Everytime a liberal brings up how terrible Trump is, the RW response is always "you're butthurt!"

Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.

Can we add this to the nonsense that people do when once they've won?
Sour grapes.

Jeezus foowkin' christ, are you people simply going to fling this at someone every time they make a comment.

How is it sour grapes exactly? Come on, tell me. I'll give you a clue, I didn't support Hillary.
Oh yeah.......sure......uh-huh......:blahblah:

Wow, are you an adult? You sure as hell aren't acting like one.
I'm 60 years old, boy, and I just consider the source.
What are the other reasons? Recheck my post. I fixed it after posting it because I inadvertently mixed two responses. One of the idiosyncrasies of the forum software.

Yes, I saw. Still didn't see where I was involved in that chain, but no worries.

I almost always edit out everything but the post I'm replying to in order to reduce my own confusion.

I just like the color blue also.

You weren't. Look at my subsequent post. That's where you were involved.

Interesting. I see it as an egotistical affectation.
I never heard that expression on this board. Why do lefties love to play the victim?

‘Heil Trump’: Vandals attack Indiana church with swastika and anti-gay slur while praising Trump
An Indiana church is calling for unification after fans of President-elect Donald Trump defaced the place of worship with hate-filled graffiti.

Giddy white nationalists hail Trump choosing Steve Bannon as his ‘minster of propaganda’
A leading white nationalist couldn’t be happier about Steve Bannon in the White House.
When they catch the person/people who did that graffiti, then we'll know for sure if they were fucking Nazis or simply lying LWers seeking to further divide the nation.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

They couldn't defend him for over a year because how do you defend a pig and they still can't defend him. No surprise.
Did you defend the porker hillary?
I never heard that expression on this board. Why do lefties love to play the victim?
You never saw the expression butt hurt? It's common among both LWers and RWers alike. The irony of it coming from LWers is because it's a homophobic reference to anal sex and even anal rape.

Do a forum search for the term and you can see how far back it goes and who posts it when decrying another person's complaints. Don't forget the variations such as butt-sex and butthurt.
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It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

We are in the twilight zone......


I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Obama's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Obama does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.
It's as though they have to deflect away from Trump because they lack the emotional maturity to examine him objectively. If they did that, they would be just as worried as liberals about our president-elect.

Okay, whatever republicans: I'm butthurt over the election.

I'm glad we got that established. Now you have to accept Trump's win by looking at his ignorance, stupidity, and narcissism. You need to come to the reallzation Trump does not give a shit about you. He never has and he never will.

And yet none of you morons voting for hilary looked at her stupidity, ignorance or narcissism on top of her incompetence at all of her jobs and her criminal behavior in each of her jobs.......you need to come to the realization that democrats as an entire party do not give a shit about you, they never have and they never will....
do you think there should be a Food and Drug Administration looking out for folks or should we let Listeria in Ice cream "weed out the weak"

should we even make sure that Medicines actually work and will not in fact kill you why not let Darwin take care of us
Nothing like watching a far LWer go high and left like a pop bottle rocket!

Actually I do think our government should protect us from snake oil salesman and other forms of fraud. What it shouldn't do is dictate my diet to me by banning large sugary drinks or drugs. If an adult is stupid enough to drive without a seatbelt, that's their decision. Conversely banning them from talking on a cell phone in a school zone is to protect minors. It's a tough call between banning one's freedom and protecting the freedom of others.

In that case, I support the FDA to protect Americans from unscrupulous salespeople pushing poison without their knowledge. The alternative is to allow citizens to hang or shoot those who push poison with street justice.
wing nuts cannot resist replies [watch and learn] when the fact that Trump lost the popular vote is mentioned ...its butt hurt...LOL

Clinton 60,981,118 votes

Trump 60,350,241 votes
Wingnuts are quick to forget that 52.2% of American voters voted against Hillary.
The question was over the Emancipation Proclamation, which many Democrats believe was bogus. What this NEW YORK TIMES article does is make a tremendous leap assuming that wishing the South won the war means they want to return to slavery, and that every white person in South Carolina is a Trump supporter. They also assume that everyone who hates Gays is automatically a Trump supporter.
No doubt that a percentage of Trump voters are racist assholes. OTOH, most are simply frustrated with the direction our nation has been heading. Like me, I think many see President Obama's actions as being more racially dividing than racially healing. Like me, I think many see Affirmative Action as institutionalized racism that will continue to perpetuate itself even when whites are minority.
wing nuts cannot resist replies [watch and learn] when the fact that Trump lost the popular vote is mentioned ...its butt hurt...LOL

Clinton 60,981,118 votes

Trump 60,350,241 votes
Wingnuts are quick to forget that 52.2% of American voters voted against Hillary.
that means a larger percentage than 52.2 voted against Trump since Hillary won the popular vote ...get over it ...
Like me, I think many see Affirmative Action as institutionalized racism that will continue to perpetuate itself even when whites are minority.
You are concerned about the possibility of being a minority and I don't blame you since you have seen how minorities are treated ...ROFLMAO
What else do they have? They think they won something. Remember under Bush? They won something then and now they won't let Bush anywhere near any of their conventions. And Bush and the GOP gave subsidies that helped move jobs to China. And did nothing to help this country. And Trump ran on not just hate Obama, but Bush was a terrible failure and stupid and a disaster. Trump said out loud what they were thinking but couldn't say.

And now we have Trump. Bush on steroids.

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