomorrow.


Then you agree it's not a crisis.

Crisis has no set meaning. The Democrats are the first group to use the word "crisis" when they want something.

In my opinion, its a crisis.

This is a crisis, a very real crisis!

I agree :thup:


Mr. President, the Democrats are not working in good faith with you. Declare emergency, build the wall now.

4:00 PM - 10 Jan 2019
In order to persuade the Democrats, maybe the Wall should be named the "Wall of Love", and the leftards can be rightfully pegged as "haters" for their opposition to Love.
It is official - the Liberal Left Media is a threat to the United States, colluding with the Democrats to deliberately lie to the American people and spread propaganda in an attempt to undermine and obstruct the President of the United States.

Despite their continued attempts to life, deny, justify, and hide the facts, statistics, and evidence the President has made it almost impossible to do.

The Democrats refused to accept briefs from and listen to the BP, Trump visited the border and took the American people with him through the media honest enough to cover it. Americans got to hear the truth for themselves from those working on the border, not the lying, treasonous Democrats.

The mainstream media doesn't want you to know the facts about border security

“I can personally tell you, from the work that I have done on the southwest border, that physical barriers, that walls actually work,” said Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, following brief remarks from the president.

“I worked in Naco, Arizona for 10 years,” Judd continued. “We didn’t have physical barriers in Naco, and illegal immigration and drug smuggling was absolutely out of control. We built those walls, those physical barriers, and illegal immigration dropped exponentially.”

Still, the treasonous Leftist media would do anything from keeping Americans from hearing the truth:

"The American people deserved to hear this riveting testimony, as well as the words of those who followed. But millions of viewers were robbed of this opportunity when one of the networks, MSNBC, cut away from the press briefing right after President Trump’s remarks.

According to CNN, an MSNBC spokesperson said that such decisions "are made on a case by case basis driven by the substance of the briefings and the pace of the day's news." MSNBC, in other words, saw no “substance” in letting the American people hear what the real experts had to say about border security.

Sadly, this form of manipulative reporting isn’t an isolated phenomenon. In June, both CNN and MSNBC cut away from a White House event addressing immigration, interrupting harrowing stories of real victims of illegal immigrant violence in order to cover more humdrum content."

“Just after 3 p.m., as the victims were still telling their stories, CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin interrupted the coverage,” The Washington Examiner reported at the time. “At almost the same time on MSNBC, anchor Chris Jansing broke into the live coverage. ‘Of course their stories are indeed tragic,’ she said, before moving on to a segment that disputed Trump's assertion that there is widespread crime committed by illegal immigrants.”

CNN, MSNBC...they have become criminally deceitful, lying propagnda-pushers and collaborators in league with the Democrats to lie to the American people. They are no better than Al Jazeera ... or the Russians who ran a counter-intelligence operation using social media to successfully con liberal snowflakes into organizing and marching for them.

Counter-Intelligence - pushing fake news as if it were real - is exactly what the Democrats - Pelosi, Schumer, and others - and their complicit collaborating liberal media - like CNN, MSNBC, the View, etc...are doing.

Homeland Security, US Intel Agencies, the US Border Patrol - even Barak Obama's own hand-picked Chief of the Border Patrol has come out on his own to declare the President is right, there is a crisis, 'Walls Absolutely Work', everywhere a wall / fence is used illegal crossings are eliminated by 90 - 95%, 'there is no reason why walks should not be used'...

Despite the lies the Democrats and their treasonous media have continuously repeated ... which liberals continue to parrot like mindless controlled parrots ... All of the EXPERTS agree with the President.

It is despicable that the Democrats would go this far - to treasonously lie to the American people, stand with illegals, leave our own sovereign borders open, allow Americans to continue to be robbed / assaulted / raped / murdered / etc... to keep illegal immigration going, and illegally running cop killer-protecting Sanctuary Cities ... just to obstruct and deny the president out of sheer political partisan hate.

No party has EVER gone this far, has intentionally lied to the nation in such a coordinated way, colluding with the media, willingly sacrificing our national security and sacrificing American lives / security to partisanly, politically hurt a President in an attempt to win the next political election!
Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
Once he redefined what deportation is, yes, record numbers.
When using apples to apples with past presidents, not so much though.

