Ex-GOP chair tells evangelicals who still support Trump to ‘shut the hell up!


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2017
Evangelicals again prove they are total hypocrites by giving trump a pass on paying the adult film “actress” $130,000 to remain silent. Well, Michael Steele knows the score and he’s calling them out in a recent interview. Steele also knows that being a Posse Grabber matters. Yet evangelicals still support the Posse Grabber In Chief. Tsk, tsk, tsk...

The former GOP chair, like many Americans, has a problem with the “selective, or elastic, moral code” many republicans use to guide their behavior. An elastic code is convenient for sleazy politicians, like trump. And for trump supporters who refuse to admit how sleazy their Jesus replacement truly is.

Maybe there remains one lone republican with morals. Should Steele be stuffed and saved for posterity — to show future generations that a moral republican might have once existed...?
From the article:

Former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele blasted Family Research Council president Tony Perkins for giving President Donald Trump a “mulligan” on paying hush money to former adult film star.

...“After telling me who to love, what to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter, the grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter, the outright behavior and lies don’t matter, just shut up!” Steele blasted.
“They have no voice of authority anymore for me,” Steele concluded.

Democrats just can't accept it.

We don't believe your smears. Get krissakes even the porn star accused said it never happened. If it were not for this board, I would never have heard of this newest porn star scandal.

It might be just a case of the sex lies having reached a saturation point. The prevailing opinion is "not again". Perhaps it is the daily barrage of Trump lies that have lost the ability to surprise. Whatever it is, the Word is stuck in the liberal echo chamber. It goes around and around but never gets out.
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MAYBE... if he was in the OVAL OFFICE and he was CIGAR DIPPING her as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES someone might GIVE A FUCK.

Well... then again probably not... nobody gave a fuck when PRESIDENT CLINTON did it, RIGHT, it was HIS BUSINESS... YOU SHOULDN'T CARE.

Fuck you leftards and your double standard hypocrisy bull shit... people are sick of it.
seems the right is the one with the double standards.....electing an idiot with all his passed baggage and his current affairs...
seems the right is the one with the double standards.....electing an idiot with all his passed baggage and his current affairs...

Past baggage, not passed baggage. If you're going to call someone an idiot, don't make an idiot out of yourself in the same paragraph.
no way would any God believing Christian approve of President Trump and his 2016 campaign purposed payoff to the porn star or give an excuse for Trump's adulterous and reckless behavior or give him a Mulligan...as the Christian right pastors are doing now... they did not give bill clinton a pass...

and no, adultery is adultery, whether it is in office or not, God sees no difference....

these pastors have done a complete disservice to their alleged Lord, Jesus Christ....and are a sign that ''the falling away'' of the church that is prophesied, is happening right before our very eyes....its come in to fruition!! :eek:
Democrats just can't accept it.

We don't believe your smears. Get krissakes even the porn star accused said it never happened. If it were not for this board, I would never have heard of this newest porn star scandal.

It might be just a case of the sex lies having reached a saturation point. The prevailing opinion is "not again". Perhaps it is the daily barrage of Trump lies that have lost the ability to surprise. Whatever it is, the Word is stuck in the liberal echo chamber. It goes around and around but never gets out.

Trump has a history of being a womanizer.
To understand the evangelical, fundamentalist, charismatic, (etc) motivation, one must study them a bit. The main point of their "faith" has to do with their dogmatic belief in dispensationalism. That, along with "sola scriptura" provide the bulk work encased in their political stance. trump is just a tool they use to further their belief. No matter how amoral or immoral trump is, his actions can be biblically rationalized as fulfilling gods plan, which is the Second Coming (see: dispensationalism) . Those who firmly believe this, and there are many, see for themselves as being part of the rapture, in which they will be taken by god from this earth, body and soul, into heaven.

There is no factual or logical arguments that will sway them.
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You just can't get over the fact that I met the father of the Hells Angels, can you, you pathetic old witch?

What's the matter? You afraid I might be able to sick him on you? You think we're that good a buddies? I might know a shit load of Hells Angels and that makes you what... nervous?

Get over yourself you STUPID old SKANK. Your BRAIN fucking stinks you worthless old HAG.
seems the right is the one with the double standards.....electing an idiot with all his passed baggage and his current affairs...
You couldn't SEEM right from wrong if you TRIED, witch.

You've fried your filthy old evil brain with too much WEED over the years. You're dumber than a sack of fucking piss.
Evangelicals again prove they are total hypocrites by giving trump a pass on paying the adult film “actress” $130,000 to remain silent. Well, Michael Steele knows the score and he’s calling them out in a recent interview. Steele also knows that being a Posse Grabber matters. Yet evangelicals still support the Posse Grabber In Chief. Tsk, tsk, tsk...

The former GOP chair, like many Americans, has a problem with the “selective, or elastic, moral code” many republicans use to guide their behavior. An elastic code is convenient for sleazy politicians, like trump. And for trump supporters who refuse to admit how sleazy their Jesus replacement truly is.

Maybe there remains one lone republican with morals. Should Steele be stuffed and saved for posterity — to show future generations that a moral republican might have once existed...?
From the article:

Former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele blasted Family Research Council president Tony Perkins for giving President Donald Trump a “mulligan” on paying hush money to former adult film star.

...“After telling me who to love, what to believe, what to do and what not to do and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter, the grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter, the outright behavior and lies don’t matter, just shut up!” Steele blasted.
“They have no voice of authority anymore for me,” Steele concluded.

The liberal argument that "what Bill Clintin does in his private life has no bearing on his job performance" took your complaint about Trump out of the mix.

Piss off.
Just out of curiosity what is it you would you sway them from?
The answer to that can be found on the OPs link. Among the hardcore evangelicals (et al) it would their slavish devotion to trump....as a useful tool of course.
no way would any God believing Christian approve of President Trump and his 2016 campaign purposed payoff to the porn star or give an excuse for Trump's adulterous and reckless behavior or give him a Mulligan...as the Christian right pastors are doing now... they did not give bill clinton a pass...

and no, adultery is adultery, whether it is in office or not, God sees no difference....

these pastors have done a complete disservice to their alleged Lord, Jesus Christ....and are a sign that ''the falling away'' of the church that is prophesied, is happening right before our very eyes....its come in to fruition!! :eek:

When their choice is a philanderer who actually supports some of the things they do vs. a party that wants to make them bake cakes for gay weddings,, let men in the women's room, and does everything they can to force their religious acts into the closet, they choose the lesser of two evils.
MAYBE... if he was in the OVAL OFFICE and he was CIGAR DIPPING her as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES someone might GIVE A FUCK.

Well... then again probably not... nobody gave a fuck when PRESIDENT CLINTON did it, RIGHT, it was HIS BUSINESS... YOU SHOULDN'T CARE.

Fuck you leftards and your double standard hypocrisy bull shit... people are sick of it.

Oh I'm sure Trump is probably not on Viagra as a daily habit.

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