Exactly who are “Trumps Base”, “Trumps Cult”, “Cult 45”, “Trumpers”?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
I've delighted you feel complimented.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?
they are just the same as the constitution hating democrat drones that only care about themselves and what they can get from the government,,,

freedom isnt one of their concerns,,,
Since when is saying whatever comes to mind regardless of consequences a positive attribute of a Chief Executive.

You mean like wetbacks, ghetto blacks, criminals and degenerates?
Wait...all of the aforementioned vote Democrat though?

Those are his words, not mine. Do try and keep up

Cool, I’m certain you can post the entire context in which those words were spoken...right?
You know, so you don’t look like just another LefTarded fool and all.

here you go...knock yourself out...

The Left and the media have a problem with "Trumpsters" as we don't fit into any specific categories.
I would say a lot are veterans. But not all veterans support Trump.
I would say many are middle Americans or people who are just sick and tired of the so-called elitists looking down at them, calling them deplorables or other such labels.
Many are blue-collar workers pleased because of the more money they have in their wallets.
There are also small business owners pleased with more business and the chances to expand.
And the most frustrating to the media are the millions who don't fit into any particular niche and keep their mouths closed as to their allegiances - until they reach the ballot box.
Bitter old geezers, white supremacists, gun nutters and church ladies. All of them with scores to settle.

You mean like wetbacks, ghetto blacks, criminals and degenerates?
Wait...all of the aforementioned vote Democrat though?

Those are his words, not mine. Do try and keep up

Cool, I’m certain you can post the entire context in which those words were spoken...right?
You know, so you don’t look like just another LefTarded fool and all.

here you go...knock yourself out...


Thought so
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.
The party of anifta speaks.
Personally I feel complimented when someone refers to me as such...So who are they?
Are these folks Nationlists?
Are they the new age Republicans who refuse to take LefTarded shit?
Who are they?
The Left really misses that easily bullied, easily controlled, PC programmed gracious Bible thumper so they have tried to label those hardcore Trump supporters with terms that were supposed to be insulting...The problem is their plan has backfired as most take great pride in being part of “The Base”, “The Cult”..etc.
Haha...the Left just keeps getting sent back to the drawing board...they can’t do anything right....So what’s next?

you may feel complimented by it but i assure you I mean it as an insult.

I absolutely consider his base to be rude, uncivilized, rotten, deplorable, despicable dirt bags who love to indulge in mockery and insults while demanding respect from everyone else.

you are the absolute worst of humanity and you are an insult to what America is meant to stand for.

I fart in your general direction.
you just described democrats,,,and republicans,,,

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