'Evidence of Biden Family Influence-peddling Schemes Is 'Everywhere,' Says Comer'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...as is the evidence that STILL partisan weopanized agencies in the federal govt and the fake news media have and continue to attempt to cover it up!

It’s very startling. And with respect to the documents, Maria, I took the president at his word when the first set of documents were found at the Biden Center for Diplomacy that he had just ended verbally misplaced those documents. But now this is gone from just simply being irresponsible to downright scary,” Comer said. “This has all the pattern of an influence-peddling scheme. And it also has the makings of a potential cover-up.

“You know, investigating Hunter and the Biden family is about like tracking a bleeding bear through a snowstorm. There is evidence everywhere that would point out that this family has been involved in influence-peddling schemes for decades. And this is very concerning.”

Hopefully we won't see this "evidence" tossed out of court 70 times, including by Trump-appointed judges, because it doesn't hold water.
We've had enough of that.
How about Hunter's laptop and whistleblower Bobulinsky?
How about FBI whistleblowers?
How about the banks warning about a lot of suspicious money transfers?
How about the money from China, Russia & Burisma?
How about those expensive painting sales?
How about that big diamond gift from China?
How about Hunter's laptop and whistleblower Bobulinsky?
How about FBI whistleblowers?
How about the banks warning about a lot of suspicious money transfers?
How about the money from China, Russia & Burisma?
How about those expensive painting sales?
How about that big diamond gift from China?

All the guilty people
All the media
All the enforcement people

Are all members of the same cult.
Until decent people somehow destroy that cult
No good will come.
So you don't know the difference? Hardly surprising.

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Evidence is something a lawyer would not fear to put in front of a judge, Sadly republicans think an accusation is the same thing. Should have learned the difference when all the election denial "evidence" got laughed out of court.
Joe's illegitimate granddaughter that is disowned from Hunter's loins is more innocent than the whole family. Joe could be a politician from the Godfather.
How about Hunter's laptop and whistleblower Bobulinsky?
How about FBI whistleblowers?
How about the banks warning about a lot of suspicious money transfers?
How about the money from China, Russia & Burisma?
How about those expensive painting sales?
How about that big diamond gift from China?
Sounds bad.

Prove it in court and I'm in. Then we can nail him and anyone connected.

Which is what I've been saying about the rigged election claims.
There's a gigantic difference between evidence and allegations.
yes an allegation would be saying something, the evidence is boat loads of classified material that keeps popping up all up in down the east coast in xiden’s homes and offices…dating back years and years….combined with the family connections to foreign deals
So Biden doesn't have these documents?
He has whatever he has. If he broke the law, he has to pay the price. If anyone helped him, they have to pay the price too. Doesn't matter to me. I believe in the Rule of Law.

You won't say the same about your orange hero, because the manipulation to which you have been subjected has made you terribly weak.
He has whatever he has. If he broke the law, he has to pay the price. If anyone helped him, they have to pay the price too. Doesn't matter to me. I believe in the Rule of Law.

You won't say the same about your orange hero, because the manipulation to which you have been subjected has made you terribly weak.

Tell me more about how the Bad Orange Man filed a fake FISA warrant and made up the Steele Dossier
Tell me more about how the Bad Orange Man filed a fake FISA warrant and made up the Steele Dossier
Couldn't tell you. I'm happy to wait until "reports" get to court.

Repeat after me:

"If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them good. If anyone helped them, nail them too. No one is above the law. That goes for Hunter Biden or Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Steve Bannon or Mike Flynn or anyone else. Just prove it in a court of law, and I'm in."

That's my opinion. Is that yours, too?

You can just copy and paste it.

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