Ex Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler from Congressmen's swearing in

If you and your fellow scum just stayed in your tents butt-fucking each other all day and not bothering conservatives, then you would not be shown to be a pussy for the world being dragged around.

The Marine showed restraint that I would've had a hardtime doing....I might've somehow stepped on his head when I walked back to the event.

Would it have been legal for the protester to defend himself against the assault by the ex-cop?
You can't read can you? Off duty cop! Typical cry baby libtard response, sue him.

Ex-cop boots OWS heckler from congressman's swearing-in

Meet New York’s newest hero.
Kevin Hiltunen, a former NYPD officer, yesterday grabbed an Occupy Wall Street demonstrator by the collar and dragged him out of a Queens school where he’d been heckling US Rep. Bob Turner at the congressman’s swearing-in ceremony

Marine vet teaches OWS heckler a lesson - NYPOST.com

Can't read? Typical white conservative tea party fuckstick response.

I never said sue, find where I did. Facts are unimportant to the right wingers.
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And as long as you are btinging up semantics, telling someone "you lie" IS calling them a liar.
I have never seen a more pathetic collection of responses from the board lefties as on this thread.

Whaaa, he should file a lawsuit!

Whaaa, Marines are jerks!

Whaaa, it's his first amendment right!

Whaaa, rightwingers interrupt too!

It's like that piece of shit law professor protesting the care packages for troops. You just want some Marine to come along, grab him by his puny liberal neck, and throw him up against a brick wall so hard every rib in his ribcage breaks.

Of course, no Marine would do that. Probably what they'd do is say, 'Well, he's got his right to speak."

Which kind of shows you who's better.

The guy who tried to interrupt the swearing in was a douche.

So was the guy who kicked him out.

The right-wing underlying mindset - use violence to sort out your problems. There is a reason most US right-wing loons love the military and their pea shooters....

Another misuse of the word violence. There was no violence here. Tossing someone out of a building isn't violent. Violence requires an intent to harm.
You're a typical shithead that needs your head bashed in.

I'm for peace and stability, don't get in my zone. So if you show at an event to stir up trouble, expect it to be returned.

The point is assholes like you try to use the law in your favor. You spit on people, throw stuff at them, shout them down but then run like a little girl to the police if the people react.

You're the asshole at the sports event spilling beer on others, talking shit, blocking people's view of the game, etc but then expect the security to protect you from other fans that don't like you.

Sometimes the police and security look the other way and let scum like you get what you deserve....so the advice is leave us alone if you want your head in one piece.

No these pieces of shit need to be taught a lesson they will never forget.

They are the ones that shoutdown conservatives at events, attack the police, ruin businesses....but then run to the police when someone beats the shit out of them for being scum of all scum.

Like I said, the police should give normal Americans 24 hours to clean up these scum without law recourse. It will change the mentality and bravery of these scumbags to repeat their bullshit.

Typical Mitt Romney voter.

Good lord dude, get some decaf and some Thorazine.
Misquoting hardly makes him a liar. especially when i doubt he intended it.

now you say you called no one a liar?

Man! you are getting pathalogical about it.

Yeah. I called no one a liar. Quite the opposite. I said you weren't a liar.

Nothing pathalogical about reality.

Who cares really....?

I dont.

There is NO comparison here, and uscitizen knows it!

He is doing nothing but deflecting to be clever, and clever he is'nt.... just simply silly.
If you and your fellow scum just stayed in your tents butt-fucking each other all day and not bothering conservatives, then you would not be shown to be a pussy for the world being dragged around.

The Marine showed restraint that I would've had a hardtime doing....I might've somehow stepped on his had when I walked back to the event.

You can't read can you? Off duty cop! Typical cry baby libtard response, sue him.

Ex-cop boots OWS heckler from congressman's swearing-in

Meet New York’s newest hero.
Kevin Hiltunen, a former NYPD officer, yesterday grabbed an Occupy Wall Street demonstrator by the collar and dragged him out of a Queens school where he’d been heckling US Rep. Bob Turner at the congressman’s swearing-in ceremony

Marine vet teaches OWS heckler a lesson - NYPOST.com

Can't read? Typical white conservative tea party fuckstick response.

I never said sue, find where I did. Facts are unimportant to the right wingers.

I don't protest and I don't believe in nonviolence so you won't see me wasting my time at an OWS rally. I'd rather be at the range honing my skills and preparing.
If you and your fellow scum just stayed in your tents butt-fucking each other all day and not bothering conservatives, then you would not be shown to be a pussy for the world being dragged around.

The Marine showed restraint that I would've had a hardtime doing....I might've somehow stepped on his head when I walked back to the event.

But what on earth would that have accomplished? You beat the crap out of him. You end up going to prison for over a year. He becomes a hero for his cause. He goes on the talk show circuit promoting his screwed up values and you get anally raped in prison. How has that fixed a thing?
You would be gone in the first 10 minutes.

