Everytime a liberal brings up how terrible Trump is, the RW response is always "you're butthurt!"

The question was over the Emancipation Proclamation, which many Democrats believe was bogus. What this NEW YORK TIMES article does is make a tremendous leap assuming that wishing the South won the war means they want to return to slavery, and that every white person in South Carolina is a Trump supporter. They also assume that everyone who hates Gays is automatically a Trump supporter.
No doubt that a percentage of Trump voters are racist assholes. OTOH, most are simply frustrated with the direction our nation has been heading. Like me, I think many see President Obama's actions as being more racially dividing than racially healing. Like me, I think many see Affirmative Action as institutionalized racism that will continue to perpetuate itself even when whites are minority.
When the left brags about cancelling out whites as a race, either by diluting their votes through human-trafficking with refugees from poor countries, or by killing whites in our cities, I think we have gone past being reasonable with racist scumbags who regularly support one or both of the before mentioned actions.
Yourself included....
Please quote a post of mine that you think is whining.
While it's clearly an impossible task for our alt-right and alt-left members to see things with an open mind, despite the pom-poms Albright dances around this article is, IMHO, excellent and does, indeed, point out a very serious problem facing our nation. Regardless of who wins next week or who runs Congress, our nation's future and democracy are being threatened by Russia and other despotic nations seeking to undermine our way of life and American values. This is not to diminish other scandals or problems facing our nation. It's simply to prioritize those that truly endanger us and those that are simply wrong.

Russian hacking is the real scandal: Madeleine Albright
Democrats have been renewing their calls this week for the FBI to release more information on the connections among Donald Trump, his top advisers and the Russian government. But it is already clear that Russia’s intervention in our election on Trump's side is the real scandal of 2016 — and we must take more seriously the threat this interference poses to democratic countries around the world.

For years, Russia and other authoritarian governments have been waging a shadow campaign to discredit democratic institutions worldwide, focusing much of their energy on Europe and former Soviet states in Asia. The goal is not necessarily to prove the superiority of their system, but to diminish the appeal of representative government and to undermine Western leaders by making them seem corrupt or malicious. This war has been waged by propaganda outlets such as Russia Todayand Sputnik News, but also through the spread of misinformation and lies across the Internet.

I have some experience with their methods because for years, Russian propaganda outlets have been spreading the bizarre rumor that I once said Siberia does not belong to Russia. After I denied saying this, Russian officials even claimed that they had read my mind — a capability I did not know they or their friends at Wikileaks had yet developed.

Russia's disinformation campaign against me was not very effective, but I fear its actions against our democracy may inflict real damage.

The Russian government has already hacked into the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in an effort to create confusion and turn voters off from politics. Over the summer, Russian hackers infiltrated voter registration systems in a handful of states and made attempts in many more.Intelligence officials have also reportedly warned that they may post phony documents showing widespread voter fraud — all in order to create doubt about the validity of the U.S. election results, and to make us seem hypocritical when we question the conduct of elections in other countries.
Experts agree that it would be impossible for any hacker to actually alter election results. But if Russia — with assistance from Trump’s false claims about a rigged election — succeeds in undermining voter confidence in the integrity of the process, it will be a gift to autocrats, despots and illiberal politicians around the world. I have already heard anecdotes about people working to promote free and fair elections in other countries who have had Trump’s words about fraud thrown back at them. It has hurt their credibility and the credibility of American organizations as they promote the benefits of representative government.

It is time for us to regain the upper hand against all those who are attacking our system. But how can we fight back?

First, leaders at the local, state and national levels need to defend the legitimacy of the presidential election. The conduct of our elections is not a partisan issue and the credibility of the process should not be up for debate. The peaceful transfer of power is central to our national identity and to our international credibility. Even in close elections where some irregularities did occur, such as the 2000 presidential election in Florida, both sides followed an established legal process and ultimately respected the outcome. Regardless of what Trump says, Democratic and Republican leaders must leave no doubt that they will uphold democratic principles and the Constitution following the vote.

Second, we need to expose this disinformation campaign and limit its effects. We already have systems in place to monitor Islamic State propaganda on the Internet, and we should do the same for authoritarian propaganda. The U.S. governmentshould work with technology companies to develop better policies to deal with anti-democratic trolling, as they have done with cyberbullying, hate speech and violent extremism. We should launch an educational campaign so that those who are targets of propaganda understand the source and motivations behind it. We also need to offer more assistance to frontline states in Central and Eastern Europe as they stand up against the threat of illiberalism from within and without. This includes speaking to their publics, strengthening political parties and keeping open space for civil society.

Finally, we cannot only be reactive. Ultimately, the best way to counter anti-democratic propaganda is to tell the story of our democracy and do more to support democratic allies and activists around the world.

