An example of how a majority of Democrats are really dumb about taxes.

I support a true flat tax, which is paid in exchange for a vote on how it is spent. And by "true", I don't mean a flat percentage, I mean a flat number. For instance, $1000 per year and in return you get a say in how the government spends it via your vote. If you don't pay, you don't get a vote. No skin in the game, no say in how it's played.
and they dont tie up anything because theres a lot of other money out there and you can also create your own by earning it
The trend is exactly the wrong way as the rich get an ever larger share of the available wealth. The wealth of the richest Americans is about $35 trillion, as of the second quarter of 2019. The middle class—representing the 50th to 90th percentiles—holds roughly $36.9 trillion. At this rate, the 1% will own more than the entire middle class.
jus like a dem to steal a dead persons money,,,
Guilty as charged, I do like the living more than the dead.
as the OP states,, you dont understand taxs,, they are not meant to punish success,, but you being a fascist prick have no problem doing that,,,
They are not meant to punish success (something that is hard to do when the person is dead) they are meant to make the society work. Tying up wealth for generations is not good for society.
Wow. That really shows an ignorance of how the wealth was acquired in the first place.
To think making more and more people dependent on the government for their food, housing etc. it seems is your
objective. By applying your taxing inheritance at a higher rate to increase dependency on the government is a long term losing proposition.
I support a true flat tax, which is paid in exchange for a vote on how it is spent. And by "true", I don't mean a flat percentage, I mean a flat number. For instance, $1000 per year and in return you get a say in how the government spends it via your vote. If you don't pay, you don't get a vote. No skin in the game, no say in how it's played.
Oligarchy like in Russia?
and they dont tie up anything because theres a lot of other money out there and you can also create your own by earning it
The trend is exactly the wrong way as the rich get an ever larger share of the available wealth. The wealth of the richest Americans is about $35 trillion, as of the second quarter of 2019. The middle class—representing the 50th to 90th percentiles—holds roughly $36.9 trillion. At this rate, the 1% will own more than the entire middle class.
no such thing as available wealth,, its unlimited,,

and I guess you havent heard but taxs are no longer needed since congress can just print money when they need more,,
jus like a dem to steal a dead persons money,,,
Guilty as charged, I do like the living more than the dead.
as the OP states,, you dont understand taxs,, they are not meant to punish success,, but you being a fascist prick have no problem doing that,,,
They are not meant to punish success (something that is hard to do when the person is dead) they are meant to make the society work. Tying up wealth for generations is not good for society.
Wow. That really shows an ignorance of how the wealth was acquired in the first place.
To think making more and more people dependent on the government for their food, housing etc. it seems is your
objective. By applying your taxing inheritance at a higher rate to increase dependency on the government is a long term losing proposition.
If you're a Bazos or Gates, you earned your billions and I think you should keep and enjoy them. Your kids don't need billions to avoid government dependency. A few million should be more than enough to get them started.
Oligarchy like in Russia?
Are you contending that only the wealthy can afford $1000 per year? How utterly childish.
Why should people who pay nothing into the system have a vote in how the money is spent?

According to the Constitution (article 81), elections in Russia shall be general, direct, free, equal, and secret. Each Russian citizen who is eighteen years old is allowed to vote for one of the political parties registered for federal elections.
Nothing about an oligarchy there. Your silly buzz-word BS doesn't hold water.
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and they dont tie up anything because theres a lot of other money out there and you can also create your own by earning it
The trend is exactly the wrong way as the rich get an ever larger share of the available wealth. The wealth of the richest Americans is about $35 trillion, as of the second quarter of 2019. The middle class—representing the 50th to 90th percentiles—holds roughly $36.9 trillion. At this rate, the 1% will own more than the entire middle class.
no such thing as available wealth,, its unlimited,,

and I guess you havent heard but taxs are no longer needed since congress can just print money when they need more,,
And you say I don't understand taxes. You might want to study the 'free' market we have in this country too.
jus like a dem to steal a dead persons money,,,
Guilty as charged, I do like the living more than the dead.
as the OP states,, you dont understand taxs,, they are not meant to punish success,, but you being a fascist prick have no problem doing that,,,
They are not meant to punish success (something that is hard to do when the person is dead) they are meant to make the society work. Tying up wealth for generations is not good for society.
Wow. That really shows an ignorance of how the wealth was acquired in the first place.
To think making more and more people dependent on the government for their food, housing etc. it seems is your
objective. By applying your taxing inheritance at a higher rate to increase dependency on the government is a long term losing proposition.
If you're a Bazos or Gates, you earned your billions and I think you should keep and enjoy them. Your kids don't need billions to avoid government dependency. A few million should be more than enough to get them started.
other than a fascist prick, who are you to say what other peoples children should have???
and they dont tie up anything because theres a lot of other money out there and you can also create your own by earning it
The trend is exactly the wrong way as the rich get an ever larger share of the available wealth. The wealth of the richest Americans is about $35 trillion, as of the second quarter of 2019. The middle class—representing the 50th to 90th percentiles—holds roughly $36.9 trillion. At this rate, the 1% will own more than the entire middle class.
no such thing as available wealth,, its unlimited,,

and I guess you havent heard but taxs are no longer needed since congress can just print money when they need more,,
And you say I don't understand taxes. You might want to study the 'free' market we have in this country too.
we have a government ran capitalism and free market,,, to which are you talking about??
other than a fascist prick, who are you to say what other peoples children should have???
It's what I do as a member of society. They should have food, shelter, healthcare, an education, and ideally, parents and a family that will love them. Who are you to say what other people's children shouldn't have?
other than a fascist prick, who are you to say what other peoples children should have???
It's what I do as a member of society. They should have food, shelter, healthcare, an education, and ideally, parents and a family that will love them. Who are you to say what other people's children shouldn't have?
we arent talking about what you can do,, we are talking about the government working outside their authorization and taking money from me and giving it to others because you want them too,,,

and you like me can and do help others,, thats our duty not the governments,,,
How many times have you read/heard Democrats/progressives complain about how corporations are evil. That businesses only interest in profit. That they should be taxed more. Dummy Joe Biden will on Wednesday propose a tax strategy that would increase the U.S. corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%
Good example of how ignorant people are is this comment:
  • Former President Donald Trump’s signature tax law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, cut taxes for most Americans. Its benefits went mostly to the rich.

