Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

Being an American has nothing to do with adhering to certain principles. If you're a citizen, then you are an American. THAT is how it works. Anything else is just drunken ramblings.

Time to put down the bottle and sleep it off.
This is more Hillary push.
Idiot feminists still trying to push the equality shit they indoctrinated me with in the 1960's and 70's. I wasted several years wondering why women weren't as eager to have sex with men as men were to have sex with women. It's because they're different from men. Like in so many other ways.
Try this experiment with one of your hard headed feminist denialist women; both of you go into a bar and find someone of the opposite sex that you're attracted to. Have the woman approach the man and start rubbing his leg and tell him she wants to have sex with him. Have the man do the same to a woman. See who gets laid and who ends up in jail.

That should not be a crime unless it persists after the victim said no or was otherwise not receptive of it, regardless of the sexes involved.

Women and men are both populations and both populations have different tendencies. But more important is that the individual is unique regardless of what population he or she is in, and he or she may not fit hardly any of the gender stereotypes. And may be best fit for a non tradiational gender role in life . He or she may go against nearly all of the gender tendencies. And that is okay. Individual freedom is of the highest importance.
Here we go again. Using the anecdotal to trump the norm.
George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Smoking can be good for you.
Get out of the way.

That analogy has nothing to do with the concept of gender roles.
Not correct. Feminism does not mean victimhood. It means equal rights.

Feminism won you the right to vote. That is awesome.

Are some feminists morons? Absolutely. But overall feminism is a positive force. We all should want equal rights for women.

B'loney. Maybe Feminism once meant that, but it has devolved into the hysterical Rape Culture carrying around a Mattress nonsense.

True feminism still exists. You're focusing on certain aspects you don't like. But the definition of feminism remains a quest for equal rights.

Nonsense. We have equal rights. Now it's about vying for Most Favored Minority status. Witness CISFeminists vs. Trans-women.

Women are not a minority and anyone pushing for such a thing is a moron. I don't know what CISFeminist or transwomen are.

As for equal rights ... there is still debate as to whether that has fully been achieved. How about equal pay for equal work and women being passed up for jobs they're well qualified for because of sexism?
Equal rights have been attained and superseded. Women outpace men in college graduation largely because of quotas in acceptance. Military testing has been simplified to justify more women in the military. Stop with the equal rights bullshit already.
This is more Hillary push.
Idiot feminists still trying to push the equality shit they indoctrinated me with in the 1960's and 70's. I wasted several years wondering why women weren't as eager to have sex with men as men were to have sex with women. It's because they're different from men. Like in so many other ways.
Try this experiment with one of your hard headed feminist denialist women; both of you go into a bar and find someone of the opposite sex that you're attracted to. Have the woman approach the man and start rubbing his leg and tell him she wants to have sex with him. Have the man do the same to a woman. See who gets laid and who ends up in jail.

That should not be a crime unless it persists after the victim said no or was otherwise not receptive of it, regardless of the sexes involved.

Women and men are both populations and both populations have different tendencies. But more important is that the individual is unique regardless of what population he or she is in, and he or she may not fit hardly any of the gender stereotypes. And may be best fit for a non tradiational gender role in life . He or she may go against nearly all of the gender tendencies. And that is okay. Individual freedom is of the highest importance.
Here we go again. Using the anecdotal to trump the norm.
George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Smoking can be good for you.
Get out of the way.

That analogy has nothing to do with the concept of gender roles.
It has everything to do with your post of transcending gender roles and nature with the anomalous.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.

U.S. is 65th in world on gender pay gap - Oct. 27 2014

Military testing and graduation rates are one thing.

But when it comes to all in all equal rights, there is no consensus whatsoever that has been achieved. ... And the general consensus is that it has not been achieved.

Men outnumber women in most of the highest paying jobs such as doctors, engineers, business management, and science.

And a woman has yet to become President.
This is more Hillary push.
Idiot feminists still trying to push the equality shit they indoctrinated me with in the 1960's and 70's. I wasted several years wondering why women weren't as eager to have sex with men as men were to have sex with women. It's because they're different from men. Like in so many other ways.
Try this experiment with one of your hard headed feminist denialist women; both of you go into a bar and find someone of the opposite sex that you're attracted to. Have the woman approach the man and start rubbing his leg and tell him she wants to have sex with him. Have the man do the same to a woman. See who gets laid and who ends up in jail.

That should not be a crime unless it persists after the victim said no or was otherwise not receptive of it, regardless of the sexes involved.

Women and men are both populations and both populations have different tendencies. But more important is that the individual is unique regardless of what population he or she is in, and he or she may not fit hardly any of the gender stereotypes. And may be best fit for a non tradiational gender role in life . He or she may go against nearly all of the gender tendencies. And that is okay. Individual freedom is of the highest importance.
Here we go again. Using the anecdotal to trump the norm.
George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Smoking can be good for you.
Get out of the way.

That analogy has nothing to do with the concept of gender roles.
It has everything to do with your post of transcending gender roles and nature with the anomalous.

No it doesn't. Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.
Being an American has nothing to do with adhering to certain principles. If you're a citizen, then you are an American.


If you're a citizen... you're just a citizen.

To be an American, one recognizes, respects, defends and adheres TO: THE PRINCIPLES THAT DEFINE AMERICA!

