Ex-Fed.Res.Official Bill Dudley Calls on Fed to Manipulate Economy to Stymie Trump’s Reelection!!!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Former New York Fed President Bill Dudley on Tuesday called on the Federal Reserve to manipulate the economy to stymie President Trump’s reelection. Dudley made the plea in an op-ed published by Bloomberg News. Dudley argued that Trump’s effort to reset trade with China is hurting the economy and that the Fed should enact policies that hinder Trump and hurt his reelection chances.

President Trump has been fighting the Fed over rising interest rates and a too rapid pullback on quantitative easing that stifled the nascent economic boom stemming from Trump’s economic policies and tax cuts. The Fed has since cut interest rates but not enough for Trump who is calling for another one percent reduction and to consider some quantitative easing.

Excerpt from Dudley’s op-ed:

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com

It doesn't matter if it is illegal or unethical or hurts the country as long as the subversive communists can remove Trump!

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