Evidence of the ethnic cleansing paid for by US taxpayers in Gaza

Doesn't matter who started.

Hamas is being executed as a criminal organization.

The war will only end with Hamas' death.
No ethnic cleansing is happening in Gaza.

What is happening is the public execution of Hamas.

Comrade Starkievstein:

Israel Kills – For the Fun of It

Their foreign-military policy = pure sadism

Their goal is to solve the Palestinian Problem once and for all, or at least the Gaza Problem – by reoccupying it as a prelude to annexing most of the West Bank. The dream of Greater Israel – the key plank in the ruling Likud party platform – is about to be realized. "


I have developed a scale to measure and describe the supposed Israeli atrocities. Pick one

Ethnic flossing
Ethnic manicure
Ethnic massage
Ethnic defoliation
Ethnic Sitz bath
Ethnic enema
Ethnic cleansing.

Let's be accurate with our descriptions of what is going on...given Israel's capability and gazas vulnerability.
No ethnic cleansing is happening in Gaza.

What is happening is the public execution of Hamas.

Comrade Starkievstein: Israel Kills – For the Fun of It Their foreign-military policy = pure sadism

Their goal is to solve the Palestinian Problem once and for all, or at least the Gaza Problem – by reoccupying it as a prelude to annexing most of the West Bank. The dream of Greater Israel – the key plank in the ruling Likud party platform – is about to be realized. "
Re-conquering Gaza and re-occupying it... taking it back from Hamas... would not constitute ethinc cleansing... merely Hamas-killing... a.k.a. taking out the trash - a public service.

I have developed a scale to measure and describe the supposed Israeli atrocities. Pick one

Ethnic flossing
Ethnic manicure
Ethnic massage
Ethnic defoliation
Ethnic Sitz bath
Ethnic enema
Ethnic cleansing.

Let's be accurate with our descriptions of what is going on...given Israel's capability and gazas vulnerability.

Be honest with me boy,

Does the Most Reverend Tim Wildmon screw you in the ass?

Does he tell you that you are going to heaven because of the way you blow and swallow?

And the truth shall set you free

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I have developed a scale to measure and describe the supposed Israeli atrocities. Pick one

Ethnic flossing
Ethnic manicure
Ethnic massage
Ethnic bikini wax
Ethnic defoliation
Ethnic sponge-bath
Ethnic Sitz bath
Ethnic enema
Ethnic cleansing
Ethnic transplant

Let's be accurate with our descriptions of what is going on...given Israel's capability and gazas vulnerability.

I humbly submit three additions to your fine list, for possible consideration, if changes are not yet locked-out, but I will understand, if I submitted mine too late.

Sorry about the separate categorization for bikini waxing, but that's a particular and specific and uniquely painful form of Defoliation, so I left it separate.

But maybe that's a bit too 'granular'...
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LOL. You're defending a group that can't even adhere to it's own ceasefire!


"The Jews own the US Media"

Richard Nixon.

Woo ... that was quick. You went from whining about Israel and "zionuts" to whining about "The Jews" in 15 minutes flat. Just skip the pretext and go straight to your point, Adolph. :lol:

Shalom Mier:

What do you think about Jews Against Zionism?

Are they self hating Jews?

"The Jews own the US Media"

Richard Nixon.

Woo ... that was quick. You went from whining about Israel and "zionuts" to whining about "The Jews" in 15 minutes flat. Just skip the pretext and go straight to your point, Adolph. :lol:

Shalom Mier: What do you think about Jews Against Zionism? Are they self hating Jews? [
My nomination for "second-worst disconnected and irrelevant post and weak-assed and vacuous excuse for vomiting-up another anti-Jew / anti-Israel propaganda piece" of the day. :clap:

I have developed a scale to measure and describe the supposed Israeli atrocities. Pick one

Ethnic flossing
Ethnic manicure
Ethnic massage
Ethnic defoliation
Ethnic Sitz bath
Ethnic enema
Ethnic cleansing.

Let's be accurate with our descriptions of what is going on...given Israel's capability and gazas vulnerability.

Be honest with me boy,

Does the Most Reverend Tim Wildmon screw you in the ass?

Does he tell you that you are going to heaven because of the way you blow and swallow?

And the truth shall set you free


Yo dip shit...I am white...probably old enuf to be your father ..and for sure big enuf to kick your ass. GFY
I have developed a scale to measure and describe the supposed Israeli atrocities. Pick one

Ethnic flossing
Ethnic manicure
Ethnic massage
Ethnic defoliation
Ethnic Sitz bath
Ethnic enema
Ethnic cleansing.

