Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

That's pretty broad. A fool is necessarily a leftist? A moral relativistic is necessarily a leftist? And neither can be an American even though they are a natural born citizen?

What are these American Principles of yours. My understanding is that there is no requirement as to what a person believes in order for them to be an American. We have freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression.

Well... here's the thing: a fool doesn't have to be a Leftist, but ya can't be a Leftist and not be a fool.

And Relativism isn't limited to morality, Relativism simply rejects the objectivity essential to truth, trust, morality and justice.

Relativism is the foundation of Left-think. Where an individual succumbs to the haze of relativism, they are practicing Left-think... where they possess the means to reason objectively they may end up correcting their error, where they do not, they are a Leftist.

American Principles were set forth in the Charter of American Principles and rest as the Foundation of the concept: American. They were declared as the basis in authority which provided the right for Americans to govern themselves.

Now... the coolest part of this is that IF you were an American... you'd have known that.
This is more Hillary push.
Idiot feminists still trying to push the equality shit they indoctrinated me with in the 1960's and 70's. I wasted several years wondering why women weren't as eager to have sex with men as men were to have sex with women. It's because they're different from men. Like in so many other ways.
Try this experiment with one of your hard headed feminist denialist women; both of you go into a bar and find someone of the opposite sex that you're attracted to. Have the woman approach the man and start rubbing his leg and tell him she wants to have sex with him. Have the man do the same to a woman. See who gets laid and who ends up in jail.

That should not be a crime unless it persists after the victim said no or was otherwise not receptive of it, regardless of the sexes involved.

Women and men are both populations and both populations have different tendencies. But more important is that the individual is unique regardless of what population he or she is in, and he or she may not fit hardly any of the gender stereotypes. And may be best fit for a non tradiational gender role in life . He or she may go against nearly all of the gender tendencies. And that is okay. Individual freedom is of the highest importance.
Here we go again. Using the anecdotal to trump the norm.
George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Smoking can be good for you.
Get out of the way.

That analogy has nothing to do with the concept of gender roles.
It has everything to do with your post of transcending gender roles and nature with the anomalous.

No it doesn't. Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.
It has everything to with gender. Let the anomalous play out but don't pretend it's the norm or a result of conditioning.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
Once women have attained enough experience to assume more leadership roles that will take care of itself. Just as how blacks have generationally increased in executive positions as time goes by. But forcing the issue is dishonest. And women don't make less for the same work. That has been clearly debunked. Apples were not being compared to apples.
Men are better cooks than women, but we let our wives do it because they have more time to spend and they seem to enjoy giving food to their husbands and children. It is good for a woman's self-esteem knowing that she can make a valuable contritubution to the family.
yep.....feminism has clearly had an impact on the American male. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck too much estrogen in todays male as evidence by the pronounced levels of limpwristedness we see on this board.

no balls = ghey
If you are a conservative you know this well from debating people face to face. How many times do these limwristed males storm off screaming in the middle of a debate, "I cant even talk to you anymore!!!!!!!!!". For them.....that's winning!!! Cant even make it up!! These are the people who were picked last for the team, like trophies for everybody in the league, flip out if a coach yells at their kid, teach their kid that your home is far safer defending it with a NURF gun compared to a real gun, walk around in pink polo shirts................you know the type!!!

Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting leftist talking points, which are demonstrably wrong. Women get paid the same for the same work, it's been a law for decades. The left stupidly compares things like receptionists with doctors. Men generally choose and focus on more demanding and dangerous work, women aren't kept from it by sexists overlords.

You brushed aside the lowering of military standards to avoid the point.

No consensus on equal rights? Consensus by whom? We live under the Constitution, not the consensus by social media outlets. Would you vote for Palin if she was the only female running for president?
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting leftist talking points, which are demonstrably wrong. Women get paid the same for the same work, it's been a law for decades. The left stupidly compares things like receptionists with doctors. Men generally choose and focus on more demanding and dangerous work, women aren't kept from it by sexists overlords.

You brushed aside the lowering of military standards to avoid the point.

No consensus on equal rights? Consensus by whom? We live under the Constitution, not the consensus by social media outlets. Would you vote for Palin if she was the only female running for president?

The Constitution promises equal rights. It's up to consensus to determine if equal rights have been achieved.

Why do men choose more challenging work? Could it be that women are told from childhood that they can't handle challenging work?

Until all of these questions have been answered there is still a place for real feminism (the equal rights kind not the man hating kind).

I would not vote for Palin because I oppose her politics.
If you are a conservative you know this well from debating people face to face. How many times do these limwristed males storm off screaming in the middle of a debate, "I cant even talk to you anymore!!!!!!!!!". For them.....that's winning!!! Cant even make it up!! These are the people who were picked last for the team, like trophies for everybody in the league, flip out if a coach yells at their kid, teach their kid that your home is far safer defending it with a NURF gun compared to a real gun, walk around in pink polo shirts................you know the type!!!


Well anyone who thinks that's winning a debate is a moron.

I was picked last for every sports team in school because of my lack of confidence. So what? Trophies for everyone ... nah I don't agree with that. Coaches can yell at the kids if they want to but maybe I want a different coach for my kids. That's my prerogative. Sports are not worth yelling at a kid about unless that kid is hoping to become a varsity athlete. That's my opinion. But I don't have kids so who cares? Nerf guns? Those are useless. If you need to defend your home yourself get a real one. Pink Polo shirts? Nah i'm not that dapper. I wear rags.
yep.....feminism has clearly had an impact on the American male. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck too much estrogen in todays male as evidence by the pronounced levels of limpwristedness we see on this board.

no balls = ghey
That was stupid the first time and not any better the second time.

