Evidence House Republicans are protecting Don Jr. from prosecution

Can you all imagine if HRC had won the election and then a special council was told to find any wrongdoing by HRC and or her campaign? How many in HRC's orbit would have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head by now?
I don't recall the world coming to an end over the 7 or 8 Benghazi investigations that came up with ZERO...

Nor do I recall many people worried when Hillary testified for 10 hours before Congress...and ZERO happened....

Meanwhile, republicans were scared shitless at the prospect of Trump sitting down for 10 mins under oath to talk to anyone -- because they knew he would lie...
You do know that she lied to congress, yet she isnt being processed like Mr. Stone is. Why is there a 2 tier justice system?
Lied about what? And the proof?
Wasn't it said that a Movie was the cause of the riots in Benghazi? Yes, I think it was, and she confirmed it. That was a bold face lie...
Not according to the bi-partisan senate select committee that investigated the matter. They said the video could have easily sparked the attack.
Can you all imagine if HRC had won the election and then a special council was told to find any wrongdoing by HRC and or her campaign? How many in HRC's orbit would have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head by now?
I don't recall the world coming to an end over the 7 or 8 Benghazi investigations that came up with ZERO...

Nor do I recall many people worried when Hillary testified for 10 hours before Congress...and ZERO happened....

Meanwhile, republicans were scared shitless at the prospect of Trump sitting down for 10 mins under oath to talk to anyone -- because they knew he would lie...
You do know that she lied to congress, yet she isnt being processed like Mr. Stone is. Why is there a 2 tier justice system?
Who appointed the head of the DOJ? Who appointed the head of the FBI?

Why is your president such a cuck?

if all of this evidence is out on her, prosecute her

Or are you saying she is more powerful than your insecure narcissist in chief?

If so, stop whining to me about Hillary and start asking Trump to grow a pair
No surprises here right? While House Republicans have picked people for 23 committees, except for people on the House Intelligence committee. And why are they stalling? Simple, because the transcripts from the original closed door meeting with House Republicans when they were in power will show that Don Jr. was lying, when those Republicans earlier on were throwing that contradictory testimony by Jr. under the rug.. It will show that Junior has the same Wikileaks resume like Roger Stone, so House Republicans, once again are obstructing this investigation into Russia, via protecting Don Jr. Not only will it be found that Junior was lying, he will be indicted, and that the Republican majority/minority were involved with obstructing their own investigation to protect Don Jr.

People, for two years we've had a Republican crime scene in front of our very eyes, who took their oath of office to the American people and used that office to protect criminals, and to be complicit in that criminal activity. And Trump apologists are just as complicit. Don Jr. will be indicted. It's just a question of when.

What stalling?
What lying?
What testimony?
What obstruction?
Which crimes?
I'm complicit in all this too?

Do you have ANYTHING to offer as concrete evidence of any of your wild and crazy claims other than a 2 minute garbage piece by some psycho quoting Rachael Maddow of all people as her source?

MODERATORS: Label this another thread that needs moved under Wild Conspiracy Theories.

"Stalling"? They haven't selected committee members have they? No! "Stalling" proven.

Don, Jr. lied about the Trump Tower meeting saying it was about adoptions but Don Jr. in an email said he loved it. He also was the one who had more meetings with Russia that were not disclosed and House Republicans didn't follow up.

"Obstruction" is when you use the clock to not pick House Intelligence members.

Already told you the "crimes".

Are you interested in getting to the truth about Don Jr? If not, you are complicit. And if by now you are having to ask me questions about Dopn Jr. you are complicit.

CRACKPOT. CRACKPOT theories. CRACKPOT claims. By YOUR level of "proof," then Hillary and Barry are both undeniably guilty of treason, espionage, and a whole slew of high crimes to sell out and undermine the United States. Donald Trump can only at best hope to live up to their shadows.

Too bad for you and the Sheep party, you all weren't smart enough to find anything on either one of them.

