Everytime a liberal brings up how terrible Trump is, the RW response is always "you're butthurt!"

It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.
Everything you just said about Trump also applies to Hillary... do you have a point somewhere? Did you misplace it?
Why are even talking about Hillary now? She's irrelevant.
And she always has been... you know, other than the fact your butthurt is directly related to the fact she didn't win. Your problem with Trump is that he's not her. That's where this is directly related to her, and why Trump was chosen; She's even worse than he is and you can't deal with the fact that the voters apparently were aware of that.
Man you people are getting boring. Why can't you just let Hillary go? She won't be president. Live in the now.
See, and I said that way earlier, but people like you still insisted on voting for her. Why couldn't you have made the decision to let her go sooner?
You people remember that sick feeling when you saw Obama's black face on Inauguration day? How you were sure that he would have all of you picking cotton, handing out slavery reparations, taking your guns, turning your church into a mosque and so forth? That's the kind of feeling reasonable, non-hateful people have now. It's not so much about losing an election, it's about your man and his vow to shit all over everything we care about just for spite. The very thought that we will have a clearly vengeful president motivated by fear, hate and spite fills people who are not motivated by negativity with dread. If you think we are wrong about Trump being a flaming psycho then you might want to change your tone to something less hateful.

You people remember that sick feeling when you saw Obama's black face on Inauguration day? How you were sure that he would have all of you picking cotton, handing out slavery reparations, taking your guns, turning your church into a mosque and so forth?

You know people that thought that way?

Sounds like you have a lot of friends in low places...
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Clowns and ignorants elect Trump the glitzy clown, proceed to accuse those that call Trump a clown upset that clown is now in the White House.

Yea we are upset, but doesn't change the fact that he is still a fucking clown.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Clowns and ignorants elect Trump the glitzy clown, proceed to accuse those that call Trump a clown upset that clown is now in the White House.

Yea we are upset and yes he is totally a fucking clown.

and according to the polls, more respected than Clinton
Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.
Ok I get it. I'm hysterical and sobbing for the election. Now that we've had that covered, explain why this outcome is a good thing.


1. The SCOTUS has a chance to become conservative for many years ahead.
2. Taxes will go down.
3. Unemployment will go down.
4. Our allies will respect us again.
5. Our enemies will fear us again.
6. Government will shrink.
7. Hillary won't be stinking up the White House.

There's more but, you won't be able to process those seven anyway....

....being so BUTTHURT you can't think.
1) What makes you think Trump even understand constitutional law? He doesn't even know what's in there besides 2 or 3 bill of rights.
2) Oh you mean more tax cuts for top earners? Oooo. What a rogue he is!
3) Based on WHAT?
4) Good god. The world is either laughing at us or in fear because an orangutan is in charge of nuclear weapons.
5) Oh like Putin? Yeah right lol
6) With a mass deportation force?

1. HE doesn't have to moron, the person he appoints dies.
2. Yes idiot, plus tax cuts for the lower paid workers too.
3. Based on companies expanding, bringing jobs back here, all that complicated economic that you haven't a clue about.
4. Idiot, they have been laughing at us for 8 years.
5. No moron, like ISIS, Al Queda, the Taliban, and Iran. You know, the people who are making a fool if 0bama now?
6. Lol, you have truely lost your mind.

The butthurt has unhinged you from the meager grip you already had in reality.

Now, go drool in the corner. You are boring me.
1) Okay you're just making shit up. That logic doesn't make any sense.
2) What taxes is he cutting? Be specific. By how much?
3) Trump doesn't even understand business as evidenced by his own failing businesses that he only started because his da-da gave him a million dollars. What specific policies of Trump will do anything to create jobs?
4) No with the exception of the Middle East, polls show global attitude improved under Obsma. Under Bush was when it was horrible.
5) Lol ISIS released a statement laughing at our stupidity in electing him.
6) You don't even know what constitutes as "big government" I guess.

