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Ex-lover of Sir Elton John commits suicide.

so, moving on.. As the current President is soon to leave his office and other to take his place, what changes should we be working towards? I see .gifs of Mrs. Clinton having a grand ole time on the web, I see Mr. Trump attacking and being attacked by the Americans. I see riots breaking out in Presidential rallies. I see the 'free people of the land' being allowed with freedom to exercise their sexual liberties even unto abortions. I see the arrivals of new immigrants.

So with the next President, what can or should anyone expect? Many past spoken agendas of current running hopefuls has not been heard by the newly arrived immigrants within the last year or so.

Immigration Statistics Fast Facts - CNN.com

Legal Immigration Statistics:
2014 -
1,016,518 people are granted lawful permanent residence in the United States. The top countries of origin of these "green card" recipients, or LPRs:

Immigration Statistics Fast Facts - CNN.com

For the next twenty years, an average of 10,000 people each day will reach age 65, which has historically been the retirement phase of life. The Baby Boomer Number Game

If this quote is correct at 10,000 new retirees in each day, then in one year there will be 3,650,000 Million retirees in a year? With over 1 Million new Immigrants coming into America each year, that leaves 2,650,000 vacant openings from which the newly retired persons came out of.

So, since 2015 to present, more than 2 Million new Immigrants have arrived, and more than 7 Million U.S. citizens have reached retirement age.

How all this fits into one another can be found out with a little looking into.

Okay, so along with the 10,000 new retiree reached age each day, this also brings in 10,000 new work readied age each day. Add to that the 2,777 new immigrants daily, we can see a slight increase of the total population of America occurring.

As the overall population of America is growing with more and more people of other ethnicities increasing, and as they are introduced into a system to 'question' the U.S. Constitution, could it be possible that sooner or later, the American blooded Americans may be a very small minority in America?

This generation may not be here, but the children or childrens' children of this Generation will be. And so, if the U.S. Constitution is going to be further questioned, should an amendment be added that no questionings of the Constitution would be allowed but only under certain met conditions can the U.S. Constitution be questioned????

Either that or start cleaning up the mess that is already here today in this Generation.

But if over 55% of the total population of America doesn't care about anything other than their own lives, then I would assume that it would be the majority voice that would lead the Country into future endeavors.
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The wisest way to live in Today's time is to be responsible for what is in your responsibility to be responsible for. Being dutiful and responsible can never get too wrong. And and but, there are many individuals whose responsibilities is to gain as much self profit as they can.

Not to throw in oil into the gears, but the average pay a human trafficker gets in one month is over 25,000 dollars.


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Oklahoma is one STATE in the Nation of the United States. If the other States start losing their 'righteousness', this is a sort of thing they can expect to see happening in their States. It may NOT be human trafficking but it will be something else. And so, as the ex-Lover's suicide to Elton John has been shared to all, to be in places where unrighteous doings are occurring is not a wise thing to be involved with.
It's going to be very difficult to defend righteousness if there are no 'pillars of Righteousness' within places where defense will be needed.

And, as the U.S. Constitution was written in Righteousness, without proper defense and constant attack, the U.S. Constitution will crumble to the formings of the New America.
Elton John Lost Lover to Suicide

"Saying it’s “the right timing,” Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality. "I had absolutely no idea in the world he was going to do this," says the singer. "He threw himself under a truck." The revelation comes after the opening of a play John and Furnish produced together about the relationship between two gay men, one a Christian.

“There was so much grief," Sir Elton tells the Telegraph. Furnish elaborates on the sad story. “He was so tortured by the conflicting views between his sexuality and his strong religious beliefs that he chose to take his own life,” he says of the flame, unnamed "out of respect” for the family. But now, “it's the right timing for this. The religious divide between Right and Left has gotten wider, and so the rights of gay people never got back to where it was heading.”'


It's sad to think that the ex-Lover of Elton John did commit suicide according to Elton John and current lover, David Furnish. Both have agreed that Elton's ex lover committed suicide over the struggles of the homosexuality and Christianity, which the former lover was part of.

