Everytime a liberal brings up how terrible Trump is, the RW response is always "you're butthurt!"

It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Maybe it's because you always lie?

Asking for the regressives to be objective about Trump is just asking for too much. He is against their gravy train, so no wonder.
Nice one people. Except it's Trump in trouble with NY State. There is a very good chance he will end up indicted before he takes the oath. Trump had better saddle up with the Dems as the Reps are out to get him. If he is jailed, Pence gets the spot as long as it is AFTER the Electorate College votes in December. If it tries to happen after he is sworn in, Congress is coming after him. Trust me, if we have a choice of Trump versus Pence I'll take Trump every time for many reasons.
Maybe and Hillary can share adjoining cells and play checkers with each other.
Placate? Is that what you call understanding others? Trouble is, no one can say for sure what he is going to do. Not even Trump is certain of what he going to do. Convince me he is not going to make a mistake on the scale of the Iraq war. You can't and I would not expect you to try. So try to understand that this uncertainty can be almost maddening to those who were targeted by his over-the-top scapegoating.
Since Hillary and Kerry aren't in the Senate, I doubt such things would pass. ;)
Oh I don't know about that. Yeah to be a liberal you have to be pretty fucking stupid to begin with, but after being here so long, I'm able to detect a sharp decline even from the lowly perch their intellect drools on. Many are going further down the rabbit hole every day.

I believe it's an economic issue.

Now that pot is all over the place, and is much higher in quality and PRICE, a lot of bed wetters are probably resorting to aerosols and solvents for their "recreation". Further dissolving what brain cells they had.

Now that pot is all over the place, and is much higher in quality and PRICE, a lot of bed wetters are probably resorting to aerosols and solvents for their "recreation". Further dissolving what brain cells they had.

go drink whisky you will feel better and if you do it often enough you lose your liver
Nothing says ' Trump is a reformist outsider' like naming the Chairman of the RNC Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff...LOL
We should placate the idiots that believe Trump is going to take the country back to the 18th century?

I'd rather just change their drool cloths
Placate? Is that what you call understanding others? Trouble is, no one can say for sure what he is going to do. Not even Trump is certain of what he going to do. Convince me he is not going to make a mistake on the scale of the Iraq war. You can't and I would not expect you to try. So try to understand that this uncertainty can be almost maddening to those who were targeted by his over-the-top scapegoating.

Trouble is, no one can say for sure what he is going to do.
at least 2 posters keep ranting he is going to take us back to the 18th century, with only blue koolaid and delusions backing them up.

I understand them...

they are nuts
I am not asking for kumbaya here, just an effort to not act like the closet nazi sterotype of a Trump supporter. Trump ran on a skewed and twisted kind of populism but it was still populism. Unless it was all just a lie the right needs to learn the methods and language of populism. You start with an actual attempt to understand others who might not share your views and bring them over to your side, not alienate them by being an asshole.

bud, if I had voted for Trump, I might give a shit.

I can't stand him, or HIllary, I couldn't vote for either.
Neither could my older brother or sister.

My sister has been voting since 1964, my brother since 1966, and I have since 1968.

Until the idiots imposed those two on us.
I see. Well I suppose can agree with that. I considered not voting also but somehow found myself in the parking lot anyway.
I couldn't vote for either myself, but I think it's a civic duty to vote since there are lots of other things on the ballot. I voted Libertarian as a show of support for Libertarian ideals even though I knew Johnson couldn't win.

OTOH, while the LWers are braying about how Hillary won the popular vote, they forget that 52.2% of Americans voted for someone else. If they successfully get the Electoral College open for change, they should expect going down the road of unintended consequences such as being able to rank candidates instead of simply picking one. In that case, I expect Hillary would have still lost since my choices would have been Johnson, Stein, Trump, Hillary. I suspect many of the 52.2% would have had Hillary last on their ranked ballots.
Let's see, you start off with a projection, and follow that with a straw man. You ask a question that you don't really want an answer to. Then you come to a completely wrong conclusion based on some stupid shit you made up.