You left-wing anarchists talk a lot of shit but in the end you would be wiped out by us. The police will raise the bar of violence on you each day until you go away....but if you ever cause chaos across the country, then hell will come down on you.

Just watch the The Unforgiven where Clint Eastwood threatens the town before he leaves....

No these pieces of shit need to be taught a lesson they will never forget.

They are the ones that shoutdown conservatives at events, attack the police, ruin businesses....but then run to the police when someone beats the shit out of them for being scum of all scum.

Like I said, the police should give normal Americans 24 hours to clean up these scum without law recourse. It will change the mentality and bravery of these scumbags to repeat their bullshit.

No. that would have been overkill and inappropriate. Had he done that he would be facing criminal charges and rightly so.

Should I have the right to shot to defend during the without law recourse.
Is Infidel man enough to apologize for wrongly calling me a liar?

or do I have to grab him by the digital collar and drag him to the Romper Room?

Are you going to man up about being wrong about assault?

At Common Law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.

Generally, the essential elements of assault consist of an act intended to cause an apprehension of harmful or offensive contact that causes apprehension of such contact in the victim.

The act required for an assault must be overt. Although words alone are insufficient, they might create an assault when coupled with some action that indicates the ability to carry out the threat. A mere threat to harm is not an assault; however, a threat combined with a raised fist might be sufficient if it causes a reasonable apprehension of harm in the victim.

Intent is an essential element of assault. In tort law, it can be specific intent—if the assailant intends to cause the apprehension of harmful or offensive contact in the victim—or general intent—if he or she intends to do the act that causes such apprehension. In addition, the intent element is satisfied if it is substantially certain, to a reasonable person, that the act will cause the result. A defendant who holds a gun to a victim's head possesses the requisite intent, since it is substantially certain that this act will produce an apprehension in the victim. In all cases, intent to kill or harm is irrelevant.


so no apology is necessary from me, how about from you?

"In all cases, intent to kill or harm is irrelevant."

I am waiting for your admission of being wrong.
now you say you called no one a liar?

Man! you are getting pathalogical about it.

Yeah. I called no one a liar. Quite the opposite. I said you weren't a liar.

Nothing pathalogical about reality.

Who cares really....?

I dont.

There is NO comparison here, and uscitizen knows it!

He is doing nothing but deflecting to be clever, and clever he is'nt.... just simply silly.

He already conceded by the deflection, so I dont mind the conversation. give him his "win" to satisfy his pride. Not really going to matter.
now you say you called no one a liar?

Man! you are getting pathalogical about it.

Yeah. I called no one a liar. Quite the opposite. I said you weren't a liar.

Nothing pathalogical about reality.

Who cares really....?

I dont.

There is NO comparison here, and uscitizen knows it!

He is doing nothing but deflecting to be clever, and clever he is'nt.... just simply silly.
Not silly...just disingenuous.
I don't protest and I don't believe in nonviolence so you won't see me wasting my time at an OWS rally. I'd rather be at the range honing my skills and preparing.

OWS doesnt believe in non-violence either.
Sorry, not all of us are familiar with your psychotic drugs to try to stabilize you.

You're a typical shithead that needs your head bashed in.

I'm for peace and stability, don't get in my zone. So if you show at an event to stir up trouble, expect it to be returned.

The point is assholes like you try to use the law in your favor. You spit on people, throw stuff at them, shout them down but then run like a little girl to the police if the people react.

You're the asshole at the sports event spilling beer on others, talking shit, blocking people's view of the game, etc but then expect the security to protect you from other fans that don't like you.

Sometimes the police and security look the other way and let scum like you get what you deserve....so the advice is leave us alone if you want your head in one piece.

Typical Mitt Romney voter.

Good lord dude, get some decaf and some Thorazine.
The police already have you on their "pick up first" list.

You would be sitting in jail with your fellow left-wing scum before you could rob your local grocery store.

If you and your fellow scum just stayed in your tents butt-fucking each other all day and not bothering conservatives, then you would not be shown to be a pussy for the world being dragged around.

The Marine showed restraint that I would've had a hardtime doing....I might've somehow stepped on his had when I walked back to the event.

Ex-cop boots OWS heckler from congressman's swearing-in

Meet New York’s newest hero.
Kevin Hiltunen, a former NYPD officer, yesterday grabbed an Occupy Wall Street demonstrator by the collar and dragged him out of a Queens school where he’d been heckling US Rep. Bob Turner at the congressman’s swearing-in ceremony

Marine vet teaches OWS heckler a lesson - NYPOST.com

Can't read? Typical white conservative tea party fuckstick response.

I never said sue, find where I did. Facts are unimportant to the right wingers.

I don't protest and I don't believe in nonviolence so you won't see me wasting my time at an OWS rally. I'd rather be at the range honing my skills and preparing.

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