Everything That is Wrong With Today's Beta Men in One Paragraph

Yep. Liberals have created almost this mamdate that men be Beta.

Look at it. What few areas of our culture is traditional machismo and "manliness" still a virtue?

Military. Police. Football. Boxing/MMA. Heavy weightlifting.

Liberals bash and mock and criticize all of those. They want America to be neutered.
Perhaps so but until equality is achieved and maintained there is still a place for feminism and the minority civil rights movements both.
Give us a specific example of your assertion, repeating it just sounds stupid at this point. Actually, it started out that way.

It is known that for many years women did not have equal rights. It is up to you to prove that equal rights have been sustained for some time before feminism will even consider stepping down.

As for consensus ... courts deciding is consensus. And the people can change the makeup of the court over time. And the people can pass laws if consensus is that equal rights have not been attained.
Feminis is not going away any time soon. There is still a pay gap, even if less than 10% for young women. There still is a bias that women are expected to take a bigger hit in their work life for family responsibilities than men are. There is still discrimination in the workplace due to gender ... for promotions, training, etc. There's still a good old boy network where women are resented for being promoted over men.

So long as this stuff remains, feminism is here to stay.

On Equal Pay Day key facts about the gender pay gap Pew Research Center
Game set match you'be all been pwned. I have PROVEN beyond doubt that feminism is still relevant.

Thank you for proving why we still need feninism.[sic]

Like every other advocacy of the Ideological Left, 'feminism' is a Lie; a deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

The woman is designed by nature to procreate, to nurture and raise children. Feminism says that the woman is not so designed and can be equal with those designed for other purposes. It's not true.
I have news for him....grilling is NOT masculine......Which speaks volumes about how large his mangina is....

Oh Puh-leeeze! Grilling is MASCULINE. It's a classic American Male Trope: The Dads or The Men grilling. Fire! Meat! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I am THRILLED that mr. boe views grilling as His Domain. Dinners prepared outside are his responsibility; indoor dinners are mine. We grill a lot...and I do the dishes.
There is nothing masculine about grilling. Guys wearing aprons, sauces lined up in neat little rows along the grill....metal spatula hung like some wannabe six shooter at the hip.....and of course....the brillo pad to keep the grates clean......


Masculine is killing, dressing, and butchering the animal and then spitting it on a branch to turn over an open fire....

The American male who thinks that grilling is some kind of male thing extending from the cave days is a fool......

I grill....but I don't consider it a part of the masculine that defines Me.....Its just a summer time chore....

Then I feel sad for you. Men grilling is SEXY!

If watching a man grill turns you on, have at it. I don't find it a particularly masculine thing to do.

But a man with a hammer, saw and drill, building something, or fixing something. Heaven!
Game set match you'be all been pwned. I have PROVEN beyond doubt that feminism is still relevant.


Delusion... it's scary stuff when ya see it up close and personal. But that's the mental disorder that qualifies the Ideological Leftist. They're evil... and that's all one truly needs to know about them, to know what needs to be done with them.
As for consensus ... courts deciding is consensus.

Well you ladies have played that game out. Numerous states are now simply refusing to recognize the Left's hysterical use of the Judiciary as an alternative legislature.

But... that is inevitable, isn't it?
Predictable result of the narcissistic, hypersensitive, self loathing culture we have become.

Imagine going through life like that, holy shit.

Narcissistic and self loathing?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Perhaps so but until equality is achieved and maintained there is still a place for feminism and the minority civil rights movements both.
Give us a specific example of your assertion, repeating it just sounds stupid at this point. Actually, it started out that way.

It is known that for many years women did not have equal rights. It is up to you to prove that equal rights have been sustained for some time before feminism will even consider stepping down.

As for consensus ... courts deciding is consensus. And the people can change the makeup of the court over time. And the people can pass laws if consensus is that equal rights have not been attained.
No asshole. That isn't how it works. I called you on your bullshit and asked you to for a specific example of where women are payed differently for the same work. You can't so you're wrong.

