Ex-President Obama Has / Is Engaged in SEDITION, SUBVERSION, & CONSPIRACY


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
FROM THE START, the actions taken by Obama and the Obama administration was a threat to this nation's actions:

Obama had one of the most NON-Transparent, secretive administrations in US history, despite his promise to bring the opposite. The man violated - BROKE THE LAW - the FOIA 75% of the time, refusing to release information he was required to by law. BY LAW the man and many in his administration SHOULD BE in jail right now.

He and his staff used not only personal e-mail accounts and their own servers to illegally by-pass the FOIA AND the Federal Records Act but they also used 'aliases', proving 'INTENT'.

The Washington Post came up with their latest slogan, which is pretty corny but 'SPOT ON' - Democracy dies in the dark. While he OPENLY defied both Constitution and Law, he and many in his administration secretly conducted government business and pushed their own agendas.

- That means ANYONE - Bush, Clinton, Obama...


It has now been proven that Barak Obama - fearing Hillary would lose, fearing everything he had accomplished over 8 years, fearing his legacy would be wiped out - targeted Trump and his team / cabinet members in his last days in office, coming up with the seditious plan that is being carried out today...violating the law, as CNN pointed out, in collecting some of the information he acquired...then sharing it with 16 different agencies, counting on them to illegally leak it once Trump and his team were in office.

(Doing so was no problem for Obama, as he had already illegally spied on citizens, reporters, the media, and even Congress when he was in office. 'Watergate'? The shit he pulled blows Watergate out of the Water. Nixon was busted for the cover-up, not the crime. And that's not even counting abusing the power of the IRS to target political groups to prevent them from having an impact on an election.)

Collecting some of this information - violation of law. Leaking this information - violation of the law. Crimes have been and are being committed to 'take down' the newly elected govt / administration. The Ex-President has been identified as having taken part and is openly meeting with ex-members of his staff to continue to do so.

Liberals / Snowflakes may not like what is about to be said, but it is FACT:

What is going on, what the Ex-President and his loyal followers have done and are doing is called 'SEDITION'. Sedition is defined as "Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch".

Sedition is "overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority."
-- SUBVERSION: "The undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution."

Through his actions and the actions of others, Barak Obama, the EX-President of the United States, has engaged in and is engaging in Seditious and Subversive acts against the federal Government, specifically the newly elected Trump administration.

Furthermore: CONSPIRACY:
"In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future. Criminal law in some countries or for some conspiracies may require that at least one overt act must also have been undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an offense."

It has been proven that in his last days in office Obama ordered Aides to save the information that he had his Intel community collect on Trump and his team, released that information to 16 Intel Agencies arguably with the intent to illegally leak / have that info illegally leaked in the future - once Trump was in office....WHICH HAS HAPPENED.

These acts are BY DEFINITION are A 'CONSPIRACY'.

Now Valarie Jarrett is reportedly moving in with the Obamas to plan other ways to oppose, undermine, and 'take down' the newly elected government / administration.

Obama has become a 'domestic enemy' of the United States, having engaged in and continuing to engage in Seditious, Subversive, and Conspiratorial acts against the Government of the United States, specifically the President and his Cabinet, engaging in illegal activities to do so. Those 'members' of his 'team' - WH Aides and Intel Agency members - have also broken the law by leaking information, continue to do so, and will continue to do so.

Willingly or unwillingly, intentionally or not, the Democratic Party itself has participated in this Conspiratorial, seditious assault on the new administration.

The 'Russia' False Narrative was concocted and executed to distract from the facts that the DNC rigged their election and their e-mails were hacked, revealing them to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. It was also a key piece to push the False Narrative that Trump and members of his staff / Cabinet were 'treasonously' connected to the Russians. This narrative has been used as a weapon against the Trump administration even though none of it has been proven true and what has been proven true has been blown out of proportion and been made into a 'scandal'
- The Russians did not hack US election Systems / Machines...although President Obama and his DHS 'illegally' attempted to hack both Georgia's and Indiana's election systems while attempting to seize control of all state election systems, trying to cite the need to do so as their being 'critical vulnerable infrastructure'.

- Only DNC-damaging e-mails were hacked and released.

- The FBI has already declared there is no connection between Trump and Russia/Putin, a fact the liberals continue to ignore during their attacks

- Flynn's acts were found not to be illegal, not improper, at all. The only reason Flynn himself chose to step down was because he did not reveal his contacts with Russian Reps to VP Pence.

- Despite what the seditious liberals are trying to declare now, Sessions did not meet with any Russians in the capacity as a Trump Team member. The accusations against Sessions now are nothing more than more 'smoke and mirrors', a continuation of the ORCHESTRATED 'conspiracy' being carried out against the Trump administration.

Valerie Jarret moving in with the Obamas, Obama staying in DC, and his starting up his own group and declaring he intends to help 'lead the Democratic Party back to prominence' (when he was the one to personally destroy it)
only proves further that Barak Obama does not intend to STOP plotting and carrying out his seditious, subversive conspiratorial acts against the newly elected US govt.


Report: Former Obama officials leaked to take down Flynn because he wanted to expose the Iran deal - Hot Air

CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Report: Valerie Jarrett Moves in With Obama to Set Up Anti-Trump 'Nerve Center'
I don't think Obama has asked liberals to stop the violence and hateful language enough. Cleary he supports the efforts to overthrow the government.

