Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

I've seen some of them claim that the violence only came from Antifa and the FBI. And BLM. And anyone else they can blame.

So I guess the Trumpsters who pleaded guilty and begged for mercy were plants.

Who knows with these people. Life is a fantasy movie they create as they go.

Of course. Lastmender is shilling that blithering dipshit nonsense right now, insisting that the only violence that occurred on J6 was from feds and the police.

There is literally no act, violence or crime that they won't justify through ideological extremism or delusional conspiracy.

Which is why they just shrugged when Trump called for the termination of the constitution.
You can overthrow the US by "stalling"? :cuckoo:
Actually you can, because certain constitutional and laws under the constitution automatically kick in when events don't happen on time.

If an election isn't settled by the time the EC has to vote,

If they can't get to 270 for a candidate in counting the EC votes.

If congress can't decide on a president, or both president and vice president by January 20th.

Then the laws and the constitution kick in to invoke different results.
Given what passes for insurrection or revolution these days, I think people would likely soil their britches if they ever truly witnessed the real thing.

From who?

Remember, those calling for 'civil war' aren't gonna fight in it. The fighting is something someone *else* has to do.

You'll get a handful of deluded right wing domestic terrorists waging jihad on the US government or State government who are put down/imprisoned.....and then a whole lot of chest beating from internet chickenshits who call for violence they won't put their own lives on the line to enact.
Dude, he's spouted the SAME anti-goverment rhetoric that your 'civil war' supporters do. Do you think you're ANY different? Do you think cops are going to switch sides to join your little domestic terrorist movement.....just because you view this as some grand ideological battle between 'patriots' and the 'left'?

Of course not.

To local law enforcement, you're just another deluded dipshit that needs to be put down or captured when you start hurting people and targeting cops.

Just like local LEO didn't run to join your ilk on January 6th as they attacked cops and the capitol.

Just like local LEO didn't run to join Ricky Schiffer when he attacked an FBI building after Maralago was raided.

Your 'civil war' is just generic terrorism and treason. None of which most 'local LEO' are going to run to join.

You're hopelessly deluded.

Back then the federal government wasn't being used a political tool for the establishment left.

Local, Feds, Local, Feds, Local, Feds, cats eating your liver when you die.....
Of course. Lastmender is shilling that blithering dipshit nonsense right now, insisting that the only violence that occurred on J6 was from feds and the police.

There is literally no act, violence or crime that they won't justify through ideological extremism or delusional conspiracy.

Which is why they just shrugged when Trump called for the termination of the constitution.
My interest in politics, strangely enough, isn't even political. It's sociological. And I try to look for historical sociological comparisons for this time.

It's difficult to find any that are not pretty grim, and that don't end poorly for pretty much everyone.

There has to be a bottom. There has to be a point at which enough key people say enough, before it's too late. But it doesn't appear that we're even close to that.
Actually you can, because certain constitutional and laws under the constitution automatically kick in when events don't happen on time.

If an election isn't settled by the time the EC has to vote,

If they can't get to 270 for a candidate in counting the EC votes.

If congress can't decide on a president, or both president and vice president by January 20th.

Then the laws and the constitution kick in to invoke different results.
You are a god damn fool if you think any of our elections rules would apply if Congress was held hostage. :cuckoo:
I've seen some of them claim that the violence only came from Antifa and the FBI. And BLM. And anyone else they can blame.

So I guess the Trumpsters who pleaded guilty and begged for mercy were plants.

Who knows with these people. Life is a fantasy movie they create as they go.

They could do a reboot of The X Files, but call it The Q Files. They WANT to believe!
Youve obviously not seen the footage.
I've been there.

I also took the trouble to provide a link which describes just how big it is.

You clearly have no critical thinking skills. The House chamber alone has seating for the entire House, the Senate, the Cabinet, and the Supreme Court justices during the State of the Union. That's over 550 seats.

Then you have the press gallery above that chamber.

Then you have the Senate chamber.

Then you have all those hallways, and over 500 offices.

About 20,000 people a day visit the Capitol visitor center.

Then there is the cafeteria which has seating for over 500 people.

You have absolutely no sense of how big a place it is.

You could easily fit several thousand more people than invaded on January 6.
I've seen some of them claim that the violence only came from Antifa and the FBI. And BLM. And anyone else they can blame.

So I guess the Trumpsters who pleaded guilty and begged for mercy were plants.

Who knows with these people. Life is a fantasy movie they create as they go.
We know why they pleaded guilty. Threats and intimidation by the fascists running things,
Back then the federal government wasn't being used a political tool for the establishment left.

Local, Feds, Local, Feds, Local, Feds, cats eating your liver when you die.....

You always run into the same problem Marty......the one that most 3 year olds figure out by the time they're 4. They stand in front of the TV, and assume that because they can see the TV, so can everyone else.

They learn. These toddlers quickly realize that their view isn't everyone's view.

But you never did. You keep assuming that because YOU view this as some grand ideological battle to stop the 'federal government being used as a political tool' (or whateverr else you make up to justify your ilk's violence), that local LEO will view your ilk killing people and attacking cops...

.....and use YOUR reasoning when they abandoned their jobs and join your domestic terrorist movement?


To them, you're just another dipshit terrorist hurting people and targeting cops. And they'll treat you did McVeigh, Schiffer, and the J6 defendants.
You are a god damn fool if you think any of our elections rules would apply if Congress was held hostage. :cuckoo:

If you could hold congress hostage between January 6th and January 20th following a presidential election, and the speaker of the house becomes acting president.
You always run into the same problem Marty......the one that most 3 year olds figure out by the time they're 4. They stand in front of the TV, and assume that because they can see the TV, so can everyone else.

They learn. These toddlers quickly realize that their view isn't everyone's view.

But you never did. You keep assuming that because YOU view this as some grand ideological battle to stop the 'federal government being used as a political tool' (or whateverr else you make up to justify your ilk's violence), that local LEO will view your ilk killing people and attacking cops...

.....and use YOUR reasoning when they abandoned their jobs and join your domestic terrorist movement?


To them, you're just another dipshit terrorist hurting people and targeting cops. And they'll treat you did McVeigh, Schiffer, and the J6 defendants.
What's the old saying -- "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".

They're conditioned to squeeze every last possible thing into their strict, insulated worldview. No matter how absurd. They're always the victims, the other guy is always bad, Satan Hitler Commie.

Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

Mercy. All five of them hellbent on revolution without weapons or even a molotov cocktail or two and no plan? I wonder how many Capitol Police, Secret Service personnel, and National Guardsmen would have been necessary to put down that existential threat to our democracy?
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