'Evidence of Biden Family Influence-peddling Schemes Is 'Everywhere,' Says Comer'

If evidence is “Everywhere”
Why cant we see it?
THat's easy, because the FBI is covering it up.

How about Hunter's laptop and whistleblower Bobulinsky?
How about FBI whistleblowers?
How about the banks warning about a lot of suspicious money transfers?
How about the money from China, Russia & Burisma?
How about those expensive painting sales?
How about that big diamond gift from China?
THat's easy, because the FBI is covering it up.

How about Hunter's laptop and whistleblower Bobulinsky?
How about FBI whistleblowers?
How about the banks warning about a lot of suspicious money transfers?
How about the money from China, Russia & Burisma?
How about those expensive painting sales?
How about that big diamond gift from China?

The usual whiny retort
We don’t have evidence because they are hiding it :206:

You have a simple task…
Show me the money!
I won't ask for examples, since we both know you can't provide them.

So, my opinion, again. I've said this many times:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

Too bad you don't have the balls to say the same.


Wow, what a display of immaturiy and Narcissism.

Like a child screaming for attention - 'Look at me, look at me! This is what I believe. Aren't I great?'

:itsok: Yes you are, what a great little Mac. Let's everyone give Mac a pat on the head and a golf clap as we send him back to the kids table.

No one has to to copy and paste your comment to prove they believe the same thing. Not everyone is an attention whore like you.

Again with the display of Narcissism - 'Quote what I just posted or you don't believe in what I just said / what I do.'


Oh, honey, no. It doesn't work like that. Maybe it did when you were 4 or 5 in kindergarten, but its not how things work in tbe adult world.
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Wow, what a display of immaturiy and Narcissism.

Like a child screaming for attention - 'Look at me, look at me! This is what I believe. Aren't I great?'

:itsok: Yes you are, what a great little Mac. Let's everyone give Mac a pat on the head and a golf clap as we send him back to tblhe kids table.

No one has to to copy and paste your comment to prove they believe the same thing. Not everyone is an attention whore like you.

Again with the display of Narcissism - 'Quote what I just posted or you don't believe in what I just said / what I do.'


Oh, honey, no. It doesn't work like that. Maybe it did when you were 4 or 5 in kindergarten, but its not how things work in tbe adult world.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Good stuff.
...as is the evidence that STILL partisan weopanized agencies in the federal govt and the fake news media have and continue to attempt to cover it up!

It’s very startling. And with respect to the documents, Maria, I took the president at his word when the first set of documents were found at the Biden Center for Diplomacy that he had just ended verbally misplaced those documents. But now this is gone from just simply being irresponsible to downright scary,” Comer said. “This has all the pattern of an influence-peddling scheme. And it also has the makings of a potential cover-up.

“You know, investigating Hunter and the Biden family is about like tracking a bleeding bear through a snowstorm. There is evidence everywhere that would point out that this family has been involved in influence-peddling schemes for decades. And this is very concerning.”

He is talking to Maria Bartiromo, Investigative Ruminant?

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