Examples of the Left inciting violence

I don't remember anyone voting for him, he paid a steep price for his actions and no one tried to defend those actions after they became known. Try again.
When have any of these people paid for anything they have said? You have politicians from Hillary to Pelosi to Maxine Waters, etc., who have tried to incite violence.

Democrats Inciting Violence - YouTube

Why is inciting violence only a one way street according to the media and Congress?

Moreover, what has Trump said that was remotely as inciteful of violence?

Narcissistic symbiosis refers to the developmental wounds that make the leader-follower relationship magnetically attractive. The leader, hungry for adulation to compensate for an inner lack of self-worth, projects grandiose omnipotence—while the followers, rendered needy by societal stress or developmental injury, yearn for a parental figure. When such wounded individuals are given positions of power, they arouse similar pathology in the population that creates a “lock and key” relationship.

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Perhaps there is no better example of the Left inciting violence than one Jesse Smollett. After all, even democrats admit the man made the whole story up about Trump supporters in MAGA hats trying to beat him up and is a running joke amongst the most Left wing comedians.

But what was done to Jesse? That's right, nothing and nothing ever will be done. For you see, his politics and skin color are such that he is bullet proof.

A Complete Timeline of the Jussie Smollett Story | GQ
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Conservatives clearly are as stupid as they are dishonest – these efforts to ‘justify’ or ‘excuse’ the Trump-incited attack on America’s democracy by violent rightists are truly reprehensible.
Continuing to call your political opponents
1. Stupid
2. Racist
3. Nazis
Is all inciting violence. Many believe insane loons like Maxine Waters who spout out that any Trump supporters is a White Supremacist Nazi, and people then react in kind as Maxine then tells them to get up in their face and fight them.

You should be on some sort of no fly list and Maxine, along with many other Congressmen and even Obama, should be at club Gitmo.
The Obama/Biden administration called these people "Freedom loving people" and "courageous"
The U.S Ambassador at the time even physically went to the protests and handed out cookies.
Notice that nobody is shot by cops.
Obama refused to utter the words Islamic terrorism his entire time in office, and continues to refuse to do so.

Why? Because he does not want loons attacking innocent Muslims to take out their anger on them

However, when Ferguson was burning after protests, he fed the notion that law enforcement was systemically racist. And when innocent white police officers all over the country were being assassinated afterwards in retribution, he continued to foster then notion that law enforcement is racist.

The blood of those police officers is on the hands of Obama, but he does not care and neither does the Swamp or the media.
View attachment 442148

Perhaps there is no better example of the Left inciting violence than one Jesse Smollett. After all, even democrats admit the man made the whole story up about Trump supporters in MAGA hats trying to beat him up and is a running joke amongst the most Left wing comedians.

But what was done to Jesse? That's right, nothing and nothing ever will be done. For you see, his politics and skin color are such that he is bullet proof.

A Complete Timeline of the Jussie Smollett Story | GQ
The old Johnny jumped off a bridge so I did too argument. My father use to pull out the belt when I used it. I quit using it at about 8 years old. I guess some people are late to the party.
I don't remember anyone voting for him, he paid a steep price for his actions and no one tried to defend those actions after they became known. Try again.
When have any of these people paid for anything they have said? You have politicians from Hillary to Pelosi to Maxine Waters, etc., who have tried to incite violence.

Democrats Inciting Violence - YouTube

Why is inciting violence only a one way street according to the media and Congress?

Moreover, what has Trump said that was remotely as inciteful of violence?
Jesse Smollett is not ‘the left’ – he’s a single individual representative of nothing and no one.
Nor did he drape himself in the president's name.

I don't remember anyone voting for him, he paid a steep price for his actions and no one tried to defend those actions after they became known. Try again.
When have any of these people paid for anything they have said? You have politicians from Hillary to Pelosi to Maxine Waters, etc., who have tried to incite violence.

Democrats Inciting Violence - YouTube

Why is inciting violence only a one way street according to the media and Congress?

Moreover, what has Trump said that was remotely as inciteful of violence?
Jesse Smollett is not ‘the left’ – he’s a single individual representative of nothing and no one.
Nor did he drape himself in the president's name.