Not only would have the ex lover of Elton John struggled over his identity as a Christian and a homosexual, he would also have had to struggle with Elton John's personal faith and beliefs. Married couples are engaged in each other's faiths as well as worshipping practices, if they are indeed married or in a meaningful relationship. I do not know which faith Elton John is involved with, but his high profile life could also have contributed to his ex lovers' suicide.

Why the former ex lover of Elton John did not leave the relationship but remained in it even while struggling is strange. And how and why both Elton John and the lover did not try to help each other out, is also strange. If I knew my lover was having difficulties with his or her sexuality, I would definitely NOT want to be a part of that person's sexual life to want myself to stick around until he or she commits some kind of act which is too detrimental for any person to witness, first hand.

Ah, Christianity making people feel bad about themselves. Religion is rather strange.
Rome, in the past, could be a valuable lesson for all to learn from. Fall of the Western Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Fall of the Western Roman Empire (also called Fall of the Roman Empire or Fall of Rome) was the process of decline in the Western Roman Empire in which it failed to enforce its rule, and its vast territory was divided into several successor polities. The Roman Empire lost the strengths that had allowed it to exercise effective control; modern historians mention factors including the effectiveness and numbers of the army, the health and numbers of the Roman population, the strength of the economy, the competence of the Emperor, the religious changes of the period, and the efficiency of the civil administration. Increasing pressure from "barbarians" outside Roman culture also contributed greatly to the collapse. The reasons for the collapse are major subjects of the historiography of the ancient world and they inform much modern discourse on state failure.[1][2]

Ecclesiastes 8:11
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." KJV

Who is going to do their jobs dutifully if and when there is no need for any form of Justice but only a hope for love to make everything better?

True, God is Love but God prefers to live more fully within the people who do Justly, also. I think. Could God be pleased to see a person discredit their parents who are in Christ?
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Galatians 6:10

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

God follows His Own Rules, as well.

I pray to God Almighty, in the Name of His Son, that He gives strength to those who want to do right. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Elton John Lost Lover to Suicide

"Saying it’s “the right timing,” Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality. "I had absolutely no idea in the world he was going to do this," says the singer. "He threw himself under a truck." The revelation comes after the opening of a play John and Furnish produced together about the relationship between two gay men, one a Christian.

“There was so much grief," Sir Elton tells the Telegraph. Furnish elaborates on the sad story. “He was so tortured by the conflicting views between his sexuality and his strong religious beliefs that he chose to take his own life,” he says of the flame, unnamed "out of respect” for the family. But now, “it's the right timing for this. The religious divide between Right and Left has gotten wider, and so the rights of gay people never got back to where it was heading.”'


It's sad to think that the ex-Lover of Elton John did commit suicide according to Elton John and current lover, David Furnish. Both have agreed that Elton's ex lover committed suicide over the struggles of the homosexuality and Christianity, which the former lover was part of.

Not only would have the ex lover of Elton John struggled over his identity as a Christian and a homosexual, he would also have had to struggle with Elton John's personal faith and beliefs. Married couples are engaged in each other's faiths as well as worshipping practices, if they are indeed married or in a meaningful relationship. I do not know which faith Elton John is involved with, but his high profile life could also have contributed to his ex lovers' suicide.

Why the former ex lover of Elton John did not leave the relationship but remained in it even while struggling is strange. And how and why both Elton John and the lover did not try to help each other out, is also strange. If I knew my lover was having difficulties with his or her sexuality, I would definitely NOT want to be a part of that person's sexual life to want myself to stick around until he or she commits some kind of act which is too detrimental for any person to witness, first hand.

Ah, Christianity making people feel bad about themselves. Religion is rather strange.
The secular world is just as judgmental probably more so. And has the same effect on a person. Read social media sometime. Not pretty.
Those 'certain' private matters that occur in private settings should remain 'private' and not be made public so as to have the righteous put forth their hand to grab onto.

Psalm 125:3

"For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity." KJV

"The wicked will not rule the land of the godly, for then the godly might be tempted to do wrong." NLT

Those who exploit people's personal weak behaviors as a thing to be esteemed by others, is committing a 'spreading of illnesses' through those who have been contaminated. No one should 'flaunt' full blown AIDS patients as something noteworthy or esteemed after.

It is neither beneficial to the AIDS patient or the general public.

