Exactly WHAT do those evil shareholders do with evil corporate tax breaks?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.
I would have loved to been on that panel and asked these truly ignorant cliched democrats this question:
What do you think those evil rich shareholders do with those slimy evil corporate payments? Do they:
A) hide these evil corporate tax cut payments under their mattresses?
B) Bury them in the backyard?
C) Spend them on lavish yachts, buying lavish mansions, hiring servants, buying expensive cars?

Which one of the 3 choices would be good for the economy?
And one further note....
This Democrat spouting cliched dumb comments about "dividends" has obviously never paid FEDERAL INCOME taxes on dividends!
YUP... to the surprise of many anti-capitalists corporate evil hating dummies... I don't think they realize the Federal government will tax these dividends... and this is where
the concept of "double taxation" applies. See again these ignoramus democrats never seem to understand the concept of how a corporation pays INCOME taxes and
if there is money left over are by law required to spend some as "dividends" which again comes from AFTER tax profits and here is where double taxation comes in...
the dividends are taxed to the dividend recipients!
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.
I would have loved to been on that panel and asked these truly ignorant cliched democrats this question:
What do you think those evil rich shareholders do with those slimy evil corporate payments? Do they:
A) hide these evil corporate tax cut payments under their mattresses?
B) Bury them in the backyard?
C) Spend them on lavish yachts, buying lavish mansions, hiring servants, buying expensive cars?

Which one of the 3 choices would be good for the economy?
Normally it's called rollover....
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.
I would have loved to been on that panel and asked these truly ignorant cliched democrats this question:
What do you think those evil rich shareholders do with those slimy evil corporate payments? Do they:
A) hide these evil corporate tax cut payments under their mattresses?
B) Bury them in the backyard?
C) Spend them on lavish yachts, buying lavish mansions, hiring servants, buying expensive cars?

Which one of the 3 choices would be good for the economy?
Normally it's called rollover....

Again... you are typically showing your financial ignorance!

In the forex (FX) market, rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position. In most currency trades, a trader is required to take delivery of the currency two days after the transaction date. ... Traders who do not want to collect or pay interest should close out of their positions by 5pm ET.
What does rollover mean in the context of the forex market?

I believe you mean they "re-invest" dividends into more stock? Right?
OK... is that a problem to any one who has 401Ks made up with stocks that these "re-invested" dividends do i.e. up the price of the stock?
Again... Moonbeam... you are showing your lack of economic/financial acumen!
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.
I would have loved to been on that panel and asked these truly ignorant cliched democrats this question:
What do you think those evil rich shareholders do with those slimy evil corporate payments? Do they:
A) hide these evil corporate tax cut payments under their mattresses?
B) Bury them in the backyard?
C) Spend them on lavish yachts, buying lavish mansions, hiring servants, buying expensive cars?

Which one of the 3 choices would be good for the economy?
Normally it's called rollover....

Again... you are typically showing your financial ignorance!

In the forex (FX) market, rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position. In most currency trades, a trader is required to take delivery of the currency two days after the transaction date. ... Traders who do not want to collect or pay interest should close out of their positions by 5pm ET.
What does rollover mean in the context of the forex market?

I believe you mean they "re-invest" dividends into more stock? Right?
OK... is that a problem to any one who has 401Ks made up with stocks that these "re-invested" dividends do i.e. up the price of the stock?
Again... Moonbeam... you are showing your lack of economic/financial acumen!
You were speaking of people that own shares.. many shareholders rollover their profits to minimize taxes....We were not suggesting what traders do with stocks.....Now show us your ignorance by being a dick...
Normally shareholders don't have any influence what the board decides...The board is usually the blue chip shareholders and are not the same as a common stock holder.

Something your genius expertise never elaborated upon,,,Dickhead....
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.
I would have loved to been on that panel and asked these truly ignorant cliched democrats this question:
What do you think those evil rich shareholders do with those slimy evil corporate payments? Do they:
A) hide these evil corporate tax cut payments under their mattresses?
B) Bury them in the backyard?
C) Spend them on lavish yachts, buying lavish mansions, hiring servants, buying expensive cars?

Which one of the 3 choices would be good for the economy?
Normally it's called rollover....

Again... you are typically showing your financial ignorance!

In the forex (FX) market, rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position. In most currency trades, a trader is required to take delivery of the currency two days after the transaction date. ... Traders who do not want to collect or pay interest should close out of their positions by 5pm ET.
What does rollover mean in the context of the forex market?

I believe you mean they "re-invest" dividends into more stock? Right?
OK... is that a problem to any one who has 401Ks made up with stocks that these "re-invested" dividends do i.e. up the price of the stock?
Again... Moonbeam... you are showing your lack of economic/financial acumen!
You were speaking of people that own shares.. many shareholders rollover their profits to minimize taxes....We were not suggesting what traders do with stocks.....Now show us your ignorance by being a dick...

The reinvestment of money received from a maturing security in another similar security. Rollover usually applies toshort-term investments such as certificates of deposit, commercial paper, and Treasury bills. For example, investorsoften want a rollover of the proceeds from a maturing certificate of deposit into a new certificate of deposit. See alsoIRA rollover, pension rollover.
YOU used the term "rollover"! This is the exact meaning... doesn't mean roll over of dividends!

Now what you MEANT was
Roll Over
1. The act or practice of taking profits or other proceeds from investments and making other investments with them.It nearly always means that one is investing in more of the same security. For example, one may take dividends froma stock and buy more shares with it or may take coupon payments to buy more of the same bond issue. It is alsocalled reinvesting. Colloquially, rolling over refers to reinvesting proceeds from one retirement account in anotherretirement account without causing a taxable event.
BIG BIG difference... but once again you don't seem to be a stickler for details!
Roll Over as Moonbeam meant STILL means the dividends are NOT hidden in mattresses, or buried in the back yard.

And so then what is the problem MoonBeam, et.al. with "dividends"? With evil corporations?

So concerned about emotional responses and not enough dealing with reality...hence "moonbeam"!!!
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.

Do you have direct quote?...something tells me you are lying.
Just listening to another cliched Democrat saying that the corporations' tax cuts are being used by evil corporations just to pay evil rich shareholders.
I would have loved to been on that panel and asked these truly ignorant cliched democrats this question:
What do you think those evil rich shareholders do with those slimy evil corporate payments? Do they:
A) hide these evil corporate tax cut payments under their mattresses?
B) Bury them in the backyard?
C) Spend them on lavish yachts, buying lavish mansions, hiring servants, buying expensive cars?

Which one of the 3 choices would be good for the economy?
Normally it's called rollover....

Again... you are typically showing your financial ignorance!

In the forex (FX) market, rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position. In most currency trades, a trader is required to take delivery of the currency two days after the transaction date. ... Traders who do not want to collect or pay interest should close out of their positions by 5pm ET.
What does rollover mean in the context of the forex market?

I believe you mean they "re-invest" dividends into more stock? Right?
OK... is that a problem to any one who has 401Ks made up with stocks that these "re-invested" dividends do i.e. up the price of the stock?
Again... Moonbeam... you are showing your lack of economic/financial acumen!
You were speaking of people that own shares.. many shareholders rollover their profits to minimize taxes....We were not suggesting what traders do with stocks.....Now show us your ignorance by being a dick...

You were speaking of people that own shares.. many shareholders rollover their profits to minimize taxes....

If you mean dividends, you can't "rollover" dividends to avoid paying dividend taxes.
If you mean capital gains, you can't "rollover" capital gains on stock to avoid paying capital gains taxes.

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