In recent years, democracy’s friends have been too timid, perhaps worried that the promotion of freedom was given a bad name by those who used it to justify the war in Iraq. While it is true that overselling democracy can be a mistake, selling it short would be an unforgivable error.

The right of people to participate in choosing their own leaders and shaping their own laws has been and remains the most powerful contributor to human progress and global stability. To protect our values and our interests, the United States must once again make strengthening democracy a central tenet of its foreign policy.

This election has reminded us that, in any society, building democracy is never easy and never fully accomplished; it is something to be worked toward, step by step, country by country, day by day. But since the inception of the United States, we have understood how vital it is that we stand together to help freedom succeed. Imposing democracy is an oxymoron, but defending democracy — in our country and abroad — is perhaps our most vital mission.

Madeleine Albright is a former secretary of State of the United States.

Whining about Russian hackers influencing our elections are we?

It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

They couldn't defend him for over a year because how do you defend a pig and they still can't defend him. No surprise.

Same way you defended an incompetent ass.

No surprise.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.
Wrong. My response is......GFY.
Whining about Russian hackers influencing our elections are we?

It seems clear to me Russians are behind hacking efforts in the USA. Concerns over cyber warfare has been around long before Hillary and Trump began their campaigns, much less became Presidential nominees.

If you think the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans will stop just because Trump was elected, you're are wrong.

Here's What You Need to Know About Cyberwar

Cyber Warfare | RAND

Cyberwarfare: Assessing 21st-Century Security Threats
.....“How did we determine that the Russians were behind the hacking of the DNC and perhaps John Podesta as well?”

Carlin’s long and not-quite-direct answer starts during the 2008 presidential election, when he briefed representatives from the Obama and the McCain campaigns on the fact that both had been “compromised” by Chinese hackers.

Neither campaign was aware of the breach. But Carlin and the FBI knew, in part due to the use of “sensitive sources and methods to collect the information.” Those sources and methods had to remain secret.

“At that time,” Carlin notes, “we had known for a while that China, in particular, was committing economic espionage.”

The feds weren’t saying so publicly. Cyberattacks on the 2008 campaigns were treated as an intelligence problem, “as a secret issue, as it had for years when it came to spy versus spy.”.....
When the left brags about cancelling out whites as a race, either by diluting their votes through human-trafficking with refugees from poor countries, or by killing whites in our cities, I think we have gone past being reasonable with racist scumbags who regularly support one or both of the before mentioned actions.
Wow. I must have missed them bragging about canceling me out. Got a link?

FWIW, genetic science has determined the traditional four racial categories don't apply anymore. Human beings are much more diverse than simply white, black, asian and aborigine.
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You are concerned about the possibility of being a minority and I don't blame you since you have seen how minorities are treated ...ROFLMAO
I'm an expert on human behavior. I'm concerned idiots and assholes will chip away at our Constitution to the point individuals have no more rights anymore and then all we'll have is mob rule. At that point, it becomes a shooting war.
And how many times did the left here say the exact same thing whenever Obama was criticized? I would say it was somewhere between one and a million.
When the left brags about cancelling out whites as a race, either by diluting their votes through human-trafficking with refugees from poor countries, or by killing whites in our cities, I think we have gone past being reasonable with racist scumbags who regularly support one or both of the before mentioned actions.
Wow. I must have missed them bragging about canceling me out. Got a link?

FWIW, genetic science has determined the traditional four racial categories don't apply anymore. Human beings are much more diverse than simply white, black, asian and aborigine.
I suggest you keep your eyes and your mind open to this sort of thing here at USMB, because I saw it just about every day before the election.
You are concerned about the possibility of being a minority and I don't blame you since you have seen how minorities are treated ...ROFLMAO
I'm an expert on human behavior. I'm concerned idiots and assholes will chip away at our Constitution to the point individuals have no more rights anymore and then all we'll have is mob rule. At that point, it becomes a shooting war.
Oh God....not another know-it-all prick claiming he's a moderate!!!
Whining about Russian hackers influencing our elections are we?

It seems clear to me Russians are behind hacking efforts in the USA. Concerns over cyber warfare has been around long before Hillary and Trump began their campaigns, much less became Presidential nominees.

If you think the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans will stop just because Trump was elected, you're are wrong.

Here's What You Need to Know About Cyberwar

Cyber Warfare | RAND

Cyberwarfare: Assessing 21st-Century Security Threats
.....“How did we determine that the Russians were behind the hacking of the DNC and perhaps John Podesta as well?”

Carlin’s long and not-quite-direct answer starts during the 2008 presidential election, when he briefed representatives from the Obama and the McCain campaigns on the fact that both had been “compromised” by Chinese hackers.

Neither campaign was aware of the breach. But Carlin and the FBI knew, in part due to the use of “sensitive sources and methods to collect the information.” Those sources and methods had to remain secret.