The same can apply to those 'addicted' on substances. No one should 'flaunt' people who are 'addicted' to substances as something all should glorify and/or magnify.

Helping, is one thing. Flaunting something that could be helped, is leading them and all into death.

AND who in their right mind wants ANYONE to be led into death? Surely, he or she wouldn't mind leading themselves into death, then.

Therefore does God say to choose life and not death.

Deuteronomy 30:19
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"

Choosing life means exactly what it says. Life = Blessing NOT cursing.
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Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality.

The article makes this wild leading statement without any primary attribution. Once again, agenda journalism over truth.
Elton John Lost Lover to Suicide

"Saying it’s “the right timing,” Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality. "I had absolutely no idea in the world he was going to do this," says the singer. "He threw himself under a truck." The revelation comes after the opening of a play John and Furnish produced together about the relationship between two gay men, one a Christian.

“There was so much grief," Sir Elton tells the Telegraph. Furnish elaborates on the sad story. “He was so tortured by the conflicting views between his sexuality and his strong religious beliefs that he chose to take his own life,” he says of the flame, unnamed "out of respect” for the family. But now, “it's the right timing for this. The religious divide between Right and Left has gotten wider, and so the rights of gay people never got back to where it was heading.”'


It's sad to think that the ex-Lover of Elton John did commit suicide according to Elton John and current lover, David Furnish. Both have agreed that Elton's ex lover committed suicide over the struggles of the homosexuality and Christianity, which the former lover was part of.

Not only would have the ex lover of Elton John struggled over his identity as a Christian and a homosexual, he would also have had to struggle with Elton John's personal faith and beliefs. Married couples are engaged in each other's faiths as well as worshipping practices, if they are indeed married or in a meaningful relationship. I do not know which faith Elton John is involved with, but his high profile life could also have contributed to his ex lovers' suicide.

Why the former ex lover of Elton John did not leave the relationship but remained in it even while struggling is strange. And how and why both Elton John and the lover did not try to help each other out, is also strange. If I knew my lover was having difficulties with his or her sexuality, I would definitely NOT want to be a part of that person's sexual life to want myself to stick around until he or she commits some kind of act which is too detrimental for any person to witness, first hand.

Ah, Christianity making people feel bad about themselves. Religion is rather strange.
The secular world is just as judgmental probably more so. And has the same effect on a person. Read social media sometime. Not pretty.

True, however a lot of the anti-gay stuff has developed from religious intolerance, it seeps into society.
Elton John Lost Lover to Suicide

"Saying it’s “the right timing,” Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality. "I had absolutely no idea in the world he was going to do this," says the singer. "He threw himself under a truck." The revelation comes after the opening of a play John and Furnish produced together about the relationship between two gay men, one a Christian.

“There was so much grief," Sir Elton tells the Telegraph. Furnish elaborates on the sad story. “He was so tortured by the conflicting views between his sexuality and his strong religious beliefs that he chose to take his own life,” he says of the flame, unnamed "out of respect” for the family. But now, “it's the right timing for this. The religious divide between Right and Left has gotten wider, and so the rights of gay people never got back to where it was heading.”'


It's sad to think that the ex-Lover of Elton John did commit suicide according to Elton John and current lover, David Furnish. Both have agreed that Elton's ex lover committed suicide over the struggles of the homosexuality and Christianity, which the former lover was part of.

Not only would have the ex lover of Elton John struggled over his identity as a Christian and a homosexual, he would also have had to struggle with Elton John's personal faith and beliefs. Married couples are engaged in each other's faiths as well as worshipping practices, if they are indeed married or in a meaningful relationship. I do not know which faith Elton John is involved with, but his high profile life could also have contributed to his ex lovers' suicide.

Why the former ex lover of Elton John did not leave the relationship but remained in it even while struggling is strange. And how and why both Elton John and the lover did not try to help each other out, is also strange. If I knew my lover was having difficulties with his or her sexuality, I would definitely NOT want to be a part of that person's sexual life to want myself to stick around until he or she commits some kind of act which is too detrimental for any person to witness, first hand.

Ah, Christianity making people feel bad about themselves. Religion is rather strange.
The secular world is just as judgmental probably more so. And has the same effect on a person. Read social media sometime. Not pretty.

