Evil woman


Jul 14, 2009

So now she is sueing

Her explanation for possibly suing was that she did not hear anything from mall security although the video showed that after falling, she quickly stood up, scooped up her cell phone from underwater, climbed out of the fountain, and walked away. Apparently the only thing she claimed to have injured was her pride.

According to her attorney, they want an explanation of why and how it happened, an apology from the mall, and why the video was posted on YouTube.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: The mall fountain 'texting tripper' considers suing? | Lynn R. Mitchell | Opinion Zone | Washington Examiner

Fuck You lady

No, Diet Fuck you.
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The Pennsylvania woman, who made a splash on YouTube after falling into a mall fountain, has fallen into some legal hot water now.

Just a few hours after Cathy Cruz Marrero appeared on "Good Morning America" to talk about her stumble, the 49-year-old appeared in court for a hearing on five felony counts.

The charges include theft by deception and receiving stolen goods. For allegedly using a co-worker's credit cards to buy thousands of dollars of merchandise and jewelry.

The surveillance video of Marrero has racked up more than two million views on YouTube, and close to two-hundred thousand hits on abc30.com.

The security guard responsible for leaking the video has since been fired. Marrero and her lawyer are pursuing legal action against the mall.

Texting woman falls into a fountain of legal hot water | abc30.com
And the Government must protect us from ourselves

According to New York State Senator Carl Kruger, who represents part of Brooklyn, two fatalities caused by use of personal electronic devices have occurred in his district, including the death of a man who walked in front of a bus while listening to his iPod. His proposed legislation would make using such devices while in major city crosswalks illegal.
Arkansas State Senator Jimmy Jeffress is also introducing a bill that would restrict pedestrians' use of cell phones and music players. A headphone in one ear would be OK, but not both ears.
No word on whether anyone is proposing such measures in Pennsylvania, where a distracted woman walked into a mall fountain recently. There's a lot of annoying giggling in this video:

Read more: Lawmakers Propose Banning Texting While Walking - Blogcritics Culture

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Yeah, I saw that proposed banning texting while walking shit. wtFFFF? If people are too stupid to look out for themselves when they're running or walking the dog then they get what they deserve. Uncle needs to STFU and GTFU. This is just moronic.

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