“At that time,” Carlin notes, “we had known for a while that China, in particular, was committing economic espionage.”

The feds weren’t saying so publicly. Cyberattacks on the 2008 campaigns were treated as an intelligence problem, “as a secret issue, as it had for years when it came to spy versus spy.”.....
You act as if Russia is one big monolithic entity.

Russia is a corrupt mess, and only an Authoritarian can control the criminal elements working in the dark, selling drugs in the US.

It seems sort of strange that at the moment we are under attack from hackers....our President is turning over control of the net to foreigners. What's up with that?
You act as if Russia is one big monolithic entity.

Russia is a corrupt mess, and only an Authoritarian can control the criminal elements working in the dark, selling drugs in the US.

It seems sort of strange that at the moment we are under attack from hackers....our President is turning over control of the net to foreigners. What's up with that?
You act as if all of that corrupt mess is no threat at all. Why are you such a staunch defender of the fucking Russians? Do you have friends there?
Oh God....not another know-it-all prick claiming he's a moderate!!!
Not a know-it-all, but I can be a prick. You strike me as one of those losers who thought school was a waste of time and dropped out at 16 to fix cars. Now you are watching people half your age make twice as much as you and you're pissed, jealous and angry at them instead of being angry at your own life decisions. Get over it or go back to school.
And how many times did the left here say the exact same thing whenever Obama was criticized? I would say it was somewhere between one and a million.
Agreed. The Left bitched and whined for 8 years before Obama than pooh-poohed those who complained after Obama. Now they are flip-flopping again.
Oh God....not another know-it-all prick claiming he's a moderate!!!
Not a know-it-all, but I can be a prick. You strike me as one of those losers who thought school was a waste of time and dropped out at 16 to fix cars. Now you are watching people half your age make twice as much as you and you're pissed, jealous and angry at them instead of being angry at your own life decisions. Get over it or go back to school.
Yup as I figured.

I'm 60 yrs old, college educated, retired Green Beret....working for the Department of Defense.

Green Berets, or Special Forces, not only are supposed to be studs, but intelligent, as well as highly competent and extremely motivated individuals.

So much for your worthless assessments on human behavior.
Oh God....not another know-it-all prick claiming he's a moderate!!!
Not a know-it-all, but I can be a prick. You strike me as one of those losers who thought school was a waste of time and dropped out at 16 to fix cars. Now you are watching people half your age make twice as much as you and you're pissed, jealous and angry at them instead of being angry at your own life decisions. Get over it or go back to school.
Yup as I figured.

I'm 60 yrs old, college educated, retired Green Beret....working for the Department of Defense.

Green Berets, or Special Forces, not only are supposed to be studs, but intelligent, as well as highly competent and extremely motivated individuals.

So much for your worthless assessments on human behavior.
Next you'll be claiming you're an advisor to NASA, the Trump campaign has you on speed dial and you are a self-made millionaire too.

The part of your post I believe is your age.....if you are a government worker, then you are using taxpayer dollars to post so often on USMB. Does the DOD know you are a friend of Russia?
You complain, “Everytime a liberal brings up how terrible Trump is, the RW response is always 'you're butthurt'”! Sometimes you will get the butthurt remark, but usually liberal attacks against Trump are met with logical arguments against their almost-always illogical positions. I call the conservative responses reality checks.

Your complaint demonstrates the typical liberal hypocrisy. Whenever conservatives said anything against Obama, we were called racists. Remember that? Perhaps you should get used to the word butthurt the same way conservatives grew to ignore the overused debate-avoiding word racist. I never used the word butthurt, but I confess there were a number of times the liberal attacks were so crude and senseless I wanted to respond with, “Oh, go grope yourself.”
Oh God....not another know-it-all prick claiming he's a moderate!!!
Not a know-it-all, but I can be a prick. You strike me as one of those losers who thought school was a waste of time and dropped out at 16 to fix cars. Now you are watching people half your age make twice as much as you and you're pissed, jealous and angry at them instead of being angry at your own life decisions. Get over it or go back to school.
Yup as I figured.

I'm 60 yrs old, college educated, retired Green Beret....working for the Department of Defense.

Green Berets, or Special Forces, not only are supposed to be studs, but intelligent, as well as highly competent and extremely motivated individuals.

So much for your worthless assessments on human behavior.
Next you'll be claiming you're an advisor to NASA, the Trump campaign has you on speed dial and you are a self-made millionaire too.

The part of your post I believe is your age.....if you are a government worker, then you are using taxpayer dollars to post so often on USMB. Does the DOD know you are a friend of Russia?
I know it sounded impressive, and thanks for not congratulating me for my service.

Fucking putz...

Guess you didn’t know about non- productive time in civil service and how it applies to wage scale federal employees.

You show me nothing, dirtbag.

We're done here.
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