But of course…
must be more of those “alternative facts"
But of course.......Will the LA Times be a sufficient source for you?
High deportation figures are misleading

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.

You can pick your jaw off the ground when you leave, Candy.
Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
Once he redefined what deportation is, yes, record numbers.
When using apples to apples with past presidents, not so much though.

But of course…
must be more of those “alternative facts"
But of course.......Will the LA Times be a sufficient source for you?
High deportation figures are misleading

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.

You can pick your jaw off the ground when you leave, Candy.

You seem to have not read your own link:

From your link...

The administration's move to step up deportations at the border coincided with increased hiring of agents and spending on border security. In 2010, Congress approved a $600-million infusion to add border agents and new surveillance technology. There are now more than 21,000 Border Patrol agents on the border, twice the number of a decade ago.

So, Obama increased the number of border patrol agents. Sounds strange especially if you buy the nonsense you guys try to sell about “open borders”.

But the link continues.

Until recent years, most people caught illegally crossing the southern border were simply bused back into Mexico in what officials called "voluntary returns," but which critics derisively termed "catch and release." Those removals, which during the 1990s reached more 1 million a year, were not counted in Immigration and Customs Enforcement's deportation statistics.

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

So there is Obama now enhancing the charge on those who are caught crossing the border rather than just bussing the illegals back through the revolving door. Why you may ask? My….errr…..YOUR link explains:

A growing number of people caught trying to cross the border now have a formal deportation order on their records. Entering the country without legal authorization is not a crime.
But once a person has been deported, he can be prosecuted if he reenters the country. [Another example of Obama being much tougher than his predecessors ]

The policy of deporting border crossers and then prosecuting people who reenter has increased the number of immigrants charged in federal court. In 1992, immigration offenses accounted for 5% of federal convictions. In the subsequent two decades, the share of immigration cases on the federal docket increased sixfold, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

A six-fold increase in immigration offenses during the Obama/BushII/Clinton years.

Now; full disclosure

As my….errr…..YOUR link confirms, Obama shifted the focus to enforcement; the extra border guards and the focus on recording who was arrested and keeping them on file so that violators have that cloud of suspicion on them.

What he did do is become/remain—you can pick—lax in the enforcement of picking people up who were here illegally but interwoven into the mesh of society. He didn’t do a lot of raiding chicken plants in Arkansas (just an example). I’m sure there were some raids but as the LAT article points out; the focus was on border security.

It worked.

Thanks for bringing the link to my attention; it was very helpful and the result is more people were sent South under Obama than other Presidents.

Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
Once he redefined what deportation is, yes, record numbers.
When using apples to apples with past presidents, not so much though.

But of course…
must be more of those “alternative facts"
But of course.......Will the LA Times be a sufficient source for you?
High deportation figures are misleading

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.

You can pick your jaw off the ground when you leave, Candy.

You seem to have not read your own link:

From your link...

The administration's move to step up deportations at the border coincided with increased hiring of agents and spending on border security. In 2010, Congress approved a $600-million infusion to add border agents and new surveillance technology. There are now more than 21,000 Border Patrol agents on the border, twice the number of a decade ago.

So, Obama increased the number of border patrol agents. Sounds strange especially if you buy the nonsense you guys try to sell about “open borders”.

But the link continues.

Until recent years, most people caught illegally crossing the southern border were simply bused back into Mexico in what officials called "voluntary returns," but which critics derisively termed "catch and release." Those removals, which during the 1990s reached more 1 million a year, were not counted in Immigration and Customs Enforcement's deportation statistics.

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

So there is Obama now enhancing the charge on those who are caught crossing the border rather than just bussing the illegals back through the revolving door. Why you may ask? My….errr…..YOUR link explains:

A growing number of people caught trying to cross the border now have a formal deportation order on their records. Entering the country without legal authorization is not a crime.
But once a person has been deported, he can be prosecuted if he reenters the country. [Another example of Obama being much tougher than his predecessors ]

The policy of deporting border crossers and then prosecuting people who reenter has increased the number of immigrants charged in federal court. In 1992, immigration offenses accounted for 5% of federal convictions. In the subsequent two decades, the share of immigration cases on the federal docket increased sixfold, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

A six-fold increase in immigration offenses during the Obama/BushII/Clinton years.