Court decisions are not a consensus. You're full of shit.
If you are a conservative you know this well from debating people face to face. How many times do these limwristed males storm off screaming in the middle of a debate, "I cant even talk to you anymore!!!!!!!!!". For them.....that's winning!!! Cant even make it up!! These are the people who were picked last for the team, like trophies for everybody in the league, flip out if a coach yells at their kid, teach their kid that your home is far safer defending it with a NURF gun compared to a real gun, walk around in pink polo shirts................you know the type!!!


Well anyone who thinks that's winning a debate is a moron.

I was picked last for every sports team in school because of my lack of confidence. So what? Trophies for everyone ... nah I don't agree with that. Coaches can yell at the kids if they want to but maybe I want a different coach for my kids. That's my prerogative. Sports are not worth yelling at a kid about unless that kid is hoping to become a varsity athlete. That's my opinion. But I don't have kids so who cares? Nerf guns? Those are useless. If you need to defend your home yourself get a real one. Pink Polo shirts? Nah i'm not that dapper. I wear rags.
Being picked last has obviously had a detrimental lasting impact on you. It's not surprising that you turned to feminism for validation.
Predictable result of the narcissistic, hypersensitive, self loathing culture we have become.

Imagine going through life like that, holy shit.

Narcissistic and self loathing?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes. Narcissism can be an undue fascination with oneself (Dictionary.com).

That doesn't have to mean high self esteem or a big ego. In this case, quite the contrary.

If you are a conservative you know this well from debating people face to face. How many times do these limwristed males storm off screaming in the middle of a debate, "I cant even talk to you anymore!!!!!!!!!". For them.....that's winning!!! Cant even make it up!! These are the people who were picked last for the team, like trophies for everybody in the league, flip out if a coach yells at their kid, teach their kid that your home is far safer defending it with a NURF gun compared to a real gun, walk around in pink polo shirts................you know the type!!!


Well anyone who thinks that's winning a debate is a moron.

I was picked last for every sports team in school because of my lack of confidence. So what? Trophies for everyone ... nah I don't agree with that. Coaches can yell at the kids if they want to but maybe I want a different coach for my kids. That's my prerogative. Sports are not worth yelling at a kid about unless that kid is hoping to become a varsity athlete. That's my opinion. But I don't have kids so who cares? Nerf guns? Those are useless. If you need to defend your home yourself get a real one. Pink Polo shirts? Nah i'm not that dapper. I wear rags.
Being picked last has obviously had a detrimental lasting impact on you. It's not surprising that you turned to feminism for validation.

That pretty much 'splains it.
I haven't "turned to feminism". I agree with equal rights for women.

As for my own personal life I'm not going to go around lying and say that life is perfect. But I'm satisfied with my life and my interests. Do I wish some things had turned out differently? Sure. But there's no use whining about it because it is was it is.

If you want to use that to attack me and mock me, well, hey to each his own.

Have a nice day.
As for consensus ... courts deciding is consensus.

Well you ladies have played that game out. Numerous states are now simply refusing to recognize the Left's hysterical use of the Judiciary as an alternative legislature.

But... that is inevitable, isn't it?

So you think that "ladies" is an insult and I'm being asked to prove that there's still a need for feminism? Crazy.

I've never used the courts for any agenda. Someone else in this thread said equal rights are as interpreted by courts. I said court decisions are a form of consensus and courts can over time be turned over to new justices by the people. I prefer legislative to pass laws affirming rights so that there can be no confusion.
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Game set match you'be all been pwned. I have PROVEN beyond doubt that feminism is still relevant.


Delusion... it's scary stuff when ya see it up close and personal. But that's the mental disorder that qualifies the Ideological Leftist. They're evil... and that's all one truly needs to know about them, to know what needs to be done with them.

Took to the bottle early tonight, have you? Or maybe you're just plain nuts. Or the most likely option is that you're trolling.
I've never used the courts for any agenda. Someone else in this thread said equal rights are as interpreted by courts. I said court decisions are a form of consensus and courts can over time be turned over to new justices by the people. I prefer legislative to pass laws affirming rights so that there can be no confusion.
And you'd still be wrong. Courts do go against popular opinion. Gay marriage is but one recent example where the state wanted one thing but a judge decided their agenda was more important.

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