Ex-Senator Tom Coburn, fiscal hawk & earmarks enemy from Oklahoma who wanted to "smash the DC monopoly", dies after year-long battle with cancer

he was known as Dr No, because he voted No on all spending increases and porkulus bills!
Sen Coburn was a great senator, no doubt about it. A real citizen-legislator, he was a tremendous physician in southern Oklahoma. He noticed and became concerned about a large increase in lesbianism in the high schools in that part of his beloved state, and decided to do something about it by running for Congress and eventually the senate.

A great role model, no doubt about it.
"He was unwavering in his conservative values, but he had deep & meaningful friendships with people from all political & personal backgrounds.

Dr. Coburn will be remembered by many around the country for his work in Congress, but in Oklahoma, he will be remembered as a physician, a Sunday School teacher, and a mentor. He delivered over 4,000 babies and cared for thousands of moms in Muskogee. "

he was a proponent of a balanced budget amendment, but lost faith in Washington to achieve it
This guy was a true fiscal conservative. He will now be turning over in his grave seeing what Congress has just did with the crisis bill.
Coburn famously said he "celebrated" liberal GOP Sen Dick Lugar's loss in the GOP primary in Indiana

if only the rest of the country would follow the lead of my home state, my friends!
Coburn opposed the war in iraq, and criticized defense spending. he opposed abortion except health of the mother.

he was a man of principles, doing God's work in Sin City!
"i was relieved to leave the Senate and finally stop banging my head against the wall" - Tenacious Tom
" Doctor Tom Coburn dedicated his life to others, caring for expectant mothers and delivering thousands of children in his local community. " - Wyoming Sen Dr John Big Cat Barrasso
Coburn was a foot soldier in the Gingrich Revolution in 94. he wore "Cut Spending 1st" buttons
Coburn was once offered 15 million dollars of pork for his district. he rejected it and exposed it to the public.
Tom Coburn once said, "All change starts with a distant rumble at the grassroots level." Are you ready?
"you'd be amazed at how much government you'd never miss!" - Tenacious Tom Coburn
He was a doctor. He delivered babies. If he screwed up, if he failed to know exactly what he was doing, if he decided to grandstand in the delivery room, somebody would die.

Such principles, of course, run counter to all that Washington stands for today.

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