Jessie Smollett is a felon. Who cost the taxpayers a massive amount of money.
I don't remember anyone voting for him, he paid a steep price for his actions and no one tried to defend those actions after they became known. Try again.
When have any of these people paid for anything they have said? You have politicians from Hillary to Pelosi to Maxine Waters, etc., who have tried to incite violence.

Democrats Inciting Violence - YouTube

Why is inciting violence only a one way street according to the media and Congress?

Moreover, what has Trump said that was remotely as inciteful of violence?
Jesse Smollett is not ‘the left’ – he’s a single individual representative of nothing and no one.
Nor did he drape himself in the president's name.

Jessie Smollett is a felon. Who cost the taxpayers a massive amount of money.
The stupid ones are those that believe something just because the MSM says so. That would be you and other Democrats. Gave you provide a quote of Trump inciting the violence on 1/6? Maybe you believe the partial quote where Trump said to “march” and “storm” the Capitol Hill LOL...Here is the exact quote delivered the morning of 1/6...”I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capitol to peacecully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Yeah, that was it. That incited the violence. You folks can’t be this duped, can you? Wait, I already know the answer to this question.

Well, yeah, obviously it did, because RIGHT AFTER THAT, they marched on the Capitol and looted it.

The man spent months riling up QAnon, the Proud Boys and every other group of nuts on the right wing, and the set them loose on the Capitol.

And now he's the only president to be IMPEACHED TWICE.
First, his name is Jussie, not Jesse.

Second, he didn't incite a mob. He came up with a story that almost no one believed from the get go.

No one died because Smollet lied.

No one prosecuted Morton Downey Jr., either, when he faked a hate crime.
150 days and $150,000.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Liberals screamed for Jesse justice! (check USMB threads)

Yesterday, when asked for comments by the judge ... Jussie was screaming he had no suicidal thoughts, he is innocent ...
and that if he ends up "Epsteined" in jail that it wouldn't be his choice.

He kept saying the same thing over and over.

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Yesterday, when asked for comments by the judge ... Jussie was screaming he had no suicidal thoughts, he is innocent ...
and that if he ends up "Epsteined" in jail that it wouldn't be his choice.

He kept saying the same thing over and over.

Which means that Tom Dart (the Corrupt guy who runs the jails in Cook County) is going to end up having to put guards on this guy 24/7 to make sure he isn't "Epstiened"

Because you know damned well if he commits suicide, absolutely no one is going to believe it.
Which means that Tom Dart (the Corrupt guy who runs the jails in Cook County) is going to end up having to put guards on this guy 24/7 to make sure he isn't "Epstiened"

Because you know damned well if he commits suicide, absolutely no one is going to believe it.

I couldn't care less what happens to the young man at this point.

The opportunities he had available to him were paid for with real blood, sweat and tears,
and he disgraced the memory of those who truly suffered.

I don't wish him ill but won't be broken up if he suffers.

I couldn't care less what happens to the young man at this point.

The opportunities he had available to him were paid for with real blood, sweat and tears,
and he disgraced the memory of those who truly suffered.

I don't wish him ill but won't be broken up if he suffers.

Here's the thing. I'm not a fan of the guy, personally.

But prison should be for people who are ACTUALLY DANGEROUS. This man is not a threat to others.

As for collecting a fine from him, we've spent 10 times that on this prosecution, jail time, and eventual appeals of a constitutionally questionable process to get him in the courtroom.

The thing is, we elected a person to decide who gets prosecuted, and her name was Kim Foxx. Foxx decided- rightfully- that what this clown did wasn't worth the additional resources to continue to go after him. He paid a fine and that was fine. She probably should have asked for a bigger fine, and an outright apology, but she didn't. Despite that, she was easily re-elected to her office despite a well-funded primary challenge.

Doing an end-run around her office should be darned scary to all of us. It takes the process out of the hands of we the people and puts it into the hands of unelected parties. Nobody voted for this ex-judge who instigated for this special prosecution, and no one voted for Dan Webb to lead one. Private criminal prosecutions should scare all of us.
Here's the thing. I'm not a fan of the guy, personally.