Warning: This is a liberal attack method, which is being deployed against them.
FROM THE START, the actions taken by Obama and the Obama administration was a threat to this nation's actions:

Obama had one of the most NON-Transparent, secretive administrations in US history, despite his promise to bring the opposite. The man violated - BROKE THE LAW - the FOIA 75% of the time, refusing to release information he was required to by law. BY LAW the man and many in his administration SHOULD BE in jail right now.

He and his staff used not only personal e-mail accounts and their own servers to illegally by-pass the FOIA AND the Federal Records Act but they also used 'aliases', proving 'INTENT'.

The Washington Post came up with their latest slogan, which is pretty corny but 'SPOT ON' - Democracy dies in the dark. While he OPENLY defied both Constitution and Law, he and many in his administration secretly conducted government business and pushed their own agendas.

- That means ANYONE - Bush, Clinton, Obama...


It has now been proven that Barak Obama - fearing Hillary would lose, fearing everything he had accomplished over 8 years, fearing his legacy would be wiped out - targeted Trump and his team / cabinet members in his last days in office, coming up with the seditious plan that is being carried out today...violating the law, as CNN pointed out, in collecting some of the information he acquired...then sharing it with 16 different agencies, counting on them to illegally leak it once Trump and his team were in office.

(Doing so was no problem for Obama, as he had already illegally spied on citizens, reporters, the media, and even Congress when he was in office. 'Watergate'? The shit he pulled blows Watergate out of the Water. Nixon was busted for the cover-up, not the crime. And that's not even counting abusing the power of the IRS to target political groups to prevent them from having an impact on an election.)

Collecting some of this information - violation of law. Leaking this information - violation of the law. Crimes have been and are being committed to 'take down' the newly elected govt / administration. The Ex-President has been identified as having taken part and is openly meeting with ex-members of his staff to continue to do so.

Liberals / Snowflakes may not like what is about to be said, but it is FACT:

What is going on, what the Ex-President and his loyal followers have done and are doing is called 'SEDITION'. Sedition is defined as "Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch".

Sedition is "overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority."
-- SUBVERSION: "The undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution."

Through his actions and the actions of others, Barak Obama, the EX-President of the United States, has engaged in and is engaging in Seditious and Subversive acts against the federal Government, specifically the newly elected Trump administration.

Furthermore: CONSPIRACY:
"In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future. Criminal law in some countries or for some conspiracies may require that at least one overt act must also have been undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an offense."

It has been proven that in his last days in office Obama ordered Aides to save the information that he had his Intel community collect on Trump and his team, released that information to 16 Intel Agencies arguably with the intent to illegally leak / have that info illegally leaked in the future - once Trump was in office....WHICH HAS HAPPENED.

These acts are BY DEFINITION are A 'CONSPIRACY'.

Now Valarie Jarrett is reportedly moving in with the Obamas to plan other ways to oppose, undermine, and 'take down' the newly elected government / administration.

Obama has become a 'domestic enemy' of the United States, having engaged in and continuing to engage in Seditious, Subversive, and Conspiratorial acts against the Government of the United States, specifically the President and his Cabinet, engaging in illegal activities to do so. Those 'members' of his 'team' - WH Aides and Intel Agency members - have also broken the law by leaking information, continue to do so, and will continue to do so.

Willingly or unwillingly, intentionally or not, the Democratic Party itself has participated in this Conspiratorial, seditious assault on the new administration.

The 'Russia' False Narrative was concocted and executed to distract from the facts that the DNC rigged their election and their e-mails were hacked, revealing them to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. It was also a key piece to push the False Narrative that Trump and members of his staff / Cabinet were 'treasonously' connected to the Russians. This narrative has been used as a weapon against the Trump administration even though none of it has been proven true and what has been proven true has been blown out of proportion and been made into a 'scandal'
- The Russians did not hack US election Systems / Machines...although President Obama and his DHS 'illegally' attempted to hack both Georgia's and Indiana's election systems while attempting to seize control of all state election systems, trying to cite the need to do so as their being 'critical vulnerable infrastructure'.

- Only DNC-damaging e-mails were hacked and released.

- The FBI has already declared there is no connection between Trump and Russia/Putin, a fact the liberals continue to ignore during their attacks

- Flynn's acts were found not to be illegal, not improper, at all. The only reason Flynn himself chose to step down was because he did not reveal his contacts with Russian Reps to VP Pence.

- Despite what the seditious liberals are trying to declare now, Sessions did not meet with any Russians in the capacity as a Trump Team member. The accusations against Sessions now are nothing more than more 'smoke and mirrors', a continuation of the ORCHESTRATED 'conspiracy' being carried out against the Trump administration.

Valerie Jarret moving in with the Obamas, Obama staying in DC, and his starting up his own group and declaring he intends to help 'lead the Democratic Party back to prominence' (when he was the one to personally destroy it)
only proves further that Barak Obama does not intend to STOP plotting and carrying out his seditious, subversive conspiratorial acts against the newly elected US govt.


Report: Former Obama officials leaked to take down Flynn because he wanted to expose the Iran deal - Hot Air

CONFIRMED: Obama Admin Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House

Report: Valerie Jarrett Moves in With Obama to Set Up Anti-Trump 'Nerve Center'

So you are upset that Trumps Cabinet is being exposed, not that Trumps cabinet is corrupt...


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