Evolution question.

Don't be so unimaginative. You won't recognize 'humans' in 500 years let alone 500,000.
Uh... what? Do you think humans looked significantly different 500 years ago? They didn't.

It is not math, it is your assumptions I disagree with.
Can you name a single one? I doubt it. They aren't my assumptions anyway. Genetic drift and gene flow are well described concepts. They are also facts.
God's truths were revealed to and recorded by men. Jesus was a man. Mary didn't teach us anything. There is no 'Book of Mary'. It is notable that the first woman rejected God's revelation, and caused the first man to reject it as well.

I did not know that you are an atheist who thinks god is man made and women have nothing to say. I wasted my and your time by trying to tell you something what you perhaps never will like to understand. Eve was by the way not able to know what god said to Adam while she was inexistent. Also this story is no excuse for your extremely strange opinion about women as a kind of second class man. With Josef, the stepfather of god, (it also not exists a "book of Josef") unfortunatelly you seem not to be comparable.

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Actually there is.

(wink) :p

Never heard about. But it exist many books with many confusing thoughts from Rainer Maria Rilke.

So viele Dinge liegen aufgerissen
von raschen Händen, die sich auf der Suche
nach dir verspäteten: sie wollen wissen.

Und manchmal in einem alten Buche
ein unbegreiflich Dunkles angestrichen.
Da warst du einst. Wo bist du hin entwichen?

Hielt einer dich, so hast du ihn zerbrochen,
sein Herz blieb offen, und du warst nicht drin;
hat je ein Redender zu dir gesprochen,
so war es atemlos: Wo gehst du hin?

Auch mir geschahs. Nur daß ich dich nicht frage.
Ich diene nur und dränge mich um nichts.
Ich halte, wartend, meines Angesichts
williges Schauen in den Wind der Tage
und klage den Nächten nicht ...
(da ich sie wissen seh).



So many things lie torn open
by swift hands that were delayed in their search
for you: they want to know.

And sometimes in an old book
an incomprehensible darkness is marked.
You were there once. Where did you escape to?

If someone held you, you broke him,
his heart remained open, and you were not in it;
If anyone ever spoke to you,
it was breathless: Where are you going?

It happened to me too. Only I do not ask you.
I only serve and press for nothing.
I hold, waiting, my face
willingly looking into the wind of the days
and do not complain to the nights ...
(since I see them knowing).
I did not know that you are an atheist who thinks god is man made and women have nothing to say. I wasted my and your time by trying to tell you something what you perhaps never will like to understand. Eve was by the way not able to know what god said to Adam while she was inexistent. Also this story is no excuse for your extremely strange opinion about women as a kind of second class man. With Josef, the stepfather of god, (it also not exists a "book of Josef") unfortunatelly you seem not to be comparable.

Adam and Eve did not exist. This is the science section. Please post these myths in the religion or fiction sections.
Adam and Eve did not exist.

Aha. And how do you know this?

This is the science section.

And you speak now about the science of Adam and Eve? Then you use a wrong form of language or wrong from of "logos" to do so. The story about Adam and Eve has a very big influence on the history of the whole human world, isn't it? To say "Adam and Eve did not exist" is more or less only a stupid statement of a believer in science but not a statement of a real scientist. "What means this story - ¿myth or not myth? - for the evolution of all mankind?" could for example be a question of a real scientist.

Please post these myths in the religion or fiction sections.

Okay. Do you really like to discuss with me about biological evolution and/or evolutionary epistemology and the nonsense which the very most people in the English speaking world say when they use the word "evolution"? It's not my fault when an atheist here tried to speak nonsense in the name of the so called Abrahamitic religions - but this doesn't mean that about 50% of the world population - or even much more - do not have any problem to speak about Adam and Eve while you personally have an indoctrinated problem to do so. What went wrong in your evolution? Why do you like to tell other people what's a theme for them and what not? And why try to speak atheists (=the beliefers not to believe) nonsense about the Christian religion in context of the theme "evolution"?
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From mDNA and Y-chromosome studies.

Don't play dumb.

Empty drivel. You do not understand one of the basic concepts of the real scientific theory of evolution and you have no facts in the background of your idle chatter. And this you show in such a short sentence. Nearly brilliant if it would not be so damned stupid to call everyone else "dumb" who you do not know.

Do you know for example that all mankind nearly died died out some time ago and that this is the reason for our very small genetic bandwidth?
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I did not know that you are an atheist who thinks god is man made and women have nothing to say. I wasted my and your time by trying to tell you something what you perhaps never will like to understand. Eve was by the way not able to know what god said to Adam while she was inexistent. Also this story is no excuse for your extremely strange opinion about women as a kind of second class man. With Josef, the stepfather of god, (it also not exists a "book of Josef") unfortunatelly you seem not to be comparable.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
Empty drivel. You do not understand one of the basic concepts of the real scientific theory of evolution and you have no facts in the background of your idle chatter. And this you show in such a short sentence. Nearly brilliant if it would not be so damned stupid to call everyone else "dumb" who you do not know.

Do you know for example that all mankind nearly died died out some time ago and that this is the reason for our very small genetic bandwidth?

You don't know anything g about mRNA and y-chromosome studies. This is clear. And you should shut up immediately and go read up on them.

Yes genius, the genetic scientists who taught you there was a population bottleneck know there was a population bottleneck.
You don't know anything g about mRNA and y-chromosome studies. This is clear. And you should shut up immediately and go read up on them.

Yes genius, the genetic scientists who taught you there was a population bottleneck know there was a population bottleneck.

You have absolutelly not any concrete idea what you try to speak about when you speak about evolution and try to compare this with the story around Adam and Eve.
You have absolutelly not any concrete idea what you try to speak about when you speak about evolution and try to compare this with the story around Adam and Eve.
Stop whining. Adam and Eve did not exist. Known fact.

And you don't understand how we know this. You should feel embarrassed that you have engaged in such willful ignorance.
Stop whining. Adam and Eve did not exist. Known fact.

Read what I said.

And you don't understand how we know this.

Tell me how you know this.

You should feel embarrassed that you have engaged in such willful ignorance.

Then explain to me how the scientific expressions "mRNA" and "Y-Chromosome" could destroy the idea that two living entities always have a common ancestor. ... And by the way: It could also be a good idea to read what's really written in the bible. The children of Eve married other human beings for example.
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