'Evidence of Biden Family Influence-peddling Schemes Is 'Everywhere,' Says Comer'

Let's go, CrusaderFrank

Repeat after me:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?

You can just copy and paste it.
He has whatever he has. If he broke the law, he has to pay the price. If anyone helped him, they have to pay the price too. Doesn't matter to me. I believe in the Rule of Law.

You won't say the same about your orange hero, because the manipulation to which you have been subjected has made you terribly weak.
haha the problem with your “but orange man bad” defection….is you all abused your power and made up wild hoaxes about him so much, nobody believes you
haha the problem with your “but orange man bad” defection….is you all abused your power and made up wild hoaxes about him so much, nobody believes you
Repeat after me:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?

You can just copy and paste it.
Couldn't tell you. I'm happy to wait until "reports" get to court.

Repeat after me:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?

You can just copy and paste it.

Once again, Mac pretends that none of us have ever read a single post he has written here.

It's an ongoing parody
Couldn't tell you. I'm happy to wait until "reports" get to court.

Repeat after me:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?

You can just copy and paste it.

"It's not a crime when a democrat does it"
Repeat after me: "If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in." That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?
Once again, Mac pretends that none of us have ever read a single post he has written here.
It's an ongoing parody
"It's not a crime when a democrat does it"
And there ya go.

They can't do it.

This is who they are.
And there ya go.

They can't do it.

This is who they are.

Mac: 100 posts losing his mind over Trumpists

Also Mac: "Here is my official position: I am a rational and fair moderate and if you don't believe me, you're in a cult"

The gaslighting is low-grade Mac.
Evidence is something a lawyer would not fear to put in front of a judge, Sadly republicans think an accusation is the same thing. Should have learned the difference when all the election denial "evidence" got laughed out of court.

HOW DARE you lecture us or Republicans on not knowing tbe difference between evidence and allegations, you hypocrital, liberal indoctrinated sheep?!

Democrat Nancy Pelosi promised the American people she would not proceed with Impeachment proceedings against Presidrnt Trump without 2 things:
1. Bi-partisan participation
2. UNDENIABLE evidrnce

She did not have either but still went ahead with her failed coup attempts

She and Democrats proved in BOTH failed Impeachment attempts they either did not know what the hell the difference was or simply did not care.

BOTH failed Impeachments were based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

Pelosi did not even try to deny it, as she attempted to defend their failed coup attempt by arguing 'no crime is needed to Impeach a President'.

The only evidence they could produce was imaginary / non-existent whistleblowers, criminally MANUFACTURED / DOCTORED evidence, and 2nd-hand and 3rd-hand account testimony.

Pelosi denied true partisanship in the execution of the Impeachment, denied President Trump's right to have a lawyer present to mount any defense, and refused to allow cross-examination of so-called witnesses.

You attempt to.lecture us / Republicans on what would be allowed in a court room / in front of a judge is not only a JOKE but an INSULT, while you defend this treasonous cabal, these failed criminal kangaroo courts?

If these had been actual, legal proceedings, none of these so-called lawyers would EVER have taken these to court or attempted half the unethical, CRIMINAL stunts they did.

No judge would have ever allowed this treasonous, criminal circus to have gone on, and you can bet any real Judge presiding over it would have had Schiff and Swalwell DISBARRED for their proven perjury and criminal manufacturing and doctoring of evidence!

No, the Democrats pulled all of that shit BECAUSE those were not real, legal courts of law but their own bastardized abomination of one they created and controlled.

So spare us your bullshit lecture and hypocrisy.
Mac1958 said:
Repeat after me: "If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

During their 6+ year hate-driven crusade against Presidrnt Trump Democrats have failed...