Look, Jackass, don't try to blow your partisan smoke up MY ass! There is enough found on them to fill books, many volumes, whole bookshelves, thousands of hours of testimony, admissions by the FBI, etc. The only thing keeping Barry and Hildegarde out of federal prison or off the firing squad wall is the swamp of inside buddies and corrupt insider friends in Washington protecting them, which Donald Trump is chipping away at little by little and day by day.

Donald Trump: both wall builder extraordinaire and Wall Tearer-downer.
No surprises here right? While House Republicans have picked people for 23 committees, except for people on the House Intelligence committee. And why are they stalling? Simple, because the transcripts from the original closed door meeting with House Republicans when they were in power will show that Don Jr. was lying, when those Republicans earlier on were throwing that contradictory testimony by Jr. under the rug.. It will show that Junior has the same Wikileaks resume like Roger Stone, so House Republicans, once again are obstructing this investigation into Russia, via protecting Don Jr. Not only will it be found that Junior was lying, he will be indicted, and that the Republican majority/minority were involved with obstructing their own investigation to protect Don Jr.

People, for two years we've had a Republican crime scene in front of our very eyes, who took their oath of office to the American people and used that office to protect criminals, and to be complicit in that criminal activity. And Trump apologists are just as complicit. Don Jr. will be indicted. It's just a question of when.

What stalling?
What lying?
What testimony?
What obstruction?
Which crimes?
I'm complicit in all this too?

Do you have ANYTHING to offer as concrete evidence of any of your wild and crazy claims other than a 2 minute garbage piece by some psycho quoting Rachael Maddow of all people as her source?

MODERATORS: Label this another thread that needs moved under Wild Conspiracy Theories.

"Stalling"? They haven't selected committee members have they? No! "Stalling" proven.

Don, Jr. lied about the Trump Tower meeting saying it was about adoptions but Don Jr. in an email said he loved it. He also was the one who had more meetings with Russia that were not disclosed and House Republicans didn't follow up.

"Obstruction" is when you use the clock to not pick House Intelligence members.

Already told you the "crimes".

Are you interested in getting to the truth about Don Jr? If not, you are complicit. And if by now you are having to ask me questions about Dopn Jr. you are complicit.

CRACKPOT. CRACKPOT theories. CRACKPOT claims. By YOUR level of "proof," then Hillary and Barry are both undeniably guilty of treason, espionage, and a whole slew of high crimes to sell out and undermine the United States. Donald Trump can only at best hope to live up to their shadows.

Too bad for you and the Sheep party, you all weren't smart enough to find anything on either one of them.

Look, Jackass, don't try to blow your partisan smoke up MY ass! There is enough found on them to fill books, many volumes, whole bookshelves, thousands of hours of testimony, admissions by the FBI, etc. The only thing keeping Barry and Hildegarde out of federal prison or off the firing squad wall is the swamp of inside buddies and corrupt insider friends in Washington protecting them, which Donald Trump is chipping away at little by little and day by day.

Donald Trump: both wall builder extraordinaire and Wall Tearer-downer.

There is enough on them that we won't see here on this forum, because all you are is smoke.
Can you all imagine if HRC had won the election and then a special council was told to find any wrongdoing by HRC and or her campaign? How many in HRC's orbit would have committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head by now?
I don't recall the world coming to an end over the 7 or 8 Benghazi investigations that came up with ZERO...

Nor do I recall many people worried when Hillary testified for 10 hours before Congress...and ZERO happened....

Meanwhile, republicans were scared shitless at the prospect of Trump sitting down for 10 mins under oath to talk to anyone -- because they knew he would lie...
You do know that she lied to congress, yet she isnt being processed like Mr. Stone is. Why is there a 2 tier justice system?
Who appointed the head of the DOJ? Who appointed the head of the FBI?

Why is your president such a cuck?

if all of this evidence is out on her, prosecute her

Or are you saying she is more powerful than your insecure narcissist in chief?

If so, stop whining to me about Hillary and start asking Trump to grow a pair
Lol! They talk about her as if they can grab her by the pussy, and Trump and his Sheep never do. What a bunch of pussies.

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