But how cool is it that for a Leftist to claim themselves as Americans, they need to reduce the concept to the lowest common denominator. Which in this case is GEOGRAPHY!

"I'M Present in the Americas... . THEREFORE I AM AN AMERICAN, MAN!"

Guess again Karl...​
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.


Woman, are genetic bearers of children. Can't bear children and compete with those who are NOT bearing children.

Define leftist please.

One of the principles that defines America is that all citizens are Americans.
Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.


Woman, are genetic bearers of children. Can't bear children and compete with those who are NOT bearing children.


Bearing a child makes one unable to work for only a short time. Marriage is about creating family units. It is about legally binding one person with her partner. It is not about keeping her from earning the pay she deserves for the work she does.
Define leftist please.

Leftist... Adherent to Left-think... Fool, Degenerate, Deviant; Purveyor of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principles... advocates of idiocy; 'Paying people to Not Work will incentivize them to seek gainful employment': Relativists; subjectivists, incapable of objective reason; deniers of accountability, runners from responsibility; Collectivists; those who claim the needs of the collective supersede the rights of the Individual.

One of the principles that defines America is that all citizens are Americans.


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Women earn 2/3 of what men make for equal work in the US.


Woman, are genetic bearers of children. Can't bear children and compete with those who are NOT bearing children.


Bearing a child makes one unable to work for only a short time. Marriage is about creating family units. It is about legally binding one person with her partner. It is not about keeping her from earning the pay she deserves for the work she does.

A short time? 9 Months of gestation... plus 6-12 months of post natal nurturing. Then there's YEARS of short days due to Doctor visits, DAYS OFF due to fevers, pink eye and "Johnny bit Sally and can't come back to day-care for three days...", and all that, just to have 'em come in and inform ya that their husband got a raise and they're quitting to spend more time with the children.

These are the things ya learn when you're a Father and Employer... so spare me the feckless rationalizations scamp. There's no way to hire a female and NOT know what you're setting yourself up for.
No it doesn't. Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.[sic]

Who's forbidding roles by law, specifically?

By law? It is typically by custom.

You don't know what you said? "Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.[sic]"

Proscribing: forbid, especially by law.

Perhaps you meant prescribing... "state authoritatively or as a rule that (an action or procedure) should be carried out."
An alpha male is a red meat eater. His strives to be #1 in everything. Whether it's business, sports, shagging women, etc. He is all about being top dog and master of his domain.

On the other hand, beta males are losers who subsist on the scraps alpha males leave behind. The ranks of homos and liberals are filled with beta males.

Is there anything other than an Alpha or a beta male ? Men who fall in neither category?

What if a man strives to be good at something and achieves it but never aspires to be #1 hence he is not a loser, but he is not a top dog either. What would you call him?
That's a beta. Top dog males don't aspire to it. They just are.
Define leftist please.

Leftist... Adherent to Left-think... Fool, Degenerate, Deviant; Purveyor of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principles... advocates of idiocy; 'Paying people to Not Work will incentivize them to seek gainful employment': Relativists; subjectivists, incapable of objective reason; deniers of accountability, runners from responsibility; Collectivists; those who claim the needs of the collective supersede the rights of the Individual.

One of the principles that defines America is that all citizens are Americans.



That's pretty broad. A fool is necessarily a leftist? A moral relativistic is necessarily a leftist? And neither can be an American even though they are a natural born citizen?

What are these American Principles of yours. My understanding is that there is no requirement as to what a person believes in order for them to be an American. We have freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression.
No it doesn't. Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.[sic]

Who's forbidding roles by law, specifically?

By law? It is typically by custom.

You don't know what you said? "Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.[sic]"

Proscribing: forbid, especially by law.

Perhaps you meant prescribing... "state authoritatively or as a rule that (an action or procedure) should be carried out."

Yes prescribing.

Spelling error cleared up now. Thank goodness. :eusa_clap:
An alpha male is a red meat eater. His strives to be #1 in everything. Whether it's business, sports, shagging women, etc. He is all about being top dog and master of his domain.

On the other hand, beta males are losers who subsist on the scraps alpha males leave behind. The ranks of homos and liberals are filled with beta males.

Is there anything other than an Alpha or a beta male ? Men who fall in neither category?

What if a man strives to be good at something and achieves it but never aspires to be #1 hence he is not a loser, but he is not a top dog either. What would you call him?
That's a beta. Top dog males don't aspire to it. They just are.

So it's either alpha or beta? Nothing else? How many alphas can there be, in say, one office of 3 departments, 48 employees, 3/4 male. Can any of the women be alpha? Does that reduce the number of males who can be alpha?

And what difference does it make?
No it doesn't. Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.[sic]

Who's forbidding roles by law, specifically?

By law? It is typically by custom.

You don't know what you said? "Predicting an outcome based on biology has nothing to do with proscribing roles,for individuals based on gender.[sic]"

Proscribing: forbid, especially by law.

Perhaps you meant prescribing... "state authoritatively or as a rule that (an action or procedure) should be carried out."

Yes prescribing.

Spelling error cleared up now. Thank goodness. :eusa_clap:

Oh... that wasn't a spelling error. That was the misuse of a word. You spelled the word correctly. You were simply ignorant of the meaning of the word ya used.

'Sal good... as long as you're learnin', ya got a chance.

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