True, however a lot of the anti-gay stuff has developed from religious intolerance, it seeps into society.
Society doesn't need help to be hateful. Don't blame it on religion.
Blessing εὐλογοῦντες eulogeó

4. of God, to cause to prosper, to make happy, to bestow blessings on, (cf. Winer's Grammar, 32): τινα, Acts 3:26; followed by ἐν with the dative of the blessing, ἐν πάσῃ εὐλογία, with every kind of blessing, Ephesians 1:3

1 Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

Did you know that the sounding word of Barak in Hebrew means, 'bless?'

1288. barak Strong's Hebrew: 1288. בָּרַך (barak) -- to kneel, bless

barak: to kneel, bless
Original Word: בָּרַך
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: barak
Phonetic Spelling: (baw-rak')
Short Definition: blessed

Not to be facetious but do we need to repay Mr. Obama with blessings and not cursings so he may be blessed?

I have just formally repaid Mr. Obama with blessings and not insults or evil so that he may be blessed, just as his name implies. Thanks be to God Almighty in The Name of His Son, Jesus. Amen.

For Barack Obama to regain his lost life which could have occurred because of his involvement with different forms of 'black magic' or 'witchcraft' would be a nice thing for him to regain. Just as every other person needs to get out of their occult doings so as to free themselves from those dark practices, so should Mr. Obama, if he did participate in those doings. And I suppose Mrs. Obama should be more than willing to help Mr. Obama by helping him get better and not worse, if he did practice in those dark things. For her to leave him in that dark world would not be love at all.
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And so, instead of 'flaunting' peoples' weaknesses, those who care should seek to cover and help those who have those weaknesses.
Psalm 64:1
"Hear, God, as I express my concern; protect me from fear of the enemy." ISV

'Hear, God, as I express my concern; cover me from fear of the enemy.' <<< (My rendition but not 'endorsed' by God.)
Elton John Lost Lover to Suicide

"Saying it’s “the right timing,” Elton John and husband David Furnish have revealed that one of the singer’s past lovers committed suicide because he could not reconcile his strong Christian faith with his homosexuality. "I had absolutely no idea in the world he was going to do this," says the singer. "He threw himself under a truck." The revelation comes after the opening of a play John and Furnish produced together about the relationship between two gay men, one a Christian.

“There was so much grief," Sir Elton tells the Telegraph. Furnish elaborates on the sad story. “He was so tortured by the conflicting views between his sexuality and his strong religious beliefs that he chose to take his own life,” he says of the flame, unnamed "out of respect” for the family. But now, “it's the right timing for this. The religious divide between Right and Left has gotten wider, and so the rights of gay people never got back to where it was heading.”'


It's sad to think that the ex-Lover of Elton John did commit suicide according to Elton John and current lover, David Furnish. Both have agreed that Elton's ex lover committed suicide over the struggles of the homosexuality and Christianity, which the former lover was part of.

Not only would have the ex lover of Elton John struggled over his identity as a Christian and a homosexual, he would also have had to struggle with Elton John's personal faith and beliefs. Married couples are engaged in each other's faiths as well as worshipping practices, if they are indeed married or in a meaningful relationship. I do not know which faith Elton John is involved with, but his high profile life could also have contributed to his ex lovers' suicide.

Why the former ex lover of Elton John did not leave the relationship but remained in it even while struggling is strange. And how and why both Elton John and the lover did not try to help each other out, is also strange. If I knew my lover was having difficulties with his or her sexuality, I would definitely NOT want to be a part of that person's sexual life to want myself to stick around until he or she commits some kind of act which is too detrimental for any person to witness, first hand.

Ah, Christianity making people feel bad about themselves. Religion is rather strange.
The secular world is just as judgmental probably more so. And has the same effect on a person. Read social media sometime. Not pretty.

True, however a lot of the anti-gay stuff has developed from religious intolerance, it seeps into society.
Society doesn't need help to be hateful. Don't blame it on religion.

The problem here is that within society you have the "good people" and the "bad people", and religion makes the "good people" make bad decisions because they're following their religion which tells them what to think.

Society doesn't need help in being helpful, but it also doesn't need religion to make things EVEN WORSE!
It's very sad that this man killed himself. Let us pray that he has found peace.

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