"Elections have consequences and the fact of the matter is, we won!" ~Barack Hussein Obama
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Clowns and ignorants elect Trump the glitzy clown, proceed to accuse those that call Trump a clown upset that clown is now in the White House.

Yea we are upset and yes he is totally a fucking clown.

and according to the polls, more respected than Clinton

There was a "respect" poll? Got one handy, I'd like to see how much respect pussy grabbing clowns get compared to Hillary.
Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.
Ok I get it. I'm hysterical and sobbing for the election. Now that we've had that covered, explain why this outcome is a good thing.


1. The SCOTUS has a chance to become conservative for many years ahead.
2. Taxes will go down.
3. Unemployment will go down.
4. Our allies will respect us again.
5. Our enemies will fear us again.
6. Government will shrink.
7. Hillary won't be stinking up the White House.

There's more but, you won't be able to process those seven anyway....

....being so BUTTHURT you can't think.
1) What makes you think Trump even understand constitutional law? He doesn't even know what's in there besides 2 or 3 bill of rights.
2) Oh you mean more tax cuts for top earners? Oooo. What a rogue he is!
3) Based on WHAT?
4) Good god. The world is either laughing at us or in fear because an orangutan is in charge of nuclear weapons.
5) Oh like Putin? Yeah right lol
6) With a mass deportation force?

1. HE doesn't have to moron, the person he appoints dies.
2. Yes idiot, plus tax cuts for the lower paid workers too.
3. Based on companies expanding, bringing jobs back here, all that complicated economic that you haven't a clue about.
4. Idiot, they have been laughing at us for 8 years.
5. No moron, like ISIS, Al Queda, the Taliban, and Iran. You know, the people who are making a fool if 0bama now?
6. Lol, you have truely lost your mind.

The butthurt has unhinged you from the meager grip you already had in reality.

Now, go drool in the corner. You are boring me.
1) Okay you're just making shit up. That logic doesn't make any sense.
2) What taxes is he cutting? Be specific. By how much?
3) Trump doesn't even understand business as evidenced by his own failing businesses that he only started because his da-da gave him a million dollars. What specific policies of Trump will do anything to create jobs?
4) No with the exception of the Middle East, polls show global attitude improved under Obsma. Under Bush was when it was horrible.
5) Lol ISIS released a statement laughing at our stupidity in electing him.
6) You don't even know what constitutes as "big government" I guess.

What little logic and reason you once had is gone. You are talking nonsense. I told you to go drool in the corner, now get to it! Shoo! Dismissed!
Ok I get it. I'm hysterical and sobbing for the election. Now that we've had that covered, explain why this outcome is a good thing.


1. The SCOTUS has a chance to become conservative for many years ahead.
2. Taxes will go down.
3. Unemployment will go down.
4. Our allies will respect us again.
5. Our enemies will fear us again.
6. Government will shrink.
7. Hillary won't be stinking up the White House.

There's more but, you won't be able to process those seven anyway....

....being so BUTTHURT you can't think.
1) What makes you think Trump even understand constitutional law? He doesn't even know what's in there besides 2 or 3 bill of rights.
2) Oh you mean more tax cuts for top earners? Oooo. What a rogue he is!
3) Based on WHAT?
4) Good god. The world is either laughing at us or in fear because an orangutan is in charge of nuclear weapons.
5) Oh like Putin? Yeah right lol
6) With a mass deportation force?

1. HE doesn't have to moron, the person he appoints dies.
2. Yes idiot, plus tax cuts for the lower paid workers too.
3. Based on companies expanding, bringing jobs back here, all that complicated economic that you haven't a clue about.
4. Idiot, they have been laughing at us for 8 years.
5. No moron, like ISIS, Al Queda, the Taliban, and Iran. You know, the people who are making a fool if 0bama now?
6. Lol, you have truely lost your mind.

The butthurt has unhinged you from the meager grip you already had in reality.