But prison should be for people who are ACTUALLY DANGEROUS. This man is not a threat to others.

As for collecting a fine from him, we've spent 10 times that on this prosecution, jail time, and eventual appeals of a constitutionally questionable process to get him in the courtroom.

The thing is, we elected a person to decide who gets prosecuted, and her name was Kim Foxx. Foxx decided- rightfully- that what this clown did wasn't worth the additional resources to continue to go after him. He paid a fine and that was fine. She probably should have asked for a bigger fine, and an outright apology, but she didn't. Despite that, she was easily re-elected to her office despite a well-funded primary challenge.

Doing an end-run around her office should be darned scary to all of us. It takes the process out of the hands of we the people and puts it into the hands of unelected parties. Nobody voted for this ex-judge who instigated for this special prosecution, and no one voted for Dan Webb to lead one. Private criminal prosecutions should scare all of us.

It was his choice, and he will bear the consequences whatever they may be.
There is nothing even mildly redeeming about what he chose to do.

I am not trying to simply discard your concerns,
but there is no need to pretend that it is anyone else's fault but his.

It's what I would say if I had done the same thing, and I am comfortable with that.

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It was his choice, and he will bear the consequences whatever they may be.
There is nothing even mildly redeeming about what he chose to do.

Nobody is defending what he did. We just have a problem with using sledgehammers to swat flies. You end up doing a lot more damage than you intended.

For example, let's take someone who might ACTUALLY be a victim of a hate crime. For whatever reason, the police don't believe him. Or they botch the investigation. Then they can use this kind of process to go after the victim.

I am not trying to simply discard your concerns,
but there is no need to pretend that it is anyone else's fault but his.

He is completely responsible for his foolish actions. Why did he do it? Maybe he's mentally ill. Maybe pretending to be other people for a living has distorted his view of reality.

Point was, he lost his job and became a national laughingstock. Good enough for m.

Turning the legal system on it's head to get a result you want, it's pretty much like letting the rich hire bounty hunters.


It's what I would say if I had done the same thing, and I am comfortable with that.

Not sure of the context here. You would be okay if someone use their wealth and position to prosecute you for a minor offense?

I know you are a gun person. So what if Geo. Soros used his legal means to prosecute you for inadvertantly violating one of those 20,000 gun laws on the books, even after a prosecutor decided it wasn't worth going after?
Nobody is defending what he did. We just have a problem with using sledgehammers to swat flies. You end up doing a lot more damage than you intended.

For example, let's take someone who might ACTUALLY be a victim of a hate crime. For whatever reason, the police don't believe him. Or they botch the investigation. Then they can use this kind of process to go after the victim.

He is completely responsible for his foolish actions. Why did he do it? Maybe he's mentally ill. Maybe pretending to be other people for a living has distorted his view of reality.

Point was, he lost his job and became a national laughingstock. Good enough for m.

Turning the legal system on it's head to get a result you want, it's pretty much like letting the rich hire bounty hunters.

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Not sure of the context here. You would be okay if someone use their wealth and position to prosecute you for a minor offense?

I know you are a gun person. So what if Geo. Soros used his legal means to prosecute you for inadvertantly violating one of those 20,000 gun laws on the books, even after a prosecutor decided it wasn't worth going after?

You are overthinking it Joe.
I am not going to be outraged if some dickweed from Hollywood completely screws the pooch and ends up in a jam.

Real people suffered real crimes and Jussie did more to throw mud on them than anything else.
If you want to squabble about how harsh he may suffer ... I don't care.

To directly answer your question in regard to firearms ... It's a bad analogy.
I go above and beyond, and pay the extra costs necessary to ensure I am never in violation of the those laws.
I don't think all the precautions I take, or costs I pay, are Constitutional or justified.

But I get the point you are trying to make.
There are things I don't worry about, and mainly because I accept responsibility for what I do.
In the real world ... There's not a lot of people in a position of power that has influence over me,
that have a problem with anything I do ... :auiqs.jpg:

I don't assume it is the same for everyone, but everyone should try to figure out how to get there.

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