Exactly how did US roads and bridges build the first auto?

"sugar and water make kool aid"

what frank responds:

"you have water, where's all the kool aid?"

insert CF corny quip about actual kool aid here:
The inventors and builders of the first automobiles didn't build the roads and streets the cars were driven on. They were already built and maintained by government.

That coincides exactly with what Obama said.

Yes and Rome and Egypt and Greece had roads and bridges 2,000 years before Karl Marx was born but industry flourished in the USA and not in those other countries. That's not because of our "roads and bridges" it's because we used to embrace Free Enterprise and entrepreneurship. Unfortunately Democrats who run most of the government are economically to the left of both the ChiComs and Vietnamese Communists
The inventors and builders of the first automobiles didn't build the roads and streets the cars were driven on. They were already built and maintained by government.

That coincides exactly with what Obama said.

Yes and Rome and Egypt and Greece had roads and bridges 2,000 years before Karl Marx was born but industry flourished in the USA and not in those other countries. That's not because of our "roads and bridges" it's because we used to embrace Free Enterprise and entrepreneurship. Unfortunately Democrats who run most of the government are economically to the left of both the ChiComs and Vietnamese Communists

roads and bridges helped.

they weren't the only ingredient, dummy.

"roads and bridges, teachers, entrepreneurs, loans, family all helped with your success"

frank responds:

"i see a road in a third world country, where's all the businesses!?!?!"

dumbfukkk is dumbfukkk
"you need cheese, macaroni, water, a pot, a stove, an oven, breadcrumbs, butter and milk for my homemade mac and cheese"

frank responds:

"yo son, you got butter where's all your mac and cheesE?!?!?!?!" (pats self on back).

This cat is a straight up cartoon character.
The inventors and builders of the first automobiles didn't build the roads and streets the cars were driven on. They were already built and maintained by government.

That coincides exactly with what Obama said.

Yes and Rome and Egypt and Greece had roads and bridges 2,000 years before Karl Marx was born but industry flourished in the USA and not in those other countries. That's not because of our "roads and bridges" it's because we used to embrace Free Enterprise and entrepreneurship. Unfortunately Democrats who run most of the government are economically to the left of both the ChiComs and Vietnamese Communists

Rome, Egypt, and Greece did not flourish? WTF????

Take a break.
Nor New Caledonia, where wasteful government built a bunch of useless roads to fight some obscure war against people with darker skin.

Why don't most new businesses start up in New Caledonia?

They do! GDP increased four fold in a ten year period a few years ago.

You should probably stick to topics you understand.

They do? Wow! They must have an awesomely big economy! How big is it, compared to say the borough of Queens, NY?
The inventors and builders of the first automobiles didn't build the roads and streets the cars were driven on. They were already built and maintained by government.

That coincides exactly with what Obama said.

Yes and Rome and Egypt and Greece had roads and bridges 2,000 years before Karl Marx was born but industry flourished in the USA and not in those other countries. That's not because of our "roads and bridges" it's because we used to embrace Free Enterprise and entrepreneurship. Unfortunately Democrats who run most of the government are economically to the left of both the ChiComs and Vietnamese Communists

Rome, Egypt, and Greece did not flourish? WTF????

Take a break.

English is not your first language, I understand.
In the 1920's roads and bridges were ubiquitous. Every country had roads and/or bridges and the vast majority of truly great civilizations had both roads and bridges.

Somehow, and just in the USA, roads and bridges were responsible for the development of the automobile.

Can someone switch on their Obama Context Filter and walk us through how roads and bridges in the USA were responsible for the development of the automobile?

Well, first the roads and bridges must have formed a union.

'Cause, like obviously, they couldn't build cars without unionizing, first.
Well, we could go back to the conservatopian ideal of privately owned toll roads, as it was to a great extent in colonial times.

Instead of paying a tiny percentage of your taxes to build and maintain public roads, you could pay a daily fee to some guy, or fees to several guys, to use their stretch of roads between where you were and where you wanted to get to,

and back. Think you'd be money ahead???
In the 1920's roads and bridges were ubiquitous. Every country had roads and/or bridges and the vast majority of truly great civilizations had both roads and bridges.

Somehow, and just in the USA, roads and bridges were responsible for the development of the automobile.

Can someone switch on their Obama Context Filter and walk us through how roads and bridges in the USA were responsible for the development of the automobile?

Yeah, fuck infrastructure!!!!!


The federal government didn't pave any municipal road - smaller governments did - your local government...

Of course most progressives have absolutely no idea why they pay property taxes and have no idea where the money goes and what purpose the money serves.
The federal government didn't pave any municipal road - smaller governments did - your local government...

Of course most progressives have absolutely no idea why they pay property taxes and have no idea where the money goes and what purpose the money serves.

Because most of them don't pay any tax.

It's all free!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKXKkgQf51A]"America" - West Side Story on Broadway - YouTube[/ame]
They do! GDP increased four fold in a ten year period a few years ago.

You should probably stick to topics you understand.

They do? Wow! They must have an awesomely big economy! How big is it, compared to say the borough of Queens, NY?

Per capita GDP in New Caledonia is higher than per capita GDP in Queens, NY.

New Caledonia is a rounding error compared to us. Michelle Obama will spend more on vacations in 4 years than the entire GDP of New Caledonia so a "four fold in a ten year period a few years ago" means somebody opened a new Quickee Mart
They do? Wow! They must have an awesomely big economy! How big is it, compared to say the borough of Queens, NY?

Per capita GDP in New Caledonia is higher than per capita GDP in Queens, NY.

New Caledonia is a rounding error compared to us.

But they are wealthier than Queens! And all those roads built with....

Government money! (our government,but whatever)

You might want to be more careful when you try to pull countries out of your ass, Frank. Bad choice.
The federal government didn't pave any municipal road - smaller governments did - your local government...

While you might be immune to this fact, here it is:

Most road work is financed by a 90/10 or 80/20 match from....
The federal government.

That is a total crock of shit......

That only occurs when you have criminals like FDR and Obama signing "New Deals" and "stimulus'" - then they throw the money to the states.

But what about the 60 years in between those criminals?

Why the fuck do you think when I use the interstate here in Illinois I have to pay a toll - but if I go to Wisconsin I don't???

Yeah because the state owns those roads and built those roads - not the federal government...

Why you think when I go to downtown Chicago I have to feed a parking meter but in the little town of Libertyville, IL I don't but another town over in Waukegan I do???

You know why? because the federal government DIDN'T help pay for those roads - that is why the municipality or state gets that revenue - not the federal government...
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The federal government didn't pave any municipal road - smaller governments did - your local government...

While you might be immune to this fact, here it is:

Most road work is financed by a 90/10 or 80/20 match from....
The federal government.

That is a total crock of shit......

Let's not let actual facts get in the way of a perfectly good rightwing rant, huh Nick?

But what about the 60 years in between those criminals?

It happened then, too.

Why the fuck do you think when I use the interstate here in Illinois I have to pay a toll - but if I go to Wisconsin I don't???

Yeah because the state owns those roads and built those roads - not the federal government...

Oh my! This is a whole new level of batshit crazy! THE states built the interstates?

WTF are you talking about?

By the way, the states get a 90/10 match on interstates.

Why you think when I go to downtown Chicago I have to feed a parking meter but in the little town of Libertyville, IL I don't but another town over in Waukegan I do???
Because I've been to Libertyville. I've dined in Libertyville. And I know damn well that if they charged a wooden nickel to park in downtown Libertyville, both residents would up and move. There's nothing making it worth the cost of parking.

Congrats, I thought I'd already read the dumbest post of the week. But you reached new heights!
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