Now; full disclosure

As my….errr…..YOUR link confirms, Obama shifted the focus to enforcement; the extra border guards and the focus on recording who was arrested and keeping them on file so that violators have that cloud of suspicion on them.

What he did do is become/remain—you can pick—lax in the enforcement of picking people up who were here illegally but interwoven into the mesh of society. He didn’t do a lot of raiding chicken plants in Arkansas (just an example). I’m sure there were some raids but as the LAT article points out; the focus was on border security.

It worked.

Thanks for bringing the link to my attention; it was very helpful and the result is more people were sent South under Obama than other Presidents.

Nice deflection, Candy....bottom line is that Obama had to change the definition of deportation to get to his numbers.
Like I said earlier in the discussion.....apples to apples
Obama deported record numbers of illegal aliens.
Once he redefined what deportation is, yes, record numbers.
When using apples to apples with past presidents, not so much though.

But of course…
must be more of those “alternative facts"
But of course.......Will the LA Times be a sufficient source for you?
High deportation figures are misleading

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics.

The vast majority of those border crossers would not have been treated as formal deportations under most previous administrations. If all removals were tallied, the total sent back to Mexico each year would have been far higher under those previous administrations than it is now.

You can pick your jaw off the ground when you leave, Candy.

You seem to have not read your own link:

From your link...

The administration's move to step up deportations at the border coincided with increased hiring of agents and spending on border security. In 2010, Congress approved a $600-million infusion to add border agents and new surveillance technology. There are now more than 21,000 Border Patrol agents on the border, twice the number of a decade ago.

So, Obama increased the number of border patrol agents. Sounds strange especially if you buy the nonsense you guys try to sell about “open borders”.

But the link continues.

Until recent years, most people caught illegally crossing the southern border were simply bused back into Mexico in what officials called "voluntary returns," but which critics derisively termed "catch and release." Those removals, which during the 1990s reached more 1 million a year, were not counted in Immigration and Customs Enforcement's deportation statistics.

Now, the vast majority of border crossers who are apprehended get fingerprinted and formally deported. The change began during the George W. Bush administration and accelerated under Obama. The policy stemmed in part from a desire to ensure that people who had crossed into the country illegally would have formal charges on their records.

So there is Obama now enhancing the charge on those who are caught crossing the border rather than just bussing the illegals back through the revolving door. Why you may ask? My….errr…..YOUR link explains:

A growing number of people caught trying to cross the border now have a formal deportation order on their records. Entering the country without legal authorization is not a crime.
But once a person has been deported, he can be prosecuted if he reenters the country. [Another example of Obama being much tougher than his predecessors ]

The policy of deporting border crossers and then prosecuting people who reenter has increased the number of immigrants charged in federal court. In 1992, immigration offenses accounted for 5% of federal convictions. In the subsequent two decades, the share of immigration cases on the federal docket increased sixfold, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

A six-fold increase in immigration offenses during the Obama/BushII/Clinton years.

Now; full disclosure

As my….errr…..YOUR link confirms, Obama shifted the focus to enforcement; the extra border guards and the focus on recording who was arrested and keeping them on file so that violators have that cloud of suspicion on them.

What he did do is become/remain—you can pick—lax in the enforcement of picking people up who were here illegally but interwoven into the mesh of society. He didn’t do a lot of raiding chicken plants in Arkansas (just an example). I’m sure there were some raids but as the LAT article points out; the focus was on border security.

It worked.

Thanks for bringing the link to my attention; it was very helpful and the result is more people were sent South under Obama than other Presidents.

Nice deflection, Candy....bottom line is that Obama had to change the definition of deportation to get to his numbers.
Like I said earlier in the discussion.....apples to apples

The net result was more cops on the border and more deportations. That is not in dispute. Except by the woefully mis-informed.

Not bad for an “open borders” guy. LOL
Considering legislation from the other chamber and proposing their own ideas for one. With the Government shut down and no funding being considered by the Executive, it would seem as though this is the time for Congress to act; not do nothing; which is what the Senate is doing.
And thus the problem with both parties underlying philosophies...
Ds must legislate
Rs must not legislate

Thanks for confirming what I said 2 hours ago dickless.