For you dummies out there:
Do you think that corporations took the tax cuts and :
1) Buried the extra money in the back yard or
2) did they hide it in their mattresses.
What do you think they did?
Well for one thing they brought back from offshore where THEY were not paying 28% taxes more than $1 trillion of overseas profits
So what did they do with that $1 trillion... bury it the back yard or hide it in their mattresses?
What do you think they did? OH yea... they paid the $1 trillion to corporate Execs.! Yea that's it.
OK did these execs bury it in the back yard or hide it in their mattresses?
The point is you idiots that don't understand how money buried in the backyard or hidden in the mattresses doesn't do anything...much less for those that buried or hidden the money!
So what happens?
I'd be happy to explain but you idiots probably haven't read down this far as it is with your 30 second attention span!
Some things that may have happened to that $1 trillion and the savings in corporate taxes.
A) Manufacturers built more factories, hired more people, bought more goods and services.
B) Companies invested in start-up companies taking greater risks because they had more money to risk!
All in all $1 trillion brought back was almost all re-invested and not as you dummies think buried in the back yard or hidden!

The fact is that the tax cuts have done nothing that Republicans have claimed it would. It was not used to raise wages. Companies have used it to pay dividends to the already rich, stock buybacks and mergers.

Also if the yaces were raised to 28%, it would still be less than the 35% it was originally. Republicans want to stick the average middle class votder with estra taxes. Businesses also benefit from better infrastructure. Why should they not pay at least part of the bill.

Raise taxes. Watch the wealthy get the loopholes while working Americans necessarily pay the burden.
How many times have you read/heard ...

Tell me again how lowering taxes raises revenues.
/——/ lower income tax increases disposable income that creates more spending, driving the economy, which in turn creates jobs and income and sales tax revenue —— for the ten millionth time. Geeeze you Progs are dense.
Please, that is such a laffer!

Cutting taxes on the rich only increases their income which they use to buy necessities like NFTs and pictures of billy the kid.

No new jobs
No new revenues

The middle class continues to shrink. Those in poverty continue to grow.
That's "trickle down."
How many times have you read/heard ...

Tell me again how lowering taxes raises revenues.
/——/ lower income tax increases disposable income that creates more spending, driving the economy, which in turn creates jobs and income and sales tax revenue —— for the ten millionth time. Geeeze you Progs are dense.
Please, that is such a laffer!

Cutting taxes on the rich only increases their income which they use to buy necessities like NFTs and pictures of billy the kid.

No new jobs
No new revenues

The middle class continues to shrink. Those in poverty continue to grow.
That's "trickle down."
/——/ Thank you for your class envy opinion. Although this does happen, there is no way you can prove that all rich, or even most do that with tax cuts.
How many times have you read/heard ...

Tell me again how lowering taxes raises revenues.
/——/ lower income tax increases disposable income that creates more spending, driving the economy, which in turn creates jobs and income and sales tax revenue —— for the ten millionth time. Geeeze you Progs are dense.
Please, that is such a laffer!

Cutting taxes on the rich only increases their income which they use to buy necessities like NFTs and pictures of billy the kid.

No new jobs
No new revenues

The middle class continues to shrink. Those in poverty continue to grow.
That's "trickle down."
/——/ Thank you for your class envy opinion. Although this does happen, there is no way you can prove that all rich, or even most do that with tax cuts.
You know what I can prove?

AIN'T NO POOR PEOPLE BUYING $500,000 NFTs with THEIR tax cut!

How many times have you read/heard ...

Tell me again how lowering taxes raises revenues.
/——/ lower income tax increases disposable income that creates more spending, driving the economy, which in turn creates jobs and income and sales tax revenue —— for the ten millionth time. Geeeze you Progs are dense.
Please, that is such a laffer!

Cutting taxes on the rich only increases their income which they use to buy necessities like NFTs and pictures of billy the kid.

No new jobs
No new revenues

The middle class continues to shrink. Those in poverty continue to grow.
That's "trickle down."
/——/ Thank you for your class envy opinion. Although this does happen, there is no way you can prove that all rich, or even most do that with tax cuts.
You know what I can prove?

AIN'T NO POOR PEOPLE BUYING $500,000 NFTs with THEIR tax cut!

/—-/ And no rich people buying Ripple and Crack. BTW what is NFTs?
How many times have you read/heard ...

Tell me again how lowering taxes raises revenues.
/——/ lower income tax increases disposable income that creates more spending, driving the economy, which in turn creates jobs and income and sales tax revenue —— for the ten millionth time. Geeeze you Progs are dense.
Please, that is such a laffer!

Cutting taxes on the rich only increases their income which they use to buy necessities like NFTs and pictures of billy the kid.

No new jobs
No new revenues

The middle class continues to shrink. Those in poverty continue to grow.
That's "trickle down."
/——/ Thank you for your class envy opinion. Although this does happen, there is no way you can prove that all rich, or even most do that with tax cuts.
You know what I can prove?

AIN'T NO POOR PEOPLE BUYING $500,000 NFTs with THEIR tax cut!

Then where is your proof? You are lying. Where is your proof?

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