Failed to find anything
- Tbey had to create non-existent whistleblowers and illegally manufacture and alter evidence

Failed to prosecute him
- because they had no crime, no evidrnce, and no witnesses

During thise 6 years

- Hillary was proven to have initiated tbe 2nd largest criminal political scandal in US history

- Obama and his administration - to invlude Biden's knowing participation - was proven to have biolated bth Constitution and law, illegally spied on Americans, drfrauded the FISA Court, violated the Patriot Act, committed numerous crimes, and willingly engaged in TREASON

- Pelosi abd Democratsxwere proven to have conducted criminal faed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses, were caught claiming to have non-existent whistleblowers and caught manufacturing and altering evidrnce IN AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVIBG A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE ... acts more formally known as TREASON

And none of these crimes were ever investigated, the perpetrators / traitors never arrested / indicted / prosecuted ... because Democrats OWNED ... and still do ... the Intel agencies, tbe CIA, the FBI, and the DOJ.

Democrats and these agencies are STILL going after Trump ... and still failing ... while they show the entre world the corrupt / criminal 2-tiered justice system they have created and enforce in the process of covering up the Biden family crime syndicate's many crimes and cover Joe's ass for Espionage ... and more.
Repeat after me:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?

You can just copy and paste it.
oh i agree it’s just we know you all have made so much up about trump…y’all are like the boy that’s cried wolf
oh i agree it’s just we know you all have made so much up about trump…y’all are like the boy that’s cried wolf
So you do agree with my post. Good. Thank you.

A couple of others couldn't bring themselves to do it, to no surprise.
Mac1958 said:
Repeat after me: "If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

During their 6+ year hate-driven crusade against Presidrnt Trump Democrats have failed...

Failed to find anything
- Tbey had to create non-existent whistleblowers and illegally manufacture and alter evidence

Failed to prosecute him
- because they had no crime, no evidrnce, and no witnesses

During thise 6 years

- Hillary was proven to have initiated tbe 2nd largest criminal political scandal in US history

- Obama and his administration - to invlude Biden's knowing participation - was proven to have biolated bth Constitution and law, illegally spied on Americans, drfrauded the FISA Court, violated the Patriot Act, committed numerous crimes, and willingly engaged in TREASON

- Pelosi abd Democratsxwere proven to have conducted criminal faed coup Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses, were caught claiming to have non-existent whistleblowers and caught manufacturing and altering evidrnce IN AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVIBG A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE ... acts more formally known as TREASON

And none of these crimes were ever investigated, the perpetrators / traitors never arrested / indicted / prosecuted ... because Democrats OWNED ... and still do ... the Intel agencies, tbe CIA, the FBI, and the DOJ.

Democrats and these agencies are STILL going after Trump ... and still failing ... while they show the entre world the corrupt / criminal 2-tiered justice system they have created and enforce in the process of covering up the Biden family crime syndicate's many crimes and cover Joe's ass for Espionage ... and more.
So I guess you're not going to repeat after me.

Okay, there's another one.
Why would I?

I believe it whe you seem to be a partisan hypocrite...ar times.
You wouldn't because you don't believe in the Rule of Law across the board like I do. You only care about it when it benefits your tribe.

Speaking of hypocrisy.

Many of us are not like that. Thank goodness.
You wouldn't because you don't believe in the Rule of Law across the board like I do.

WTF are you talking about? Throwing out false accusations in your defense just makes youu a bigger hypocrite.

Perhaps you should demonstrate it more instead of just claim it.
WTF are you talking about? Throwing out false accusations in your defense just makes youu a bigger hypocrite.

Perhaps you should demonstrate it more instead of just claim it.
I laid out my opinion that covers the whole spectrum. You wouldn't.

I'm more than happy with my position, and yours is (and already was) obvious.
I laid out my opinion that covers the whole spectrum. You wouldn't.

Other comments you have made on this board in the past have contradicted your claim.

I do not have to publicly declare what I believe about everything to believe it. I certainly don't have to repeat something you posted to prove I believe something.

Only a narcissit would believe others must repeat what they say or they truly do not agree with it / believe it.

Sorry to let some air out of your over-inflated self-worth / ego.

Other comments you have made on this board in the past have contradicted your claim.

I do not have to publicly declare what I believe about everything to believe it. I certainly don't have to repeat something you posted to prove I believe something.

Only a narcissit would believe others must repeat what they say or they truly do not agree with it / believe it.

Sorry to let some air out of your over-inflated self-worth / ego.

I won't ask for examples, since we both know you can't provide them.

So, my opinion, again. I've said this many times:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

Too bad you don't have the balls to say the same.


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