Now, go drool in the corner. You are boring me.
1) Okay you're just making shit up. That logic doesn't make any sense.
2) What taxes is he cutting? Be specific. By how much?
3) Trump doesn't even understand business as evidenced by his own failing businesses that he only started because his da-da gave him a million dollars. What specific policies of Trump will do anything to create jobs?
4) No with the exception of the Middle East, polls show global attitude improved under Obsma. Under Bush was when it was horrible.
5) Lol ISIS released a statement laughing at our stupidity in electing him.
6) You don't even know what constitutes as "big government" I guess.

What little logic and reason you once had is gone. You are talking nonsense. I told you to go drool in the corner, now get to it! Shoo! Dismissed!
You know I'm right.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Clowns and ignorants elect Trump the glitzy clown, proceed to accuse those that call Trump a clown upset that clown is now in the White House.

Yea we are upset and yes he is totally a fucking clown.

and according to the polls, more respected than Clinton

There was a "respect" poll? Got one handy, I'd like to see how much respect pussy grabbing clowns get compared to Hillary.

They 'respected' him enough to vote for him over Hillary.

How long since you came out of your coma?

1. The SCOTUS has a chance to become conservative for many years ahead.
2. Taxes will go down.
3. Unemployment will go down.
4. Our allies will respect us again.
5. Our enemies will fear us again.
6. Government will shrink.
7. Hillary won't be stinking up the White House.

There's more but, you won't be able to process those seven anyway....

....being so BUTTHURT you can't think.
1) What makes you think Trump even understand constitutional law? He doesn't even know what's in there besides 2 or 3 bill of rights.
2) Oh you mean more tax cuts for top earners? Oooo. What a rogue he is!
3) Based on WHAT?
4) Good god. The world is either laughing at us or in fear because an orangutan is in charge of nuclear weapons.
5) Oh like Putin? Yeah right lol
6) With a mass deportation force?

1. HE doesn't have to moron, the person he appoints dies.
2. Yes idiot, plus tax cuts for the lower paid workers too.
3. Based on companies expanding, bringing jobs back here, all that complicated economic that you haven't a clue about.
4. Idiot, they have been laughing at us for 8 years.
5. No moron, like ISIS, Al Queda, the Taliban, and Iran. You know, the people who are making a fool if 0bama now?
6. Lol, you have truely lost your mind.

The butthurt has unhinged you from the meager grip you already had in reality.

Now, go drool in the corner. You are boring me.
1) Okay you're just making shit up. That logic doesn't make any sense.
2) What taxes is he cutting? Be specific. By how much?
3) Trump doesn't even understand business as evidenced by his own failing businesses that he only started because his da-da gave him a million dollars. What specific policies of Trump will do anything to create jobs?
4) No with the exception of the Middle East, polls show global attitude improved under Obsma. Under Bush was when it was horrible.
5) Lol ISIS released a statement laughing at our stupidity in electing him.
6) You don't even know what constitutes as "big government" I guess.

What little logic and reason you once had is gone. You are talking nonsense. I told you to go drool in the corner, now get to it! Shoo! Dismissed!
You know I'm right.


we know you're a dunce, little pointy hat and all
Hillary is irrelevant now. Explain why electing Trump was a good idea.
You've just inadvertently and uncontrollably lurched into the truth and answered your own question. The whole reason for electing Trump was to make Hillary irrelevant. Mission accomplished. Now do you get it?

"Elections have consequences and the fact of the matter is, we won!" ~Barack Hussein Obama

Yea they do, in this case the consequence is emberassing orangutang in the White House.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Clowns and ignorants elect Trump the glitzy clown, proceed to accuse those that call Trump a clown upset that clown is now in the White House.

Yea we are upset and yes he is totally a fucking clown.

and according to the polls, more respected than Clinton

There was a "respect" poll? Got one handy, I'd like to see how much respect pussy grabbing clowns get compared to Hillary.

They 'respected' him enough to vote for him over Hillary.

How long since you came out of your coma?

That's what I thought, you just assert bullshit and run with your tail between your legs to tangents when asked to back it up.

If people's votes is same as respect(it isn't) then Hillary got more of those too.