Let's be accurate with our descriptions of what is going on...given Israel's capability and gazas vulnerability.

Be honest with me boy,

Does the Most Reverend Tim Wildmon screw you in the ass?

Does he tell you that you are going to heaven because of the way you blow and swallow?

And the truth shall set you free


Yo dip shit...I am white...probably old enuf to be your father ..and for sure big enuf to kick your ass. GFY

Quit stonewalling. Answer the fucking questions

Be honest with me boy,

Does the Most Reverend Tim Wildmon screw you in the ass?

Does he tell you that you are going to heaven because of the way you blow and swallow?

And the truth shall set you free.

Woo ... that was quick. You went from whining about Israel and "zionuts" to whining about "The Jews" in 15 minutes flat. Just skip the pretext and go straight to your point, Adolph. :lol:

Shalom Mier: What do you think about Jews Against Zionism? Are they self hating Jews? [
My nomination for "second-worst disconnected and irrelevant post and weak-assed and vacuous excuse for vomiting-up another anti-Jew / anti-Israel propaganda piece" of the day. :clap:

Simple question, answer it

What do you think about Jews Against Zionism? Are they self hating Jews? [

Shalom Mier: What do you think about Jews Against Zionism? Are they self hating Jews? [
My nomination for "second-worst disconnected and irrelevant post and weak-assed and vacuous excuse for vomiting-up another anti-Jew / anti-Israel propaganda piece" of the day. :clap:

Simple question, answer it...

What do you think about Jews Against Zionism? Are they self hating Jews? .

Calm yourself.
Last edited:
My nomination for "second-worst disconnected and irrelevant post and weak-assed and vacuous excuse for vomiting-up another anti-Jew / anti-Israel propaganda piece" of the day. :clap:

Simple question, answer it...

What do you think about Jews Against Zionism? Are they self hating Jews? .

Calm yourself.[/B]


But they oppose and considered the zionists practices barbaric and not conforming to Judaism.

Who is right?

...1500 out of 2000000 is more like ethnic flossing. Your ass still stinks.



Indeed, the hate-filled, anti-Christian movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, produced by Universal Studios and its Chairman, the Jew, Lewis Wasserman, was an accurate, if disgusting, reflection of what the Jews' most holy book, the Talmud, teaches. And yet the Rabbis and leaders of the Jewish-led Simon Wiesenthal Center, The ADL, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have the audacity to blast and criticize Mel Gibson's upcoming movie merely because it recounts the gospel truth about the trial and death of Jesus. What hypocrites!

What upcoming Gibson movie are you referring to?

Indeed, the hate-filled, anti-Christian movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, produced by Universal Studios and its Chairman, the Jew, Lewis Wasserman, was an accurate, if disgusting, reflection of what the Jews' most holy book, the Talmud, teaches. And yet the Rabbis and leaders of the Jewish-led Simon Wiesenthal Center, The ADL, and the Southern Poverty Law Center have the audacity to blast and criticize Mel Gibson's upcoming movie merely because it recounts the gospel truth about the trial and death of Jesus. What hypocrites!

What upcoming Gibson movie are you referring to?
I can just see this guy, sweating the next answer via Google, sitting in front of a tube, in his underwear, in his mother's basement, smelling Mom's camel-roast cooking in the oven.
Hamas needs to get what they have deserved to get for many years !

Let this play out until there's a unanimous winner once and for all !!

1500 out of 2000000 is more like ethnic flossing. Your ass still stinks.

Even the leaders of Israel My Glory, a fanatically pro-Zionist, supposedly Christian ministry, have made note of the bizarre views of the Jews as found in their own book of laws and traditions, the Jewish Talmud. The organization's magazine (Dec./Jan. 1995/1996) published a revealing article detailing many of the hate-filled Talmudic beliefs of the Rabbis and their Zionist followers.

These beliefs include the teaching that Jesus was born a bastard and his mother, Mary, was a harlot (Mishna Yebamoth 4,13); that Jesus practiced black arts of magic (Sanhedrin 1076), and that Jesus is now suffering eternal punishment in a boiling vat of filthy excrement (Mishna Sanhedrin X, 2). These references come from the English translation of the Talmud known as The Soncino Talmud.

I take it you know who Texe Marrs is. Care to explain your relationship with him?

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