Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

"Why the federal government spent $3 million to study lesbian obesity...

The federal government spent millions of dollars in recent years researching why lesbians have a higher obesity rate than heterosexual women ... "

Why the federal government spent 3 million to study lesbian obesity - The Washington Post


And the fattest states are...


Obesity Rate Lowest in Hawaii Highest in Mississippi
An alpha male is a red meat eater. His strives to be #1 in everything. Whether it's business, sports, shagging women, etc. He is all about being top dog and master of his domain.

On the other hand, beta males are losers who subsist on the scraps alpha males leave behind. The ranks of homos and liberals are filled with beta males.

Is there anything other than an Alpha or a beta male ? Men who fall in neither category?

What if a man strives to be good at something and achieves it but never aspires to be #1 hence he is not a loser, but he is not a top dog either. What would you call him?

A regular guy?
Men that have to prove their manliness usually are suffering from small penis syndrome.



Isn't it amazing how that sentiment is rarely found outside the company of lesbians and queers?

Ted Haggard speaks...

Always good to hear from the Lesbians.

Hey can you lend any insight into why you gals are universally ENORMOUS?

Now... what's going on there? Are ya queer because you're mortally obese, or mortally obese, because you're queer?

This post right here sounds like it was inspired by whisky.

Based upon what? Again... specifics.

I have some experience dealing with drunks.

Everything you posted in both posts above is complete nonesense. Something a drunk would find brilliant, though.

Lesbians are not all fat. So your "brilliant" dichotomy of what came first the Lesbianism or the fat is a non-sequitor.

Second there seems to be no reason to assume Carla Danger is a lesbian. But to you it's reality. It's common for a drunk to create his own reality and clamp on to it like a bulldog.
I have some experience dealing with drunks.

Good for you. Admitting you have a problem; even if it's a feeble implication... is the first baby step to solving that problem.

And despite knowing that it's unlikely, I hope that you get it sorted out.
I have some experience dealing with drunks.

Good for you. Admitting you have a problem; even if it's a feeble implication... is the first baby step to solving that problem.

And despite knowing that it's unlikely, I hope that you get it sorted out.

More non-seqiutors. Drunks are notorious for saying nonsense and thinking it's brilliant.

Your initial posts in this thread were at least logically driven and sane sounding. As the night wears on the non-sequitor increase. That is why I suspect drinking for as the drinks pile on the posts make less sense.
Lesbians are not all fat.

Well... enough of 'em apparently ARE... that YOUR President spent MILLIONS of dollars toward the hope of finding out WHY... .

"Why the federal government spent $3 million to study lesbian obesity

The federal government spent millions of dollars in recent years researching why lesbians have a higher obesity rate than heterosexual women ... now in its fourth year and scheduled to last another two, has cost about $3 million to date ... A summary of the research said that nearly three-quarters of lesbians are morbidly obese."

Why the federal government spent 3 million to study lesbian obesity - The Washington Post


Isn't it amazing how that sentiment is rarely found outside the company of lesbians and queers?

Ted Haggard speaks...

Always good to hear from the Lesbians.

Hey can you lend any insight into why you gals are universally ENORMOUS?

Now... what's going on there? Are ya queer because you're mortally obese, or mortally obese, because you're queer?

This post right here sounds like it was inspired by whisky.

Based upon what? Again... specifics.

I have some experience dealing with drunks.

Everything you posted in both posts above is complete nonesense. Something a drunk would find brilliant, though.

Lesbians are not all fat. So your "brilliant" dichotomy of what came first the Lesbianism or the fat is a non-sequitor.

Second there seems to be no reason to assume Carla Danger is a lesbian. But to you it's reality. It's common for a drunk to create his own reality and clamp on to it like a bulldog.

Where_r_my_Brains, aka, Ted Haggard is obsessed with gay issues of the day. He literally can't quit thinking or talking about the subject.
Lesbians are not all fat.

Well... enough of 'em apparently ARE... that YOUR President spent MILLIONS of dollars toward the hope of finding out WHY... .