"Elections have consequences and the fact of the matter is, we won!" ~Barack Hussein Obama

Yea they do, in this case the consequence is emberassing orangutang in the White House.

of the choices, that is the LEAST embarrassing consequence
You people remember that sick feeling when you saw Obama's black face on Inauguration day? How you were sure that he would have all of you picking cotton, handing out slavery reparations, taking your guns, turning your church into a mosque and so forth? That's the kind of feeling reasonable, non-hateful people have now. It's not so much about losing an election, it's about your man and his vow to shit all over everything we care about just for spite. The very thought that we will have a clearly vengeful president motivated by fear, hate and spite fills people who are not motivated by negativity with dread. If you think we are wrong about Trump being a flaming psycho then you might want to change your tone to something less hateful.

You people remember that sick feeling when you saw Obama's black face on Inauguration day? How you were sure that he would have all of you picking cotton, handing out slavery reparations, taking your guns, turning your church into a mosque and so forth?

You know people that thought that way?

Sounds like you have a lot of friends in low places...
I live in the rural south, yeah, a lot of people thought it was the end. I have also been on various message boards since 2004 and have a pretty good memory for how conservative attitudes have changed and morphed over the years. I know these boards do not give a representative sample of actual republican voters but I clearly remember the wild freakout when Obama won. I know it is difficult for some to put themselves in other's shoes but you guys elected a pretty scary guy, it is now your duty as supporters to make him less scary instead of confirming fears by talking like hateful fascist assholes.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

Clowns and ignorants elect Trump the glitzy clown, proceed to accuse those that call Trump a clown upset that clown is now in the White House.

Yea we are upset and yes he is totally a fucking clown.

and according to the polls, more respected than Clinton

There was a "respect" poll? Got one handy, I'd like to see how much respect pussy grabbing clowns get compared to Hillary.

They 'respected' him enough to vote for him over Hillary.

How long since you came out of your coma?

That's what I thought, you just assert bullshit and run with your tail between your legs to tangents when asked to back it up.

If people's votes is same as respect(it isn't) then Hillary got more of those too.

Not where it counted tho, did it?

She got her 'respect' stomped on in the only way that counts, the EV.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

All bullshit aside, your message only says one thing, and that's your butt hurts. All else is propaganda "if you're mature and objective, you'd think like a liberal".
You people remember that sick feeling when you saw Obama's black face on Inauguration day? How you were sure that he would have all of you picking cotton, handing out slavery reparations, taking your guns, turning your church into a mosque and so forth? That's the kind of feeling reasonable, non-hateful people have now. It's not so much about losing an election, it's about your man and his vow to shit all over everything we care about just for spite. The very thought that we will have a clearly vengeful president motivated by fear, hate and spite fills people who are not motivated by negativity with dread. If you think we are wrong about Trump being a flaming psycho then you might want to change your tone to something less hateful.

You people remember that sick feeling when you saw Obama's black face on Inauguration day? How you were sure that he would have all of you picking cotton, handing out slavery reparations, taking your guns, turning your church into a mosque and so forth?

You know people that thought that way?

Sounds like you have a lot of friends in low places...
I live in the rural south, yeah, a lot of people thought it was the end. I have also been on various message boards since 2004 and have a pretty good memory for how conservative attitudes have changed and morphed over the years. I know these boards do not give a representative sample of actual republican voters but I clearly remember the wild freakout when Obama won. I know it is difficult for some to put themselves in other's shoes but you guys elected a pretty scary guy, it is now your duty as supporters to make him less scary instead of confirming fears by talking like hateful fascist assholes.

We should placate the idiots that believe Trump is going to take the country back to the 18th century?

I'd rather just change their drool cloths
Hillary is irrelevant now. Explain why electing Trump was a good idea.
You've just inadvertently and uncontrollably lurched into the truth and answered your own question. The whole reason for electing Trump was to make Hillary irrelevant. Mission accomplished. Now do you get it?
That is so pathetic it's not even funny.

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