Everytime a liberal brings up how terrible Trump is, the RW response is always "you're butthurt!"

what an incredibly reliable news source.
you are right its not Breitbart Fox or Gateway Pundit...now there is real Journalism LOL

Measuring Donald Trump's Supporters for Intolerance -
According to P.P.P., 70 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters in South Carolina wish the Confederate battle flag were still flying on their statehouse grounds. (It was removed last summer less than a month after a mass shooting at a black church in Charleston.) The polling firm says that 38 percent of them wish the South had won the Civil War. Only a quarter of Mr. Rubio’s supporters share that wish, and even fewer of Mr. Kasich’s and Mr. Carson’s do.

Nationally, further analyses of the YouGov data show a similar trend: Nearly 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s voters disagreed with Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in the Southern states during the Civil War.
People like me see people like that as examples of evolution in action. This is one reason why I'm against seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws (except in the case of minors). It goes against God's laws of evolution to let the weak weed themselves out of the herd.
do you think there should be a Food and Drug Administration looking out for folks or should we let Listeria in Ice cream "weed out the weak"

should we even make sure that Medicines actually work and will not in fact kill you why not let Darwin take care of us
Oh .look a regessive again goes for the lie that republicans are going to poison people...Hey genius It was not Republicans who are for death ...
wing nuts cannot resist replies [watch and learn] when the fact that Trump lost the popular vote is mentioned ...its butt hurt...LOL

Clinton 60,981,118 votes

Trump 60,350,241 votes
Um dude there is a reason we dont use the popular vote. Not to mention if we subtract the fraud Democrats ALL WAYS use she most likely would be far below Trump in votes.
That's retarded.
It assumes that Southerners who support the South today want slavery back. I doubt they were even asked about slavery.
Nearly 20 percent of Trump's supporters say freeing the slaves was a ...

Feb 25, 2016 - Nearly 20 percent of Trump's supporters say freeing the slaves was a bad idea .
Face it, it's their own form of butt-hurt.

Not winning the popular vote means there's not really a mandate.

Not winning the popular vote means Trump has to work extra hard at mending fences -- the alt-right racists and xenophobes that supported Trump hate that he's not really their President.

They hate that he's more inclined to work with Schumer than Turtle Man.

You voted for a deal-maker, a negotiator who knows you have to give to get.

No mandate. Let's make some deals.
That's retarded.
It assumes that Southerners who support the South today want slavery back. I doubt they were even asked about slavery.
Nearly 20 percent of Trump's supporters say freeing the slaves was a ...

Feb 25, 2016 - Nearly 20 percent of Trump's supporters say freeing the slaves was a bad idea .
Moving the goalposts, are we?

Now it's 20%?

The question was over the Emancipation Proclamation, which many Democrats believe was bogus. What this NEW YORK TIMES article does is make a tremendous leap assuming that wishing the South won the war means they want to return to slavery, and that every white person in South Carolina is a Trump supporter. They also assume that everyone who hates Gays is automatically a Trump supporter.
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Never mind the fact that your story is from February 2016.

A blatant early attempt to scare away Trump support preventing his nomination.

I have news for you......it didn't work.
Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.

Can we add this to the nonsense that people do when once they've won?
Sour grapes.

Jeezus foowkin' christ, are you people simply going to fling this at someone every time they make a comment.

How is it sour grapes exactly? Come on, tell me. I'll give you a clue, I didn't support Hillary.
Oh yeah.......sure......uh-huh......:blahblah:
Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.

Can we add this to the nonsense that people do when once they've won?
Sour grapes.

Jeezus foowkin' christ, are you people simply going to fling this at someone every time they make a comment.

How is it sour grapes exactly? Come on, tell me. I'll give you a clue, I didn't support Hillary.
Oh yeah.......sure......uh-huh......:blahblah:

Wow, are you an adult? You sure as hell aren't acting like one.
Face it, it's their own form of butt-hurt.

Not winning the popular vote means there's not really a mandate.

Not winning the popular vote means Trump has to work extra hard at mending fences -- the alt-right racists and xenophobes that supported Trump hate that he's not really their President.

They hate that he's more inclined to work with Schumer than Turtle Man.

You voted for a deal-maker, a negotiator who knows you have to give to get.

No mandate. Let's make some deals.
No mandate??? Republicans now OWN congress and the executive branch of the federal government as well as a HUGE majority of states governments.... Do you know what that means? It means MANDATE. Now as for the popular vote if you minus the the million or so fraudulent votes from the democrats they will be even or Trump with a slight lead. The reason it doesnt matter is because presidents are not elected by popular vote. Good thing too because we all see how shity liberal cities vote. The president is elected by ALL STATES not just the over crowded ones.

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