I'd call that some major butt hurt. Either that or you have totally lost your mind.
Lol you just can't accept Trump can you? You have to ride out this "butthurt" theme as much as you can before you have to accept how terrible of an idea it was to elect Trump. You can't defend him and you know it.
Trump may or may not be good as a president, but you have the dems to blame for that, they ran the biggest piece of shit that has ever been in government in this country. Even though you all refuse to admit it, you know that the lying whore violated security protocol, you know she sold favors to terrorists, you know she backs the terrorists over those that would try to stop them. She has no concern for you, for any minority, for nothing. She is part of the plan to bring the U.S to its knees in preparation of a one world government run by the U.N.
You people wanted to put the biggest most destructive pile of dung ever to be scraped up from the floor of the elephant cage at the zoo.
So when you cry about Trump, just remember one thing, you people ran someone that really needs to be eliminated from the face of this planet. She is just a horrible vile excuse for a human being, no value at all in her. NONE.
..Now that pot is all over the place, and is much higher in quality and PRICE, a lot of bed wetters are probably resorting to aerosols and solvents for their "recreation". Further dissolving what brain cells they had.
People like me see people like that as examples of evolution in action. This is one reason why I'm against seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws (except in the case of minors). It goes against God's laws of evolution to let the weak weed themselves out of the herd.
at least 2 posters keep ranting he is going to take us back to the 18th century, with only blue koolaid and delusions backing them up.

I understand them...

they are nuts
I am not asking for kumbaya here, just an effort to not act like the closet nazi sterotype of a Trump supporter. Trump ran on a skewed and twisted kind of populism but it was still populism. Unless it was all just a lie the right needs to learn the methods and language of populism. You start with an actual attempt to understand others who might not share your views and bring them over to your side, not alienate them by being an asshole.

bud, if I had voted for Trump, I might give a shit.

I can't stand him, or HIllary, I couldn't vote for either.
Neither could my older brother or sister.

My sister has been voting since 1964, my brother since 1966, and I have since 1968.

Until the idiots imposed those two on us.
I see. Well I suppose can agree with that. I considered not voting also but somehow found myself in the parking lot anyway.
I couldn't vote for either myself, but I think it's a civic duty to vote since there are lots of other things on the ballot. I voted Libertarian as a show of support for Libertarian ideals even though I knew Johnson couldn't win.

OTOH, while the LWers are braying about how Hillary won the popular vote, they forget that 52.2% of Americans voted for someone else. If they successfully get the Electoral College open for change, they should expect going down the road of unintended consequences such as being able to rank candidates instead of simply picking one. In that case, I expect Hillary would have still lost since my choices would have been Johnson, Stein, Trump, Hillary. I suspect many of the 52.2% would have had Hillary last on their ranked ballots.

I didn't say that. It's one of the reasons I color my text.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.
You must have never read any of my remarks. You're butt hurt alright, but it's from the ass screwing you got and deserve, and you are right back in line for more!
I didn't say that. It's one of the reasons I color my text.
What are the other reasons you think your posts should be colored?

Recheck my post. I fixed it after posting it because I inadvertently mixed two responses. One of the idiosyncrasies of the forum software.
What are the other reasons? Recheck my post. I fixed it after posting it because I inadvertently mixed two responses. One of the idiosyncrasies of the forum software.

Yes, I saw. Still didn't see where I was involved in that chain, but no worries.

I almost always edit out everything but the post I'm replying to in order to reduce my own confusion.

I just like the color blue also.

Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.
Ok I get it. I'm hysterical and sobbing for the election. Now that we've had that covered, explain why this outcome is a good thing.

Perhaps its the fact of you being a douche?
Lol you people are pathetic. You can't swallow this bitter pill over the election any more than I can. You can't explain why the outcome of this election is a good thing and you know it.


Getting rid of Obama tax and the Supreme Court going to lean right for the next 50 years is not good enough for you?
What are the other reasons? Recheck my post. I fixed it after posting it because I inadvertently mixed two responses. One of the idiosyncrasies of the forum software.

Yes, I saw. Still didn't see where I was involved in that chain, but no worries.

I almost always edit out everything but the post I'm replying to in order to reduce my own confusion.

I just like the color blue also.

Some people ignore colored text......

It's hard enough to beat any sense into these morons without little things like that offending them. They'll use any excuse not to pay attention. That's why they're liberals.
Democrats are sore losers.... Always have been always will be. It comes from when they lost the power to own slaves.
People like me see people like that as examples of evolution in action. This is one reason why I'm against seat belt and motorcycle helmet laws (except in the case of minors). It goes against God's laws of evolution to let the weak weed themselves out of the herd.
do you think there should be a Food and Drug Administration looking out for folks or should we let Listeria in Ice cream "weed out the weak"

should we even make sure that Medicines actually work and will not in fact kill you why not let Darwin take care of us
Democrats are sore losers.... Always have been always will be. It comes from when they lost the power to own slaves.
The were tricked into losing their slaves.
They thought the war was going to get them FREE slaves, they didnt realize it was to FREE the slaves.
The only time in history the dems have ever fought against a government handout.
wing nuts cannot resist replies [watch and learn] when the fact that Trump lost the popular vote is mentioned ...its butt hurt...LOL

Clinton 60,981,118 votes

Trump 60,350,241 votes

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