The R’s control the Senate. They are not doing their job. Their job is to consider legislation. Hold a vote; let it go nowhere or whatever. Do something. Come up with your own plan. Whatever. Doing nothing is not what you were elected to do. I’ll add that doing nothing is not what you’re paid to do either.
They were elected by their constituency.
Rs don’t like legislation.
Ergo, they are doing their job as defined by those who voted them in.

The difference between us is that I know each parties agenda and all you want is tax money to be spent.

No the difference between us is that you applaud bullshit tactics when your side does it and I do not.

That's because you're too busy applauding the bullshit tactics on your side...dumbass.

I know you won’t read it fuck face but here is my applause of the tactics of Harry Reid (which are identical to the tactics of Senator McConnell).

On that, we both agree. Harry Reid is a scumbag who regularly puts Party ahead of the nation. Most of the bills he blocked would not have passed the Senate--not even close. Yet he didn't want his caucus to appear to be too off-center so he shielded them from having to vote.

I invite you to consider life without the Senate, the House sends a bill to the President; He vetoes it; then the House over-rides the veto or it dies. Sounds like government to me...
Consider today's reality. The House sends a bill to the Senate. Scumbag Harry Reid wads it up and tosses it into the garbage can.
Meanwhile, farm bill dies; student loan rates double; too big to fail banks are bigger than ever in some cases;

Harry Reid is not doing his job as a representative of Nevada. He is doing his politically appointed job of party leader in the Senate. Reid is a scumbag (see my posts above) because anyone who places politics above people after asking for votes from those people is, in my book, a scumbag.
There may be times when it can be rationalized effectively but he has turned party hackdom into a 24 hour enterprise.
i thought it was manufactured. fk, I heard that on every news outlet last night. The product notification went out to all the leftists outlets, now obammy had the border as a crisis? did he manufacture it then? ahhhhhh
like i've said time and time again -

right or wrong these days is who you are and whether or not people like you.

i'm not a fan of the wall and think there are better ways to do this. but if that's what people want, then lets see where it would do the most good and work our way out from there if we must.

i'm much less of a fan of people changing the story around now as they're doing for no other reason than TRUMP!
The wall is the single cheapest and most effective way to control the border. It has been proven over and over.
i do think there are better ways to do this but would require a cooperation we're not likely to see in my lifetime anyway.
What better ways are there?

Furthermore, we aren't going to get any cooperation from the Dims.
nothing i'm going to get into an all out argument over.

carry on.
I'll take that to mean "none."
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”

View attachment 239362

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The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia - to name just a few.
Unbelievable that the broad can be this callous. Donald J. Trump has a plan- to build a wall- to help stem this. And it only costs $5B. Sure, it won't eliminate all illegal alienage and all drug odds.

But if it reduces the number of deaths to 90,000 or even 90,999, its well worth every penny IMHO.

And the facts are that walls work, the anti-terror wall in Israel is more than 90% effective.

Disgusting: Nancy Pelosi Calls 66,000 Opioid Deaths And 25,000 Illegal Alien Murderers A “Manufactured Crisis”
Tea Party Pac?

The drugs that come through the border come here legally. They are hidden in legal products. They don't go around a fence with an actual mule. They come through legal and monitored ports of entry.

What would be better is modern equipment designed for drug detection. Waste the money for that equipment on WALL (laughing) and even more drugs come into the country. They need more border agents, drug detection equipment, drones, weapons, body armor and training. The last thing they need is an expensive wall that is both a confederate monument to stupid and a point of ridicule at the United States from the rest of the world for wasting enormous sums of money which put us deeper in debt for no reason other than it was a gimmick.

When did all you snowflakes become experts on how drugs are smuggled into this country?
The Dummycraps are still trying to sell this lie that this is a manufactured crisis.......even though before Trump was elected they all said it was real.
Now it's much worse than it was when they agreed it was a crisis.

Still, every talking-head on the left keeps repeating this lie that this is a "MANUFACTURED CRISIS".

This is how Obama reacted to the immigration crisis that Pelosi and Schumer say now is manufactured.

It's hilarious that these people used to fashion themselves as "freethinkers". The best they can do now is repeat talking points their Overlords feed them. Sad, but endlessly funny.

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