Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Yes, a mechanism is needed to accuse people of a coup, or an insurrection, or sedition.
That mechanism is already defined...

"an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence."

My interest in politics, strangely enough, isn't even political. It's sociological. And I try to look for historical sociological comparisons for this time.

It's difficult to find any that are not pretty grim, and that don't end poorly for pretty much everyone.

There has to be a bottom. There has to be a point at which enough key people say enough, before it's too late. But it doesn't appear that we're even close to that.

There is. Most of these guys are old, old white guys.....Trump's age or within 10 years. The world has changed around them and no longer offers the same level of deference or privilege it did in the past. They feel vulnerable and want to feel powerful again, like when they were younger.

Its what makes the Make America Great Again ideology so attractive to them. They want a restoration of when they had control, when they could impose their views onto an unwilling minority.

But they're old. And the attrition of time will weed out a lot of this unearned sense of entitlement.
There is. Most of these guys are old, old white guys.....Trump's age or within 10 years. The world has changed around them and no longer offers the same level of deference or privilege it did in the past. They feel vulnerable and want to feel powerful again, like when they were younger.

Its what makes the Make America Great Again ideology so attractive to them. They want a restoration of when they had control, when they could impose their views onto an unwilling minority.

But they're old. And the attrition of time will weed out a lot of this unearned sense of entitlement.
I assume you mean that there will be fewer of them for the overall group to have to much influence. Surely many of them are younger, too. Look at MTG and Boebert and the other Talk Radio True Believers.
Yes. The insurrection failed. We are lucky our representatives chose to overlook potential harm from radicalized Trump supporters, and got back to work performing their constitutional obligation after the failed insurrection.
Dodged the question
At days end congress had been impeded and unable to complete absolutely nothing.
What's the old saying -- "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".

They're conditioned to squeeze every last possible thing into their strict, insulated worldview. No matter how absurd. They're always the victims, the other guy is always bad, Satan Hitler Commie.


I think 'every accusation is a confession' covers it nicely.

As what they are accusing other folks of doing.....is what they're trying to justify
What's the old saying -- "When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail".

They're conditioned to squeeze every last possible thing into their strict, insulated worldview. No matter how absurd. They're always the victims, the other guy is always bad, Satan Hitler Commie.


I think 'every accusation is a confession' covers it nicely.

As what they are accusing other folks of doing.....is what they're trying to justify
Maybe you two could get a room?
Obama never attacked a single cop.

Your ilk injured dozens. All to try and violently overthrow a lawful election and impose your right wing power that the people never granted you.

No thank you. Your delusions don't justify anything your ilk did.
In the famous beer garden make up Obama called police “frequently stupid” a few days beforehand

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