Everything is as it should be


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I heard a guy who helps terminal patients say it and my Indian friend said it yesterday. So I'm an agnostic atheist. As it should be. When I get cancer or die in a car accident, it is as it should be. 9-11. If Trump wins again. It is as it should be. So don't be so upset. Roll with it. Lots of terminal patients come to grips after tripping on LSD or magic mushrooms

Kwan described his own work on how psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, seems to help the brain rewire by generating new connections between neurons.
Don't try to protect yourself or become involved in politics. Take some mood altering drugs and "don't worry, be happy". God help us if that's the universal message.
Everything is definitely NOT as it should be

our country is being destroyed (the border...)
children are being sexualized/abused ubiquitously
children are being murdered in the womb

sounds like someone just wants us to "go about our lives" and forget about doing what we can about these and other heinous problems

And what will Jesus say on the Day of Judgment if we do nothing?

"Go into the whole world," He said, "and preach the Gospel. He who is converted will be saved. He who does not believe is already damned" (or words to that effect)

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