"Why the federal government spent $3 million to study lesbian obesity

The federal government spent millions of dollars in recent years researching why lesbians have a higher obesity rate than heterosexual women ... now in its fourth year and scheduled to last another two, has cost about $3 million to date ... A summary of the research said that nearly three-quarters of lesbians are morbidly obese."

Why the federal government spent 3 million to study lesbian obesity - The Washington Post
He's your President too, bud.

But 75% overweight or obese is not the same as universally morbidly obese as you said.

Of course lesbians and obesity has non whatsoever to do with this thread so I have no idea why you're even talking about that.

BTW I am an overweight borderline obese hetero male ... not that that has anything to do with the thread either ....
... Drunks are notorious for saying nonsense and thinking it's brilliant.

So by your thesis... The Ideological Left on the whole, is a raging, gutter-faced pack of sots?

Huh... .

I gotta tell ya. I think it's a little over the top. The Ideological Left is a simple consequence of mental disorder. Such is the result of the absence of the spirit of God; which inevitably leaves the individual, thus by extension the summed collective of such, subject to the irrational nature of evil.

But, you're close, so don't sweat it.

Simple stuff... .
More nonesense. There are plenty devout Christians on the left. They're just not Haggard style conservative Christians obsessed with homosexuality and bringing back prayer to the schools.
More nonesense. There are plenty devout Christians on the left.


There are NO... Meaning ZERO "Leftist Christians".

And how can we know this? Because God precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

Now scamp, that means that where one adheres to the Deceit and Fraud dependent upon willful Ignorance, common to the tenets of the Ideological Left. They cannot at the same time, adhere to the truth, light and the way of Jesus Christ.

It is... quite impossible.
More nonesense. There are plenty devout Christians on the left.


There are NO... Meaning ZERO "Leftist Christians".

And how can we know this? Because God precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

Now scamp, that means that where one adheres to the Deceit and Fraud dependent upon willful Ignorance, common to the tenets of the Ideological Left. They cannot at the same time, adhere to the truth, light and the way of Jesus Christ.

It is... quite impossible.

More drunk speak.

Also the Bible doesn't discuss American Liberalism, so I guess you're now claiming to know the mind of God.

The above speech is another thing i'd expect to hear from a drunk.

Time to hit the sack and sleep it off. I know it's Friday night but enough is enough.
He's your President too, bud.


Not even close... I wouldn't step off the curb to spit on it, if it were laying in the gutter, ON FIRE!

Doesn't matter. He's still your President until some time in January 2017.

No... there is nothing about the Left to which I am obligated... with your Peasantpimp being amongst the least of that mess.

This has nothing to do with Left or Right. If you're an American, he is your President. Love him or hate him. This isn't 18th century England. He's not your king or sovereign. But he is the President of the United States and that is a fact.
... the Bible doesn't discuss American Liberalism...

OH! There are NO American Leftists.

Ya see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

Thus those who reject the principles that define America, cannot simultaneously claim to adhere to the principles that define American.

See how that works?
If you're an American, he is your President.


If I had a crayon font available on this site... I'd draw ya a picture.

Sadly such is not available... so that's as simple as such can be expressed for ya.
This is more Hillary push.
Idiot feminists still trying to push the equality shit they indoctrinated me with in the 1960's and 70's. I wasted several years wondering why women weren't as eager to have sex with men as men were to have sex with women. It's because they're different from men. Like in so many other ways.
Try this experiment with one of your hard headed feminist denialist women; both of you go into a bar and find someone of the opposite sex that you're attracted to. Have the woman approach the man and start rubbing his leg and tell him she wants to have sex with him. Have the man do the same to a woman. See who gets laid and who ends up in jail.

That should not be a crime unless it persists after the victim said no or was otherwise not receptive of it, regardless of the sexes involved.

Women and men are both populations and both populations have different tendencies. But more important is that the individual is unique regardless of what population he or she is in, and he or she may not fit hardly any of the gender stereotypes. And may be best fit for a non tradiational gender role in life . He or she may go against nearly all of the gender tendencies. And that is okay. Individual freedom is of the highest importance.
Here we go again. Using the anecdotal to trump the norm.
George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Smoking can be good for you.
Get out of the way.

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