Evidence of the ethnic cleansing paid for by US taxpayers in Gaza

Let's give Hamas F-15s; they don't know how to fly them anyway.
Nahhhhh... those still have some kick left in 'em...

Safer to give Hamas old F-86s and Mig-15s...

This way, the Israeli Air Force can use 'em for airborne skeet-shooting...

"Pull !!!"

High score each day gets a steak-and-seafood dinner for two and complementary champagne at any of several fine restaurants in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

High score for the month gets an all-expenses-paid 10-night cruise for two, on a cruise-line of the recipient's choice, anywhere in the Med.

Oh, and a trophy-plaque with the winner's name on it, in the Officers Mess.

And a $10K tax-exempt bonus.
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I hope israel kills every fucking man, woman, and child in the terrorist gaza strip.

American Zionism at work, and very Biblical. Slaughter is how Jehovah became the "Thou shall have no other gods before me." He's the tribal god who ascended, with blood on his hands.
You do know we are financing both sides.
Really? Where are the Palestinian F15's, F16's, Tanks, the Palestinian's Iron Dome, etc?
Hell, their own former allies (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, et al) didn't trust the mad-dog Palestinians with the heavy stuff.


Hell, their own former allies (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, et al) were so scared of the Judeo-American Axis of evil that chose not to defend the Palestinians. The ONLY Arab who partially supported the Palestinians was Saddam Hussein - consequently he was lynched by the axis.
I hope israel kills every fucking man, woman, and child in the terrorist gaza strip.

At least you're true to the rightwing nut credo in this country. They do love death and killing. Dick Cheney would pat you on the head if he was here.

1500 out of 2000000 is more like ethnic flossing. Your ass still stinks.

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers.

These beliefs include the teaching that Jesus was born a bastard and his mother, Mary, was a harlot (Mishna Yebamoth 4,13); that Jesus practiced black arts of magic (Sanhedrin 1076), and that Jesus is now suffering eternal punishment in a boiling vat of filthy excrement (Mishna Sanhedrin X, 2). These references come from the English translation of the Talmud known as The Soncino Talmud.

...1500 out of 2000000 is more like ethnic flossing. Your ass still stinks.



Indeed, the hate-filled, anti-Christian movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, produced by Universal Studios and its Chairman, the Jew, Lewis Wasserman, was an accurate, if disgusting, reflection of what the Jews' most holy book, the Talmud, teaches. And yet the Rabbis and leaders of the Jewish-led Simon Wiesenthal Center, The ADL, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have the audacity to blast and criticize Mel Gibson's upcoming movie merely because it recounts the gospel truth about the trial and death of Jesus. What hypocrites!

Where are the Palestinian F15's, F16's, Tanks, the Palestinian's Iron Dome, etc?

We send huge amounts to Palestinians......We finance Hamas.......cant be honest can ya


Where are the Palestinian F15's, F16's, Tanks, the Palestinian's Iron Dome, etc?

Can't be honest , can you?

As another writer pointed out they couldnt operate them if they had them....do we or do we not send money to the palestinians......simple question......and of course none of that gets used for anything but humanitarian purposes riiighhhhttttt.......
Death to Hamas


Also in Size-7 font.

"An Equal Opportunity jingoistic sloganeering service"

"Israeli Yeshiva (school) students often demonstrate and chant, "Death to the Arabs." Defending their extreme behavior, Rabbi Ido Elba explains, "According to the Talmud (Jewish book of traditions), one may kill any Gentile." Rabbi Schlomo Aviner adds that normal human codes and laws of justice and righteousness do not apply to the Jews."


Sounds like that Jewish fringe extremist group is manifesting a mindset identical to that manifested by Hamas mainstream.

In his memoirs of his years in the White House, former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were a Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis.

And the rockets from Gaza into Israel are really fireworks for peace...

1- The zionuts are the invaders and do NOT belong in Palestine

2- The rockets are so small and insignificant that only a direct hit may kill a person .


The 'zionuts' have been living in that area for 3700 years. Yes, they invaded alright. Those rockets represent a desire to kill by Hamas. Why do you keep falling for that pro Palestinian garbage?

1500 out of 2000000 is more like ethnic flossing. Your ass still stinks.

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers.

These beliefs include the teaching that Jesus was born a bastard and his mother, Mary, was a harlot (Mishna Yebamoth 4,13); that Jesus practiced black arts of magic (Sanhedrin 1076), and that Jesus is now suffering eternal punishment in a boiling vat of filthy excrement (Mishna Sanhedrin X, 2). These references come from the English translation of the Talmud known as The Soncino Talmud.


Dude, that was like years ago.

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