Evidence of the ethnic cleansing paid for by US taxpayers in Gaza

Please....most of what we hear is evil jews doing this or that purported atrocity....you do follow along on the threads here dont ya.....

The ONLY ones who are the problem are the Zionists.

True Jews are against Zionism.


Oh yeah, the guys who live off Israel tax dollars and refuse to serve.
I believe in the US we call them moochers.

STFU. They don't live in Israhell.

Our Mission

The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology. This struggle is rooted in two convictions:

1. Zionism, by advocating a political and military end to the Jewish exile, denies the very essence of our Diaspora existence. We are in exile by Divine Decree and may emerge from exile solely via Divine Redemption. All human efforts to alter a metaphysical reality are doomed to end in failure and bloodshed. History has clearly borne out this teaching.

2. Zionism has not only denied our fundamental belief in Heavenly Redemption it has also created a pseudo-Judaism which views the essence of our identity to be a secular nationalism. Accordingly, Zionism and the Israeli state have consistently endeavored, via persuasion and coercion, to replace a Divine and Torah-centered understanding of our peoplehood with an armed materialism.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.
I see the losertrian thinks it's ok for Hamas to fire rockets at Israel. Just as long as Israel never does anything.

Fuck you asshole.

I see the fucktards believe that the Zionists have the right to invade Palestine and treat its indigent population as foreigners.

Fuck you cum swallower.
...US Foreign guidelines clearly stipulate that Foreign Aid must be dispensed according to the following schedule:

1- For every gazillion dollars that Israhell gets - the Palestinians will get 69 Cents

2- For every F16 the zionusts get the Palestinian will get one sling shot.

And so it goes.
By Jove, I think you're starting to get the hang of this thing.

Fun, ain't it?

Enjoy it while you can.


Oh, and, by the way, ya'll enjoy the view, along the way to the Surrender Table, ya hear?
The ONLY ones who are the problem are the Zionists.

True Jews are against Zionism.


Oh yeah, the guys who live off Israel tax dollars and refuse to serve.
I believe in the US we call them moochers.

STFU. They don't live in Israhell.

Our Mission

The relatively new concept of Zionism began only about one hundred years ago and since that time Torah-true Jewry has steadfastly opposed the Zionist ideology. This struggle is rooted in two convictions:

1. Zionism, by advocating a political and military end to the Jewish exile, denies the very essence of our Diaspora existence. We are in exile by Divine Decree and may emerge from exile solely via Divine Redemption. All human efforts to alter a metaphysical reality are doomed to end in failure and bloodshed. History has clearly borne out this teaching.

2. Zionism has not only denied our fundamental belief in Heavenly Redemption it has also created a pseudo-Judaism which views the essence of our identity to be a secular nationalism. Accordingly, Zionism and the Israeli state have consistently endeavored, via persuasion and coercion, to replace a Divine and Torah-centered understanding of our peoplehood with an armed materialism.

True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel". In fact, a great number of Orthodox Jews view the ideology of that state as diametrically opposed to the teachings of traditional Judaism.
Judas thought he was doing the right thing, too.

As did Benedict Arnold, Pierre Laval, Vidkun Quisling, Marshall Petain, and Jane Fonda.
No ethnic cleansing is happening in Gaza.

What is happening is the public execution of Hamas.
Really? Where are the Palestinian F15's, F16's, Tanks, the Palestinian's Iron Dome, etc?
Hell, their own former allies (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, et al) didn't trust the mad-dog Palestinians with the heavy stuff.
Correction: Hell, their own former allies (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, et al) were so scared of the Judeo-American Axis of evil that chose not to defend the Palestinians. The ONLY Arab who partially supported the Palestinians was Saddam Hussein - consequently he was lynched by the axis.
The Arab League could have equipped the Palestinians with heavy weaponry at any time between (1948-1949) and 1967, and failed to do so.

Prior to that, the United States was not very heavily involved with Israel, nor posing in a threatening manner against any of Israel's enemies, in connection with arms transfers.

And, in those 18 or 19 years, the Arab League did NOT provide heavy weapons to the Palestinians, even though Jordan was in control of the West Bank, and Egypt was in control of Gaza, and even though Egypt was safe-and-sound as a Soviet client-state and even though Jordan was accepting Soviet arms indirectly through Egypt.

The Arabs had 18 or 19 years, with little to fear, in which to arm the Palestinians with heavy weapons.

The Arab League chose not to do so.

Not out of fear of outsiders - fer Crissakes, the Arabs mobilized for war against Israel three (3) times... 1948, 1967 and 1973... withing giving a flying phukk what the US said.

In light of multiple Arab mobilizations and attacks against Israel, the Arabs did not fail to heavily arm the Palestinians out of fear of the United States and its friends.

No... it was because the Arabs did not trust the mad-dog Palestinians, even back in the 1940s and 50s and 60s.

Hell... even the rest of the Arab world knows better than to give serious weaponry to those fools.

It would be like letting the village idiot perform open-heart surgery.
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Waiting for the "Oh well, that's what happens in war" flag waver speech.

War occurs between rivals which have equal strength.

Wrong, moron. That has to be one of the dumbest claims ever posted in this forum. According to your theory, Belgium, Holland and Poland weren't fighting a war against Germany at the beginning of WW I and WW II.

The Palestinian military power is non existent.

Then the smart thing for them to do is quit before Israel wipes them out.

This is merely a continuation of the genocide planned by the zionuts in 1925 .

It's amazing how you and your ilk sound just like spokesmen for Hamas.
And the rockets from Gaza into Israel are really fireworks for peace...

1- The zionuts are the invaders and do NOT belong in Palestine

2- The rockets are so small and insignificant that only a direct hit may kill a person .


The 'zionuts' have been living in that area for 3700 years. Yes, they invaded alright. Those rockets represent a desire to kill by Hamas. Why do you keep falling for that pro Palestinian garbage?

2014 - 1925 = 3700 ?!?!?!?!?

Yo Vern, where did you go to school?

Hamas is the instigator, not Israel.

Stop firing rockets, stop infiltrating Israel and killing Israelis, act like a modern and civilized people.
Waiting for the "Oh well, that's what happens in war" flag waver speech.

War occurs between rivals which have equal strength.

The Palestinian military power is non existent.

This is merely a continuation of the genocide planned by the zionuts in 1925 .

Wipe hamas out and kick the satan worshipers out of Israel. God gave Israel to the jews not satan worshipers.
I see the losertrian thinks it's ok for Hamas to fire rockets at Israel. Just as long as Israel never does anything.

Fuck you asshole.
You seem to think its okay for Israel to shoot missiles at Gaza?

BTW, the rockets are in response to that.

Google sderot katisha, click on link to Wikipedia and eat shit.
No proof there. Israel needs to take back gaza and kick the satan worshipers out of Israel.

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