ex-Trump WH Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: China Is a Bigger Threat to US Than Russia


Ummm…..You do realize that if you make $16 million, you end up with $10million after taxes

Where is the other $90 million?
Oh, look at the Nazi squirm after being exposed as an outright liar.

Hey, the ChiCom's got you to use DNC shitrag "Business Insider," which is less reputable than DailyKOS. You KNEW they were lying - anything they post is a lie.
Oh, look at the Nazi squirm after being exposed as an outright liar.

Hey, the ChiCom's got you to use DNC shitrag "Business Insider," which is less reputable than DailyKOS. You KNEW they were lying - anything they post is a lie.
Show me the $100 million!
Show me the $100 million!
Water cant be wet. Things that come into contact with water get wet. :p
Off topic, but this stuff will make your engine run about ten or fifteen degrees cooler. It's good stuff.

First off, the game you ChiCom's play is really stupid. "Real Clear Politics" is far more reliable for factual reporting than say, Jeff Bezo's personal hate blog or the Voice of the Reich.

And "50 investigations" into Biden's corruption? I mean - you're going to lie - it's what you do. Of course there have bene ZERO investigations into the massive, open, and in your face corruption of Quid Pro Bought and Paid for Joe Biden. In fact, when there was a treaty obligation to investigate and expose the massive embezzlement scheme Quid Pro was engaged in with Burisma, using his crackhead as a mule, your vassals, the Nazi democrats, impeached Trump to block the investigation.

All you ChiCom's do is lie - which isn't a surprise - you're looking to destroy America, using the Vichy democrats are your pawns.

You got any evidence of that or are we just supposed to take YOUR word for it????

I read your "Quid Pro Joe" blither and once again, you're long on slander and innuendo and short on anything that looks like a fact. The Senate Investigated that whole lie that Biden fired the prosecutor to save his son, and found out that Biden did no such thing.

Not only has that lie been completely debunked, it was debunked by Mitch McConnell's Republican Senate, and Senate Judiciary Committee, and found to be a lie.

Last but not least, I'm not Chinese, and I am not and have never been a communist. And then you accuse me of trying to destroy America. When you point your finger at somone else, there are 4 pointing back at you. Every time you clowns get the White House, you crash the economy again. Nothing is more destructive to your people than Republican economic policies.
Yes China should be the bigger threat but we are determined to make it seem like it is Russia.
You got any evidence of that or are we just supposed to take YOUR word for it????

I read your "Quid Pro Joe" blither and once again, you're long on slander and innuendo and short on anything that looks like a fact. The Senate Investigated that whole lie that Biden fired the prosecutor to save his son, and found out that Biden did no such thing.

Not only has that lie been completely debunked, it was debunked by Mitch McConnell's Republican Senate, and Senate Judiciary Committee, and found to be a lie.

The Voice of the Reich sits behind a pay wall, and only a fucking retard would pay those shits anything - ever.

Did Biden engage in Quid Pro Quo to force Ukraine to fire Shokin, who was investigating his corruption?

What's really amusing is not only does Quid Pro brag about blackmailing Zelenskyy, proving that both you and the Voice of the Reich are shameless liars, at the end the moron pontificates on how "Russia won't roll in with tanks " - Bought and Paid for is such a fucking moron... :lol:

Last but not least, I'm not Chinese, and I am not and have never been a communist. And then you accuse me of trying to destroy America. When you point your finger at somone else, there are 4 pointing back at you. Every time you clowns get the White House, you crash the economy again. Nothing is more destructive to your people than Republican economic policies.

Sure - no doubt that is as true as everything else you post....

Oh and - Quid Pro is in the Resident, defiling the White House, he and the Nazi party crashed the economy.

AND let's not forget that it was your country, and your vassals, the Vichy democrats, who unleashed the Wuhan bioweapon on America to crash Trumps amazing economy.

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