And no I didn't win any debate. You haven't even started debating.
Men are better cooks than women, but we let our wives do it because they have more time to spend and they seem to enjoy giving food to their husbands and children. It is good for a woman's self-esteem knowing that she can make a valuable contritubution to the family.
That's a blanket statement that is simply not true. Many women are much better cooks than many men. And now some wives work more hours than their husbands.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting leftist talking points, which are demonstrably wrong. Women get paid the same for the same work, it's been a law for decades. The left stupidly compares things like receptionists with doctors. Men generally choose and focus on more demanding and dangerous work, women aren't kept from it by sexists overlords.

You brushed aside the lowering of military standards to avoid the point.

No consensus on equal rights? Consensus by whom? We live under the Constitution, not the consensus by social media outlets. Would you vote for Palin if she was the only female running for president?

The Constitution promises equal rights. It's up to consensus to determine if equal rights have been achieved.

Why do men choose more challenging work? Could it be that women are told from childhood that they can't handle challenging work?

Until all of these questions have been answered there is still a place for real feminism (the equal rights kind not the man hating kind).

I would not vote for Palin because I oppose her politics.
Of course women can handle challenging work. Most women choose not to handle dirty, dangerous work that might keep them away from their families for a year or two.

Even if women are just as capable as men doing dirty, dangerous work that leaves their kids in the hands of another family, they choose not to do it.

Women aren't alone. Beta men also choose not to get their hands dirty, or bloody. They also do not make as much money as those men who make different choices.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
Once women have attained enough experience to assume more leadership roles that will take care of itself. Just as how blacks have generationally increased in executive positions as time goes by. But forcing the issue is dishonest. And women don't make less for the same work. That has been clearly debunked. Apples were not being compared to apples.

Perhaps so but until equality is achieved and maintained there is still a place for feminism and the minority civil rights movements both.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.


Woman, are genetic bearers of children. Can't bear children and compete with those who are NOT bearing children.


Bearing a child makes one unable to work for only a short time. Marriage is about creating family units. It is about legally binding one person with her partner. It is not about keeping her from earning the pay she deserves for the work she does.

A short time? 9 Months of gestation... plus 6-12 months of post natal nurturing. Then there's YEARS of short days due to Doctor visits, DAYS OFF due to fevers, pink eye and "Johnny bit Sally and can't come back to day-care for three days...", and all that, just to have 'em come in and inform ya that their husband got a raise and they're quitting to spend more time with the children.

These are the things ya learn when you're a Father and Employer... so spare me the feckless rationalizations scamp. There's no way to hire a female and NOT know what you're setting yourself up for.

Thank you for proving why we still need feninism.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting leftist talking points, which are demonstrably wrong. Women get paid the same for the same work, it's been a law for decades. The left stupidly compares things like receptionists with doctors. Men generally choose and focus on more demanding and dangerous work, women aren't kept from it by sexists overlords.

You brushed aside the lowering of military standards to avoid the point.

No consensus on equal rights? Consensus by whom? We live under the Constitution, not the consensus by social media outlets. Would you vote for Palin if she was the only female running for president?

The Constitution promises equal rights. It's up to consensus to determine if equal rights have been achieved.

Why do men choose more challenging work? Could it be that women are told from childhood that they can't handle challenging work?

Until all of these questions have been answered there is still a place for real feminism (the equal rights kind not the man hating kind).

I would not vote for Palin because I oppose her politics.
Wrong, the consensus decides who wins American Idol, the courts decide on the constitutionality of "equal rights" or even what it means. It doesn't mean equal outcome, which is what you're going on about. Jobs aren't equal so the pay isn't equal. Consensus doesn't decide pay, the people paying you decide pay.

What woman is told she can't handle challenging work? Like I said, your wrong headed theory was disproven 40 years ago and equal work gets equal pay. You're ignorant or a liar.

Oh, so you wouldn't vote for someone based on gender. Same here. Hillary won't get my vote.
Perhaps so but until equality is achieved and maintained there is still a place for feminism and the minority civil rights movements both.
Give us a specific example of your assertion, repeating it just sounds stupid at this point. Actually, it started out that way.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting leftist talking points, which are demonstrably wrong. Women get paid the same for the same work, it's been a law for decades. The left stupidly compares things like receptionists with doctors. Men generally choose and focus on more demanding and dangerous work, women aren't kept from it by sexists overlords.

You brushed aside the lowering of military standards to avoid the point.

No consensus on equal rights? Consensus by whom? We live under the Constitution, not the consensus by social media outlets. Would you vote for Palin if she was the only female running for president?

The Constitution promises equal rights. It's up to consensus to determine if equal rights have been achieved.

Why do men choose more challenging work? Could it be that women are told from childhood that they can't handle challenging work?

Until all of these questions have been answered there is still a place for real feminism (the equal rights kind not the man hating kind).

I would not vote for Palin because I oppose her politics.
Of course women can handle challenging work. Most women choose not to handle dirty, dangerous work that might keep them away from their families for a year or two.

Even if women are just as capable as men doing dirty, dangerous work that leaves their kids in the hands of another family, they choose not to do it.

Women aren't alone. Beta men also choose not to get their hands dirty, or bloody. They also do not make as much money as those men who make different choices.

The men and women who make the most money tend to not get their hands dirty or bloody. Are the 2016 presidential candidates beta according to you? What percentage of them get their hands dirty? Manual labor and dangerous jobs are the definition of alpha?

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